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Complete Game Walk Through

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Thanks To Eidos Interactive For Another Blockbuster

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Levels 1 - 43 - Complete Game Guide

Training with Von Croy

The rules of this training mission are simple really. Stick close to Von Croy, but let him lead. Collect everything you see, which actually amounts to a few golden skulls, and let him trigger all the traps and pitfalls. Remember to try out all the new moves and tricks and don't worry about beating Von Croy in the race at the end, the level finishes the same way if you beat him or not. Oh and one last thing to remember, don't die as you must complete this training mission before you can progress into the real game. Okay, you should now be about ready to start the real adventure. Enjoy.


This level is almost an extension of the training mission as it lets you gently into the game. There are few enemies to kill and there is little to trouble you apart from one puzzle. Make sure you collect as much of the ammo and health as possible as you will certainly need it later on in the game. Okay, pick up all the handy packs of flares lying around and head over to the man with the torch. Follow him into the cave and collect the shotgun from the first pit you stumble into.

Continue down into the darkness of the caves letting the torchbearer light the way as you go. Scorpions will hamper your progress but a few well-placed bullets will see them off. Check any pits you see for ammo and kill the dog-like creature that attacks after the cut scene. Near the doorway at the bottom of the cave you can find two health packs. One is plain to see on a rock, the other is hidden up in a alcove on the right-hand wall. Once you have collected the health, head down the sloping corridor into the temple at the bottom.

As the torchbearer lights the way, a block will lower, allowing you to reach a hidden switch concealed in a hole in the wall. You can also find some health in the opposite hole. Kill the two scorpions that have been released and then head down the sloping tunnel. Your switch flicking has filled the room at the bottom with sand allowing you to cross the pit to collect both the health and the strange gold object from the pedestals beyond. Doing this will open the gate that the torch-bearer is standing next to, so head back up into the previous room. Follow the torchbearer into the next chamber.

Notice the slot that the eyepiece (the strange object you have just found is half of the eyepiece) fits into on your right. Ignore this for now and follow the torchbearer into the room at the bottom of the steps. Let him trigger the blade trap before running up the steps and collecting the second piece of the Eye of Thorns. Combine the two pieces and place them into the slot seen earlier. After the wall has opened follow the corridor and kill the two dogs. Run down the corridor and enter the main tomb. Admire the scenery and then follow the guide down to the left.

There is some ammo and health in the pits on either side of the entrance if you want them. Either way, follow the guide through the room with the lava moat and down the steps. When he turns left, you go right. Enter the water-filled room and you will see your so-called guide stuck behind a gate, take the door on the right and follow the corridor up to a tiled room. Pull the chain by the entrance and watch the short cut scene. Your exit is now blocked and the room becomes a puzzle.

To solve the puzzle you need to light the wall mounted torches in the correct order to open the gate at the far end of the room. You light the torches by jumping from one illuminated tile to the next. As you are looking at the room, imagine that the tiles, if linked up would make a slightly crooked letter S. You need to jump from tile to tile as if you are following the S backwards, from the bottom up. Do not touch the other tiles, do not jump in the wrong order and do not pass go.

If you do make a mistake you can reset the puzzle by pulling the chain in the corridor just out-side the entrance to this room. You will also find a shotgun here so it is worth a visit even if you don't mess up. Pick up the egg timer from behind the gate once it is open and exit through the next gate. You are now back in the main tomb. Head left and wait at the next gate for your guide. He will then open this gate for you before running off in fright. Forget him and head into the next room and collect the shotgun shells from the dais, then climb up to the statue and put the egg timer into it's hands. The following cut scene basically tells you where you need to go. Kill the scorpion and head back to the main tomb. Climb into the sphinx's head and crawl along into the next level.


This level holds plenty of traps and pitfalls and should get you used to solving a few of the more common problems. It starts with you in a small room, next a lever. Pull the lever and proceed to the now open gate. Slide down the slope and pick up the Hand of the Orion from the floor. Now quickly jump to the left to avoid the spikes that are about to appear out of the walls and the floor.

Slide down the next slope and collect the shotgun shells to open the gate. Continue down the corridor until you come to the hexagonal section. With a well timed jump you can make it past the spikes shooting out of the walls and the floor. Continue along the corridor until you see two large vases, shoot the left one to find some health. Avoid the next spike trap in the same way as you did the last.

At the bottom of the slope, use the hand of Orion in the star shaped slot. This may seem like a stupid thing to do as it starts a nasty looking, blade-welding device, but needs must and all that. You now need some good timing and a little bit of luck. Wait until one of the blade carrying arms has nearly reached you before doing a standing jump forwards, now do a standing jump to the left, then forwards and finally left again to safety. Follow the corridor into the main burial chamber. After the cut scene walk to the foot of the sarcophagus and collect the Amulet of Thorns.

Blood will start to pour out of the sarcophagus and along channels in the floor. Follow the channels to a room with a statue in the middle and three coffins on the walls. The coffins will all open as you enter the room, two of them revealing mummies and the other, a medi-pack. You should notice a blue and red square on the floor near one of the pools of blood. Push the statue on this and the back of one of the coffins will open to reveal a corridor, enter the corridor and follow it along to a cave.

Pop a flare and head into the gloom towards the distant light. Kill the two dogs that attack and continue towards the source of the light which you should now see is a doorway. To the left of the door is a set of crudely carved stone steps follow them up and head towards the light at the top of them. Climb the wall between the two statues and shoot the two urns at the top to find some ammo and health. Head into the next room to find the golden serpent on top of dais.

Once you have picked it up, the two previously lifeless bodies on the floor will rise and attack so get going, not the way you came, but up through the open gate on the wall. Slide down the slope and quickly run to the left using your sprint button, stick to the left wall to avoid the spikes and wait in the left corner for the room to fill with sand. Climb up and follow the tunnel back to the main cave. You now need to go back up the stone steps but this time turn to the left near the top and cross the wooden bridge.

Follow the steps up and kill the two dogs on the way. Turn left at the top and carefully drop down the hole. Walk to the end of the corridor and survey the room beyond. Climb down to the floor and head under the spikes to the blocks in the middle of the room. Climb the blocks and pull the lever at the top. Notice on the way up there is another star-shaped hole, you will be using that in a little while. Drop back down to the floor and head back towards the entrance to the room where another gate has opened. You can use the two blocks by the grate in the floor to reach a secret up in the wall, then continue into the new tunnel.

Climb the ladder at the end and pull the lever. This will rotate the main room 90 degrees. Head back to the main room and slide to the floor, climb down the first hole you come to and collect the Hand of Sirius. Follow the corridor and climb out at the end. Jump across the blocks and crawl under the spikes at the top. You should now be looking at a hole in the wall, just in front and below you. Jump over the top of it and walk carefully to the edge of the hole inside.

Climb down the ladder and pull the chain in the room at the bottom. This spins the main room back to its original position. Climb back to the main room, avoiding the two zombies who come to life and climb up to where you saw that star-shaped hole (Remember?).

Place the hand of Sirius in the hole and look to your right. The rope, which has appeared, will allow you to swing over to the hole at the end of the room. Collect the snake emblem and then follow the tunnel along, killing the three dogs that attack, until you drop back into the big cave. Now you have both emblems, you can enter the temple doorway (the door with the columns). But first go back up the stone steps to find a pit with another secret hidden in it. Once through the door, place the two emblems in their respective slot and avoid the mummy until the room has filled enough for you to climb out. Finally head out into the light.


Step into the daylight and get ready to shoot some bad guys about to attack from all sides. Each of them will drop something when they die, but one will drop a set of keys. Once you have the jeep keys, collect all of the remaining ammo and health, including the hidden stash in the small cave to the left of your start point.

Run to the jeep and get in, you now need to follow the other jeep as it speeds through the caves. It is a good idea to let the other jeep go on ahead rather than trying to keep up with it as the driver will be chucking grenades out at you if you get too close. Instead just follow the cave carefully, running over any bad guys who get in your way.

There are a couple of dodgy areas such as the bit where you have to drive up the ramp and over the pit, but if you take it slowly you should be all right. You can get out of the jeep at any time but there is nothing to be found. Don't be fooled by the small caves dotted about, they don't contain secrets, only alternative routes if you are on foot.


You stay in the jeep for this next level, which sees Lara driving across dangerous desert and through booby-trapped buildings. Once again it is better to take it slowly as it is hard to get lost but easy to be blown up. When you reach the buildings covered in scaffolding you need to get out and shoot the bad guys. A gate has slammed shut ahead of you so you need to find a lever to open it.

Explore the scaffolding well as there is a lot of ammo and health dotted around. To reach the lever you must climb to the top of the right-hand scaffolding and use the rope to swing across to the other side. Now jump up and hang on the lever to activate it. Climb back down, get back in the jeep and head through the now open gate. Drive up the slope, switching sides as needed to avoid the spike balls, and continue slowly through the next cave area, as there are lots of deep holes for you to drive into.

Head out through the hole onto the dunes. The fastest and safest way to cross the dunes is to stick to the right hand side all the way to the end, only turning left as needed. Be careful to avoid the holes and the men on the scaffolding, alternatively you can jump the holes like a madman and smash the scaffolding from under the enemy's feet and reverse over their flailing bodies until they are dead. Either way you will eventually reach a small cave, drive in to this to finish the level.


After appearing in the lovely cut scene Lara will arrive at the temple. Climb up over the rubble towards the giant Needle. Drop down into the courtyard and kill the two scorpions before collecting the health pack on the Needle's base. Now head through the middle doorway on the right. Climb up onto the first block and up again to find some ammo. Now you are stocked up, go back to the giant Needle and enter the doorway flanked by columns. Head through the gate and run up the slope.

Lara will look up to her right as you run. This is where you need to go. Climb up through the hole and jump over to the next platform, push the two buttons hidden in the holes to open the two gates behind you. Jump back over to the gates and collect both the shotgun and the health pack before collecting the first Canopic jar from the other pedestal.

With a couple more jumps you can reach some more ammo on the last platform. Now drop back down to the ground and dive into the water, swim straight down until you see a hole in the wall. Swim into the hole and follow the tunnel along. After a short while you will see an air hole above you, surface and climb out to find a secret stash of ammo. Once back in the water, continue through the tunnel and turn left at the end to find more ammo and some health. You can now swim back the way you came, climb out of the water and run out into the open. Turn to your left and climb up over the rubble.

Drop down on the other side and run into the ruins in front of you. Look around until you see a hole in the floor, drop into this and climb out at the other end. You are now in room with a wide set of steps leading down to a big pot flanked by two empty swimming pools (well that's what they look like). Use Lara's monkey climbing skills to shimmy across one of the pools and push the button above the block on the other side. Now drop onto the steps and run to the top to press another button in the doorway you just opened.

This will lower the pot at the bottom of the steps to reveal a hole leading to another room below. Drop into the room and you will land between the two statues. Run around the back of the left-hand statue and place the Canopic jar in the slot. Look behind you to the right and you should see a narrow hole in the wall, climb into this and crawl along until you emerge outside the temple. Head back to the Needle and re-enter the doorway flanked by columns. A new door has opened just inside, go through it and slide down the slope.


Climb out of the pit and run into the sunlight. Turn to the left and collect the ammo and health from between the pillars. Go back out and run to the other side of the area. Climb up into the hole. Explore the area beyond to find loads of ammo and health. Be sure to check the roof space for the majority of it. When you are stocked up, look for the only other way out of this room, a long, wide corridor. Run to the end and jump the pit from the bit of rock sticking out. It is a long jump but with a run up you can make it. Turn right once you reach the next room and then right again. Walk up the sloped room and turn left at the end. Finally, slide down the slope to move onto the next level.


Climb up out of the pit and head outside. Here you will encounter a large Lizard and a couple of Bats, so climb up onto a rock and take them out from relative safety. Head left and you should see another Lizard. Kill it until it is dead and follow the path around to the right, down into the water. Swim straight-ahead and climb out onto the beach. Kill all the Crocs and Lizards and run along the beach.

Head up the slope and around to the right, enter the stone doorway and kill the Bats inside. Run towards the torch and drop into the hole, walk to the edge of the ledge and face the giant bamboo cane. You now need to walk off of the edge, start sliding and then jump to the cane as you reach the bottom of the slope. Climb up the cane and turn your back to the other one as you near the top. Now press jump and you should land on the platform of the other cane. Climb to the top of this and backflip onto the ledge. Jump up into the hole and crawl along the tunnel, drop down on the other side and pull the chain to open the gate outside.

Head back to the bamboo canes, slide down them as far as you can and then drop into the water. Follow the tunnel to re-emerge in the lake outside. Opening the gate has released two more crocodiles so climb out onto the beach and blast them. Now swim through the open gate into the central structure. There is a hole at the bottom of the lake and stone slab covering another hole. The covered hole is the one you want to enter. To open it you need to find the lever that is underneath the stone block opposite the gate you have just swam through. Pull it and with your lungs full of air, swim down into the hole.

Pull open the door at the bottom and follow the narrow tunnel along, when you reach a T-junction, turn left and then right to find some much-needed air. Now swim back down and then immediately up. You should be in a room with a mirror on the wall, Look at the ceiling of the room in the mirror and you should see a hidden hole. Swim up to this hole and climb out. Follow the tunnel to find the second Canopic jar.

Return to the water and make your way back to the lake. Swim down through the second hole and follow the passage to finish the level.


The under water tunnel you are in brings you back to the Temple of Karnak. Find the two statues and put the second Canopic jar into it's hole at the back of the statue. Doing this will partially freeze the water in the next room so you can walk on it. Climb the steps behind the big statue on the other side of the water and head along the tunnel behind it. Climb up into the next room and walk to the edge of the hole.

Look down into the water and kill the two Crocs swimming about. Now dive in and collect the ammo lying around. Swim into the tunnel beneath the two pillars and push the button at the end. Now swim out and collect the Sun Goddess statue and the Hypostyle Key.

You now have to retrace your steps back to the two pipe smoking statues that froze the water earlier, through he narrow tunnel and out into the court-yard with the giant Needle. Be ready to kill some bad guys who will be waiting for you. Head to the Hypostyle hall to exit this level. If you can remember how to get there, look at the end of level 5.


Climb out of the pit and head into the sunlight. You will be attacked by a man wearing red and black and carrying a sword, shoot him and turn right. Climb through the hole and into the next room and kill the red and black ninja. Don't bother shooting these guys when they are twirling there swords in front of them as they deflect bullets. Wait until they go to attack before blasting them.

Exit this room in the same way as before and get ready for two more ninjas just before the big pit. Once they are dead, jump the pit using the spit of rock. Head into the far right corner of the next area to find a narrow tunnel. Climb into this and use the key in the lock at the end. Enter the next room and kill the three ninjas inside. Now climb up and use the monkey bars on the ceiling to reach the next room. There is quite a bit to pick up in this room but if you fall to the floor you will need to go back to the first room and start on the monkey bars again.

Your aim is to get through to the first hall using the bars and the platforms so you can reach a lever on the right hand wall. Now head back into the second hall and climb up to the next level. Cross the now closed bridge and shoot the brown rock off of the pillar. This will smash a hole in the floor. Climb carefully down to the floor and through the hole. Climb up the steps and run along the corridor, turn left into another room and you should see a pointed pillar with a chain next to it.

This room is the middle of three other rooms, each containing a lighting rod. You need to turn the lighting rods so they all face the spiked pillar. Head back out of this room and turn left and then left again. Climb up the ladder and enter the room beyond. You must now visit three rooms and turn the lighting rods in each room so they face the central pillar.

You can see where they are facing by looking down through the floor. Once they are all correctly lighted go back down and pull the chain to start them up and smash the pillar. On top of the pillar is a golden rock, which needs to be combined with the Sun Goddess statue. Now drop down into the hole beneath the entrance to one of the lighting rod rooms and run along to finish the level.


You emerge from the tunnel into an area of the sacred lake you may or may not have seen before, you can get here during your earlier visit but there is little here at that time. But now you have the sun Goddess and the golden stone combined, you can place the resulting statue in the middle of the island to open the three doors. The two doors to your left and right contain little else but a bit of ammo and health, it is the door directly in front of you that you need to enter.

Shoot the bats which attack and then climb up onto the sand stone block in the centre of the room. From here, jump up and grab onto the ceiling and swing along monkey style to the narrow gap at the end of the room. Crawl into the gap and run along to the end. You now have a choice of left or right, left is a dead end but does hold some Uzi ammo. Crawl along the corridor and then climb up to the next level, stop when you reach the huge gap. Take a running jump across and climb up the other side.

Drop down onto the platforms beyond and turn to your left, you need to jump over to the sloped block with a running jump. Once safely on top of the block, shoot the bats and drop carefully into the room beyond. Collect the Uzi ammo and flares from the small chamber before heading out into the day light. Run towards the doorway on the other side of the clearing and watch the following cut scene.


Shoot the two vases and slide down the slope, you can avoid the swarm of beetles at the bottom by hanging from the ceiling. Shimmy all the way along and drop into the next room. Slide down the bamboo pole to the room below and pick up the torch from next to the fire. Light the torch and drop into the next room. Check out all three holes situated at the edges of the room and then climb back up to the room above. A door will now be opened. Head through it and push open the hidden door to the left.

Run to the end of the tunnel and drop into the massive tunnel below. Behind you are some steps leading down to the ground, follow the left set but don't enter the main room yet, instead climb up the ladder to the right. Kill the two dogs from safety and then drop into the room. Run to the far end and stand in front of the three flames. When the right hand flames go out run to the hole and press the hidden switch, quickly jump back to avoid getting burnt. Now go to the middle hole, which is now safe, and press the hidden switch.

A block to the right of the flames has dropped to reveal another room. Enter the room and turn the corner to see six more flame holes, in the same way as before, you need to work your way through the hidden switches to raise the platform in the previous room and to open the exit from this one. To leave this room you need to monkey swing over the pit and head left. Once back out into the main room, climb up onto the wired-flamed platform and jump to the platform in the middle of the room. Avoid the flame and press the hidden switch. Drop back down to the floor and head down the slope.

Pick up the Rules of Senet and head all the way back to the huge chamber. Once back in the main chamber, examine the rules and then run to the other side of the room. Climb the ladder to the playing balcony. Re-read the rules again and then start playing. You choose which colour to move by jumping on the appropriate tile. The game is fairly simple, just move one piece at a time and you will get there in the end. When the platforms rise you need to climb down ladder and run to the end of the stairs.

Jump from platform to platform until you reach the far side and then follow either set of stairs down to the room below. Kill the two dogs and continue down. There are a few things hidden in the vases on the way but otherwise continue down to the hole in the floor. Drop down again and leg it along the beetle covered corridor. Climb the pole at the end and enter the next room. This room has three mirrors in it, each reflecting light onto the central block. Follow the corridor out of this room to a bamboo pole, climb it and enter the next room, which is the room above the mirror room.

You need to block the beams of light by moving the stone pieces onto the corresponding colour tile. When that is done, head back down to the mirror room and climb down into the hole in the floor. Follow the tunnel to the next level.


Drop down into the hole and slide down the slope. Run along the corridor, avoiding the blades when necessary. Slide into the next room and check out the map on the floor. Turn to the left and climb up into the hole, crawl into the crack on the right and emerge into the next room. This is a large room with a flame at the end. Pull on the gear wheel several times to raise a door at the end of the room, when it is fully raised you need to run and jump across the platforms to get through it before it closes.

The platforms have blade traps on them so speed is of the essence. Once through the door, jump to the raised platform and collect the Golden Vraeus from the pedestal. Now drop down and head back to the room with the floor map in. Place the Golden Vraeus into the centre of the gold triangle on the wall. This will activate a device above the map, which will in turn open one of the model pyramids. Collect the guardian key from inside and take it to the hole in the wall next to the trap door.

Once the door is open, drop into it and slide down into the corridor until you see a lever. Just as you reach it a large black beast will burst out a door. Quickly pull the lever and then run through the doorway the beast came out of. Follow the corridor along until you come to a dead end. In hole in the wall you will find a torch in hand, run back along the corridor and light it from the low set brazier on the wall. Run back to where you found the torch, avoiding the black beast, and light the two braziers to open the door.

Run along the tunnel to find a secret room full of goodie...oh and blade traps. Now run all the way back to the lever and look up at the ceiling. Use the monkey bars to travel the length of the room and then crawl up through the gap when you reach it. Crawl along the tunnel and drop into the room beyond. Here there are four flame spouts, each one needs to be examined twice.

When the beetles drop into the room it's time to go. Head back to the corridor with the beast in and drop to the floor. Stand in front of the door at the end of the corridor and as the bull beast charges, jump out of the way so it smashes the door open. Flee along the tunnel and head out into the next room. Here there are three buttons on three pillars.

You need to get the bull beast to charge into them to activate the two doors on either side of the single button. Head into the right hand door way first and explore the balcony for some health and ammo. Now drop back down and enter the left door. Climb the ladder to finish the level.


Pull the lever to open the carriage door and walk to the edge, jump across to the next carriage. Enter all of the rooms and collect the ammo and health inside the boxes. Kill the ninja and head out side. You must now travel across two open carriages and kill two ninjas with out falling to your death. Once this is done, head over to the next carriage. Jump over to the ladder and climb up to the roof. As you pass the sky light, a ninja will climb out, kill him and drop inside. Collect the health and head for the next carriage.

Do the same here but climb back onto the roof to get over to the open carriage from beyond. To get past the green tarpaulin you must drop of the side of the carriage and grab the edge, shimmy along until you can climb up again. Jump over to the final carriage and kill the ninja who appears. Drop off of the back and grab the ledge below, climb into the carriage. Collect the ammo and climb back out. Once back on the roof, take a few steps forwards and then drop of the right hand side. Grab the edge and shimmy along to the hole. Drop inside and collect the ammo and the crowbar.

Use the crowbar in the broken lever socket on the floor and kill the ninja who appears. Leave the carriage and jump into the next. Climb over the tarpaulin and kill the two ninjas. Enter the carriage and use the crowbar on the crates to find a secret room, which hides a cool grenade gun. Collect this and continue back along the carriages killing ninjas as and when you come to them.

Once back in the first carriage, use the crowbar on the lever socket to unhitch the carriages, leaving just the engine and the one you are in. Doing this finishes the level.


Head into the tunnel and kill the two scorpions skittering around in the darkness. Continue up the steps into the Town Square. Explore the square well, there are several alleyways hiding both ammo and enemies. Enter the main building and you meet up with an old friend, listen to what he has to say before collecting the ammo from the table and heading out onto the balcony. Turn left and shoot the two guards.

Jump over to where they were and from there over to the orange tiled roof. Shimmy around the corner and drop down onto the lever. Drop to the floor and enter the house to find a secret stash of ammo. Leave the house, turn right and then right again and explore the alleys to finish the level.


Follow then steps down and head out into the street. Turn right and enter the Egyptian adventure, which is a fun house of sorts, only not much fun. When exploring the fun house, keep turning left until you enter a big room with a mirror on the wall. Look in the mirror and you will see that the floor looks differently than it actually does.

There are spike traps on the floor but by using the mirror you can get across the room and get the crossbow. Combine this with the laser sights you got in Alexandria and you have yourself a tasty little weapon. Further into the Egyptian adventure you will find a shooting gallery with a difference. For a start you are trapped in the room, standing on a platform which drops if you don't shoot all of the targets in time. Spikes await underneath so you need to get shooting.

Your best bet is to equip the explosive arrows, one shot will do the trip and deactivate the spikes. Drop to the floor and collect the token, which drops to the floor. Now climb out and head back towards the mirror room. Go into the next room and along and use the token on the machine. Climb the resulting rope and collect the broom handle and the hook out of the wall. Combine them and climb back down. You can now use the hook and pole to get the keys out of the gage near the entrance of the Egyptian adventure. You can now leave the fun house and turn right. You are now back in the street. Enter the right hand doorway and follow the steps down. Jump over the water and climb into the narrow hole.

Climb up the other side and run along the corridor to the cliffs. You can explore the water if you wish but there is little to be found within. Instead, head up to the top of the cliff and enter the battlements. Kill the two skeletons that attack using your explosive bow. Climb up to where they come from and use the gate key on the gate. Run along the corridor to finish the level.


Run along the corridor and enter the rubble-strewn room. Turn right and head into the next room. Push the huge button at the top of the two steps and then run back to the entrance of the level. Go back to the coastal ruins level and then climb down into the pit beneath the hanging boulder.

Run down the steps and pick up the torch, light it using the brazier and light the rope holding the boulder. Stand out of the way as it crashes down to reveal a hole. Climb into the hole and use the crowbar on the gate. Head along the corridor and enter the room at the end. Now grab hold of the pillar and drag it onto the brown floor tile. Head back out and re-enter the catacombs.

Now head into the room with the big button, push the strange shaped block/pillar out into the corridor and into the rubble-strewn room. Push it as far as it will go in a straight line. When you reach the end of the path a ghost-like thing will shoot out of the block and a door will open. Head through the doorway and drop into the next room. Being careful not to fall down the hole, head right into the next room.

This will reunite the ghost with it's grave and stop it from attacking you. Head back to the room with the hole and climb down the bamboo pole into it. Run along the corridor and pull the lever at the end to reveal a huge room. It is a very good idea to save right about now. You need to take a running jump over to the rope, then get yourself swinging and jump to the next rope. From here you need to swing to the platform at the end of the room. Once safely on the platform, walk to the hole at the back and climb down to the white stairs below.

Head down the stairs into a large room. Run to your right and climb up into the hole in the wall. Head up the steps and at the top shoot the pots to find some ammo. Drop into the hole and slide down to the water. Climb out of the water using the steps near you.

Once at the top, jump over to the ledge sticking out of the wall and from there over to the lever. Pull the lever to create another ledge and then jump over to it. Continue across the ledges until you reach one with a pot on it. Jump and grab the ceiling, then monkey swing across the room to another lever. Pull the lever and drop into the water. The ghost can be gotten rid of by swimming into one of the side rooms where it will enter the sunken grave. Swim back to the steps and climb out of the water.

At the top of the steps, kill the skeletons and then jump to the middle platform. Jump to the next platform and then to the left hand block at the end of the room. Jump into the next block and then over to the archway. Hop into the narrow alcove on the other end and then shimmy all the way around the corner until you can drop onto the ledge. Follow the corridor along into a very high room.

You now need to jump over to the rope and swing to the platform to the right of the middle, in fact this is the safer option. Collect the Trident and explore the rest of the platforms. Be careful not to fall and be aware of more skeletons. In one of the corners of the room you will find a ladder, climb to the top, kill the skeleton and collect a second Trident. Climb the pole in the middle of the room right to the top and then back flip off. Follow the tunnel along and you emerge back at the very start of the level.

Kill the skeleton and slide down the pole. Once at the bottom, walk to the edge of the ledge and turn to your right. Jump across to the ladder and climb down. Run to the far end of the room but stop as you approach the water. To your right should be a ladder up to the hole. Climb up and follow the steps down. At the bottom take the first left, run forwards for a while and then turn the right corner.

About halfway along the right hand wall is a doorway leading to climbable wall. Once at the top head forward, jumping from walkway to walkway until you reach a ladder at the end of the room. Climb up the ladder and collect Trident number three from the alcove to your right. Now head back across the room using this higher set of sand covered walkways. Use the rope at the end to swing across and then jump over into the hole in the side of the huge column.

Climb up the inside of the column using the collection of ladders and poles, then collect Trident number four. Continue climbing before the skeletons come to life. Run along the corridor to re-enter the coastal ruins. Use the crowbar on the two gates and run out into the open. You should know where you are so head back to the catacombs. Eventually you will be back at the start of the catacombs.

Slide down the pole as before and then jump to the ladder as before. Climb to the bottom and run to the end of the room. Head up the white steps to enter the Temple of Poseidon, finally.


Follow the steps up and at the top, climb down the hole. At the bottom you are faced with five options. A large door to the left, a large door to the right, a small door straight ahead and a very small door behind you, as well as a very long drop into the unknown. At this point you need to head through the small door straight ahead. Follow the corridor along, into a room with many red ands black pillars. At the end of this room is a pole. Climb the pole and jump off at the top.

Run to the end of the room and jump over to the statue on the small island. Use the Trident on the statue to make it into a switch. Climb back down the pole to find that there is now a river at the bottom. Swim back to the start room (the one with the long drop) and take the other small doorway. Follow the tunnel along into the room with an empty pool in. Head past this, onto the next room.

Drop into the central gutter and crawl into the hole beneath the giant face. Climb out at the other end and run to the second statue. Use the Trident as before and then head back. You can stop of in the room next door if you wish as there are some goodies hidden in the pots. Be careful of the black tiles as flames shoot out if you get to close.

Head back to the deep hole and head into either one or the wider doors. Run to the far end of the room and have a look around. If you see a black circle underneath a hole in the wall you need to: jump over the circle and climb up into the hole, crawl through and use the Trident on the statue.

If however you see a climbable wall you need to: climb to the top and use the Trident on the statue. Once both of the statues have been turned you must head back to the hole and jump in. Fear not, the hole is now half full of water, so you won't end up as a splat on the floor. Swim along the submerged tunnel, climb out at the end and sprint past the skeletons.

Run into the next room and shoot the big vases. Doing this will take care of the ghosts. Now walk into the coffin chamber and open the middle coffin. Inside you will find the left gauntlet, doing this will also open two doors, run into either one and then climb up into the crevice. Once through to the other side, follow the corridor to finish the level.


You start this level in a small corridor, run to the end and crawl through the small gap. Drop into the corridor and run to the large room beyond. You are now facing a blue door flanked by two large vases. There are three blue doors on either side of the room, you first need to enter the second door on the left. Run to the end of the hall and jump over to the pole. Slide straight down to the bottom, you will be hit by the blades but you will only sustain a little damage.

If you are desperate for health you can find some in the vases you see as you slide. Once at the bottom, run along the corridor and climb the pole at the end. You may take a little more damage from this blade but luckily there is only one. Jump off of the pole and head out into the room beyond. A golden knight will charge at you from behind a pillar so get your pistols out and blast him.

To kill these guys you need to hit their blue gem hearts, so only attack from the front. Once he is dead, walk to the left side of the left pillar and climb the ladder. Enter the doorway at the top and slide down the pole. Run into the next room and kill the two golden knights inside, notice the diamond shaped slot next to glass door, you will be using that in a minute. Head into the room to the left and climb down the hole in the floor. Crawl through the gap and walk into the next room.

There is another golden knight here but this time he is on a horse. The best way to kill this knight is to use the sniper-crossbow to hit his gem heart as he charges at you. Four or five direct hits should do the trick. When he dies, you will find his gem is left behind on the floor. Now re-trace your steps back up to the hole and the glass door you saw earlier, place the gem in the slot and enter the room that is now open. Pull the chain once. Continue to re-trace your steps back to where you climbed the pillar. Climb back down and, if you didn't earlier, collect the star from the middle pillar.

Now enter the right-hand doorway and make your way past the chains to a room with a giant cog and trapdoor in the floor. Open the trapdoor and drop through, swim along the tunnel until you see the door you opened by pulling the chain. Swim through and collect two more stars.

You now need to re-trace your steps back to the start of the level. Once back safely, open the door nearest the giant vase on the opposite side of the room. Run along the corridor and enter the impressive looking room at the end. Place the three stars in the three slots and pull all of the planets out into the room, you need to place these on the black circles on the floor.

The correct positions are:- Blue in the centre, Grey on the next ring out, then Green, Brown, and finally Gold on the final ring. Upon doing this, electricity will buzz around the room and a door will open. Follow the corridor, shooting both vases on the way, and enter the next room. The idea here is to light all of the statues at once by pulling the attached switches in the correct order. Push down the first statue you come to, then walking clock wise, continue to push down all serpant levers, mathimatically this works. When you do, a block will rise in the middle of the room and a fire spirit will start chasing you.

Dodge it as best you can and climb up the blocks to the corridor above. If you are hit and set ablaze you can douse yourself in the pool at the top. Head into the next room and follow the corridor until you emerge out onto the balcony of the start room. Turn to the right and open the next door you come to. Drop into the hole and slide down and out of the monkey's mouth.

Quickly get out of the channel you are in to avoid the boulder and then run up the slope it rolled down. Jump over to the lever and grab it. Climb the blocks that have risen in the middle of the room and then jump over to the ledge. Climb into the hole in the wall and jump from the other end over to the monkey's nose. Pull the rope and slide backwards down the monkey's nose until you are hanging from the end. Drop and grab its bottom lip, then crawl into its mouth.

Climb up the pole inside and walk up to the door directly ahead. This will open, allowing you to enter the room and collect the Pharos Pillar and open the trapdoor. Leave the room by the way you entered and head through the other gate at the top of the pole. Turn left into a room with two pedestals and two grates in the floor. Stand on both grates to light both pedestals and then pick up the torch on the floor and light it. Exit this room and continue along the corridor.

Throw the torch onto the wooden floor and stand back while it burns away. Drop through the resulting hole and collect the music scroll from the floor. Climb up into the hole and open the blue doors. You are back in the main room. You now need to re-trace your steps back through the planet room, back past the serpent room, up the blocks and through the empty scroll rooms until you emerge on the balcony. Enter the adjacent room and walk up the harp. Lara will play the harp and a secret door will open. Follow the tunnel and pull the chain to open the big, blue doors. Jump down and run through to exit the level.


Run along the corridor and down the steps into the large hall. Run into the doorway on your right and head up the steps. Collect the Pharos Knot at the top and then drop down to the floor. Head into the opposite doorway and run up the stairs.

Watch the following cut scene and then blast the three goons Von Croy sends after you. When they are dead, run back up to where you read the scroll and grab hold of the lantern. You will see scrape marks on the floor where it has been dragged along. Drag it in front of the slope and the door will open. Follow the corridor and drop down the hole to finish this very short level.


Climb out of the water and collect the health and ammo dotted around. Climb up onto the platform and jump up onto the ladder inside the hole. Climb up and when at the top, run out into the daylight and head for the water. Dive in and start swimming out into the bay.

On your right you should see an underwater tunnel, swim into this and follow it along. When you reach the small cave, turn left and swim into the next tunnel. Swim along to leave this level.


Swim into the large cave and head up to the ceiling to find some much needed air. Take a quick gulp and then dive to avoid the hungry Hammer-head shark which will attack. Swim down to the front of the submerged temple and swim into the left hole at the front.

Place the pillar into the slot and then leave. Swim to the next hole and place knot in the second slot. Back out in the cave, swim down and under the partially open door at the bottom. Walk up the steps into a large room with a ram each side. Walk up a little way and blast the skeleton off of the edge.

Drop down the hole into some more water. Swim down into the next room and open the three green doors you find. Grab some air and then go through the right door. Shoot the Pharaoh bird with the crossbow and sight. Smash the four ornate chests for some ammo and health and then head to your right up the steps. Enter the room containing the big statue.

There is a ledge to the right of this room, climb up and use the crowbar on the Beetle wedged into the wall. Beetles will cascade out of the resulting hole, so quickly drop down to the floor and climb up the other ledge. Collect the second Beetle and yet more live beetles will appear. Getting these two objects made two ledges appear in the middle of the room. Climb up both of the blocks in turn and press the two blocks at the top. Now drop down into the hole in front of the statue.

This room has some high ledges at the back and to get to them you need to use the last sloping block. Climb up onto the lowest side of this block and quickly press jump to backflip onto the ledge. Get the winding key from the pedestal and then push the panel to the left. This opens up the stone door that silently closed behind you when you entered the room with the tall statue.

Leave this section and return to where you shot the Pharaoh bird. Go up the step that are now to your left and enter the next room, turning left and shooting the chests for some ammo and health. Kill the skeleton and enter the next room. The next room contains a black pyramid that you can use one of your beetles on to activate a door. Look for a area sloping down into some purple water and slide down.

At the bottom are two more beetles to collect, but first you need to get out of the water (or gasoline) before the two flames ignite it. Hopefully you will make it out of the water before you are set alight, if not, you can douse yourself by ducking in an area that is not alight. Collect the two beetles and then leave the room by jumping over to the slope, which is now a set of steps. Place the unbroken beetle into the pyramid and look for another slope leading down to gasoline.

Handle this room in the same way as the last and collect the beetle. Place it into the pyramid and repeat this process in the third and final room of this area. Head back to the start room and go up the final set of steps to enter the Cleopatra's Palaces level. This doesn't end the previous level but you do need to get the last scarab beetle from in here.

Head over to the smaller of the two doorways on the other side of the room and make your way inside the temple. Head up the slope, right to the top and then drop into the hole. Go left quickly and climb up onto the step, jump over the burning liquid and use the crowbar on the final beetle. Save your game right here as it can be quite difficult making the next set of jumps.

Walk to the ledge your now standing on till you get to the edge of the ledge. Now move Lara a sideways a little bit, so she faces left. Now do a standard jump to make it to the other ledge. The problem with this section is that if you are not facing just right, Lara will bump her head on the wall above and fall into the flames. Sidestep up to this ledge and then do a sideways jump getting as close to the left part of the ledge as possible before falling into the flames.

You should not catch on fire at all in this section if you do the jump correctly and now you can jump and grab the ledge. Leave this level and head back to the Pyramid room. Place the final beetle into its slot and collect the Mechanical Scarab from the centre of the pyramid. Combine the Mechanical Scarab with the Winding Key you got earlier and head back once more to Cleopatra's Palaces.


Go past the fountain and enter the bigger of the two doors at the back of the room. Head right and shoot the chest to get a large medi-pack. Follow the path until you reach a corridor with a beetle marking on the floor and some suspicious looking holes in the floor.

Use the mechanical beetle here and it will activate the spikes that are ahead. The spikes will stab upward three times each as the mechanical beetle crosses over them, so run with the beetle staying one step behind it. Pick up the beetle once you are safely past the spikes and head into the next room. Go to the hole in the north wall and dodge past the swinging blades. Open the casket to find the right Gauntlet. Blast the skeleton and then leave this room.

Go to the back of the hall here and turn right, use the mechanical beetle to get across the next set of spikes. Pick up the beetle and go up the steps, take your first right into a room and dodge past the blades. Open the casket to find some ammo and then head out of the room before the skeleton can get you. Head left and go up the steps, then go right down another set of steps into a larger room. At the back of this room is another large casket for you to reach into.

Get the small medi-pack and then turn around and kill the Pharaoh bird and skeleton who attack. Look around and you will see a lever high up on the wall. Jump up to it and grab it to open the doors. Climb up onto the block which has also been activated and jump over to the crack in the wall, shimmy along and climb up when you are able. Enter the next room and dodge the blades, open the casket and collect the Right Greave from inside.

A skeleton will appear as soon as you do this, so head back past the blades and then through the doors you opened. You should now see a door that was not open before. Enter here and shoot the two chests to get a large medi-pack and some crossbow ammo. In the casket to the right is a Pharohs Knot. Head out of this room and take a left, follow the corridor east and go down the corridor behind the steps in the next room. Head up the semicircular steps and place the knot in the hole in the wall.

Now enter the room that opens up to. Hop up onto the small ledge in the middle of the room and grab the small medi-pack. A bronze copy of Lara will appear on the other platform and gold spirals will surround each platform. The spiral will not hurt you, so jump down from the small ledge. A block will have risen on the other side of the room, use this to climb up to the ledge.

Use the monkey bars to swing to the other side and pull yourself up onto the ledge above. Shoot the Pharaoh bird so it can't attack the vulnerable bronze Lara, if you let it attack the bronze Lara, you will lose energy. When you reach the highest platform, look to the left and right to see two switches that need to be pulled. After jumping to each one and pulling it you will need to drop to the floor and climb up again so make sure that your health is full.

The two doors on the right and left sides of the room are now open. Head over to the right door first and kill the skeleton inside, activate the hidden switch to get the Ornate Handle before heading over to the other door. Do the same in here to get the Hathor Effigy. Combine these two items to get the Portal Guardian. Place the Portal Guardian on top of the pole beside the other door.

Go down the stairs beyond and watch the following cut-scene. Two Amazon Guardians come out of two hidden doors and attack. Use your most powerful weapons to take out the first guardian and the other will freeze. Enter the two doors behind the guardians to find the Left Greave and the Breast Plate. Head towards the steps where Lara sat on the chair in the cut-scene and choose a hole, any hole, to drop into. Doing this will finish the level.


Shoot the two men on the roof and on the ledge and then climb up to the ledge to get the awesome Revolver that he dropped. Now get onto the motorbike and follow the road, run the next guy over and climb off. Collect his ammo and then run up to the left, past the ramp and the fenced off area.

Shoot the guard here and pick up his shotgun shells. Back on the bike, ride around and past the machine gun until you reach a small ledge. Climb up the ledge, trying to get shot as little as possible. Pull the dead body off of the gate and collect the health inside. Get back on the bike and head left and left again. Jump off of the bike and climb up to the grey ledge . Crawl through the hole and drop down into the area beyond, pull the switch to open the gate that the dead body was on.

Climb the ledge and go up to the room with the dead body. You can now jump to the ledge and pull yourself up. Run back to the end of the dark hall and a birds-eye camera will show you a grate above you. Pull the switch to open the door above the grate. Now head back to your bike and climb on. Head forwards until you reach a small yet steep hill. Make sure you are at full speed and smash through the barricade at the top. Bump down through the rocky area and you will find yourself in a dark section.

Ride up this section and follow it around until you crash into a wall and hopefully through it. Get off the bike at the next left and get the small medi-pack from the floor. Climb the small ledge and drop into the water-filled hole. Climb out of the water and follow the hall up and to your first right, into another dark room with three bats in. Shoot the bats and head right, falling down the sloped area to a room with a dead body to the right of you. There are some pink steps ahead and beyond the steps is a water pit with a switch on the other side. Look for the crack in the wall and shimmy along it until you can climb up into the hole.

Turn around and look across at the swinging blue ball. Combine your laser sight with the revolver and snipe the blue ball to release a ghost. Now run up the stairs and drop into the water. There is a strong current here that will sweep you along to a hole. Surface here and drop off the big ledge. Back in the room where the dead body is, the water is frozen and you can cross the area to the switch. Activate the switch and a door opens, enter the doorway and follow it to a blue door.

Open it with your crowbar and collect the medi-pack from inside. Turn around and take your first left, vault up the two tall ledges and go right at the top. Use crouch to get through the gap and then turn around. Drop backwards and grab the ledge, then shimmy right to another alcove and pull yourself up. Turn around and line yourself up with the lever on the wall next to the gate, jump over to the lever and grab it to activate it and open the gate. Kill the man who appears and then head back to where you left the motorbike. Head out of the rocky area on the bike, breaking through a wall to do so.

Drive through the gates and drop into the ravine on the other side, head up the stairs and hit the ramp at the top at full speed. Follow the path to the right and get off the bike when you see a steeper slope going left. Run back to the right here and jump the small ledge and activate the switch. The switch activates a platform. Now head up the steep slope and your back at the main stairway.

Skip the ramp and drop through the hole in the corner of the room. Now head back to the grate that the first dead guy was laying on and jump up to the hole above it. Crawl into the hole and follow the tunnel along. Pull the lever at the end of the hallway and return to your bike. Drive all the way back to the area with the stairs and drive about halfway up. Climb off of your bike and jump over to the alcove on the right, follow the corridor along and stop at the end overlooking the street below.

Do a running jump over to the other side and climb up. Run through the open door in the corner. At the end of the corridor you should see those nasty, automated guns and a barrel of gas. Shoot the gas to destroy the guns. Walk to the edge of the ledge and jump over to the ledge on the opposite side of the street.

Shimmy along the roof edge to the left and climb up when you are able. Follow the rooftop until you see a lever, pull it and head back to your bike. Now drive to the room where you first moved the dead body and drive through the gate opposite, which is now open.


From the start point, head off on your bike and take a right at the first junction. Keep your foot down as you go around the next left. Take another hard left, then speed over the left-hand side of the ravine. Once over the ravine, the road heads left and you will come to a large stone step. Jump off of your bike and climb up the step. At the top, turn to the north and look up at the building.

You should see an opening. Jump up and grab the ledge, then run and crawl through the tunnel beyond. At the end, you will find some hidden ammo and weapons, so pick up all you need. Now head inside the building through the opening on the south wall, to the left of the step where you parked the bike, and go into the large central room. In the left-hand corner, you can find a grenade gun.

Now head back outside to your bike and get on, drive it back down the ramp and park it next to the hole in the wall of the building directly opposite the ramp. Go inside the building and run straight through to the other side. Once back out on the main street, head west and follow the path to the left. Here you will find a massive Egyptian guardian, you need to stay away from him as much as possible. He attacks by sending out shock waves that will kill you very quickly.

Run into the building with the guard on your tail and head into the room to the south. Here you will see two blocks that you can climb, on either side of a small opening in the wall. Climb up onto the left-hand block, and do a running jump to the ledge above the archway on the wall behind you. From here, walk out on the concrete ledge and face the left wall. Do a running jump and grab the ledge. Shimmy to the right until you can stand up and then turn around and do a standing jump to the textured wall.

Shimmy around the wall to the next ledge and from here, run across the ledge and into the corridor. At the end of the corridor, jump, grab, and pull yourself up then run out onto the roof and push the lever you find there. This will seal all entrances and exits in the building, trapping the hapless guard firmly inside. Beware, the doors will only stay closed for a short time, so you need to get your skates on. Go to the other edge of the roof and look for the angled section of roof.

To the right of this is a ledge. Do a running jump to the ledge and then walk onto the angled roof. Turn to the east and line Lara up with the dangling rope. Do a standing jump and a grab the rope, then position Lara so that she is facing the large opening in the south wall. Get swinging and jump when you have enough momentum. As soon as you land, run past the guard and drop down the hole in the floor.

You should land facing the ramp that you drove the motorbike down when you first entered the level. Jump onto your bike and race as fast as you can over the ravine and back to the step that you parked the bike on earlier.

Get off of your bike, go over the step and run to the big wooden wheel. At this point, you will not have much time, if any, before the doors open and the guardian is released. Pull the wheel three times to open the gate next to it, then quickly climb into the opening and up the ladder at the back, to exit the chambers of Tulun.


Begin the level by dropping to the floor below the one you are standing on. Walk up to the man lying prone on the floor and watch the cut-scene as Azziz tells Lara about the great beast. Afterwards, continue forward until another cut scene kicks in. After listening to the beast announce his presence, run past him towards the south. Head quickly around the next few corners until you come to an area that is illuminated with a blue light. Climb the step on the left wall and then look for a block on the north wall.

Climb over it and you will immediately be shown a cut-scene of the area below before being dropped into it. Go to the north wall and pull the middle lever. Then go to the southwest corner of the room and jump up on the ledge above. Pull the lever up here, then drop back down to the three levers below. This time, pull the left lever and the casket closest to you will move aside, exposing a hole. Finally, pull on the right lever and the next casket will move aside, exposing it's hole.

Drop down the hole that is farthest from you. In the corridor below, you will find a lever socket but no lever. Use the crowbar instead and a door will open up, below the hole in front of the other casket. Drop into the hole, then run through the open door. Throw then switch at the end and two things will happen, a door opens above you and a pesky horde of locust will attack.

Climb out before they eat you alive, head through he open door and up the corridor, until you reach the top. At the top, a cut scene will kick in, showing the rope that you will need to use. Do a running jump and a grab to get hold of it. Then swing onto the edge on the south wall across the way. Now, turn right and do a running jump onto the small roof.

Do a standing jump to the next, higher piece of roof (also facing right), then a running jump to the next roof across the way. Now turn south to jump, and grab the wall across the gap. Shimmy around the left corner of the wall and drop to the platform below. Face right, jump and grab the platform across the next gap and then pull yourself up to safety. Turn to the southwest and do a running jump to the platform in front of the large alcove. Turn around and do a standing jump to the roof below. From here, turn to the south and find an alcove with an orange-tinted light above it.

Do a running jump and a grab onto this alcove. Climb up and head through the corridor. At the opening at the other end of it, do a running jump to the area with the burned out jeep on your right. Here, you should find the nitrous oxide canister behind the jeep. You will need this for the motorcycle. Now, turn to the south and do a running jump across the ravine, toward the taxi in the distance.

Run through the streets, avoiding the blasts from the beast as you sprint past him, and return to sergeant Azziz. After the cut scene, climb up onto the alcove behind Azziz and return to the chambers of tulun.


Drop down the ladder and take a right at the bottom. Head down the corridor and climb out at the end. Once back on the street, find your bike and then head straight up the ramp to the north to exit this short area.


Jump off of your bike at the top of the ramp and head to the right, climb up and over the step in front of the tree. Head forward through the streets until you come to a medium sized room containing a gun turret and several crates. Crouch and crawl around the back of the room until a crate blocks your progress. From here you can shoot the gas canister at the back of the gun to blow it up.

Now climb up onto the tallest box, then turn around and do a running jump and grab the edge of the opening high on the north wall. Pull yourself up, drop down through the hole in the floor and head through the corridor you land in. When you come to an opening at the base of the west wall, crawl through. As you crawl through, a guy with a machine gun will be shooting at you and two successive blasts of steam could bang up Lara real good. Avoid the steam while getting through as quickly as possible. You may need to burn some medi packs here. As soon as you are clear of the steam, shoot the bad guy.

Then, exit the tunnel, turn to the north, and head into the next area. Face the west wall and climb up into the cove. Turn around and shoot the gas tank on the machine gun. You also might want to shoot the guy behind it. Then, drop down and crawl back through and out to the street. Head north, then head east at the intersection. As this path turns to the left, you will find a crawl space on the right. Crawl into it to get the weapon key code. Grab it, then return to the street.

Head straight and jump up and grab the ledge that you come to. Shimmy around to the right , avoiding the steam, and drop near the jeep that is on fire. At the jeep's engine compartment, use the crowbar to pry loose the valve pipe. Go to your inventory to combine the valve pipe with the nitrous oxide canister to create the nitrous oxide feeder.

Now, retrace your steps, find your bike, and install the nitrous oxide feeder, From this point forward, you will be able to get a heafty boost of speed for your motorbike by hitting the sprint button. Get on the bike and head back to the entrance to the chambers of tulun.


Once back in the Chambers of Tulun, drive to the left and turn around when you get to the ravine. Using the turbo boost, race up the steps on the right and then up the ramp into the building. Get off of the bike, climb up onto the ledge in the wall and go through the door. In this room, shoot the bad guy and then slide down the steep ramp. Once at the bottom, head to the north and pick up the torch from the room at the end.

Kill the guard and then head back out into the open area and take the sloped corridor to the right of the ramp that brought you to this area. This will lead you to a narrow corridor with a ladder on one of the walls.

This is the ladder that you used to leave the Chambers of Tulun earlier. Instead of climbing the ladder, turn the corner and find a metal door. Open it, go inside and take care of the bad guy before lighting the torch. Take the now lit torch back outside and head up the ramp on the left wall. At the top, hit the action button to raise your torch and set off the sprinkler system.

In addition to activating the sprinklers, the door next to you will open. Go inside and push the lever, this sends a big, steel box moving elsewhere in the level and turns the sprinklers off. Now, go back outside. Next, head back through the corridor on the north wall.

The steel box that moved was in the room where you found the torch. Climb the boxes and do a running jump and a grab to the opening high on the east wall. Drop down the other side of the alcove. Then, face north toward the gray steel box with X bracing on it. Pull out a weapon and shoot it. It will break open, revealing a gate behind it. Use your revolver/ lasersight to shoot off the lock, then go through the open gate. Behind the gate is a hole in the wall with the roof key inside it. Grab it.

Head back to the room with the lever in it (next to where the sprinklers went off). Instead of taking a left to the lever, take a right and go through the open door with the yellow stripes on it. Follow the corridor back to your bike. Get on it and ride back out of the chambers of tulun the way you came in.


Drive over the ramp, then get off of the bike and head over to the stairs on the right with the green light. While on the stairs, turn to the right and climb up on the block. Face south and jump and grab the handle that is in front of you. You will pull a ceiling gate down. Now jump up and climb into the crawl space. Crawl through it, then drop into the hole. Jump back out of the hole into the next crawl space.

Before you back out and drop from this second crawl space, look for the piece of stone that is lodged in the ledge here. Pull out your revolver and blast it, then back out, hang from the ledge and shimmy to the left and around the corner. When it is safe, drop on the ledge next to the street light. Turn around and jump up and grab the ceiling. Grapple over to the other side. A locust will attack as you are making your way to the other side. On this next ledge, head into the next area.

Kill the bad guy, then turn to the right and use the roof key to open the door. Go out on the next ledge, face north and do a running jump and a grab to the next ledge across the way. Shimmy to the left. When you can, pull yourself up and head through the short corridor above. After climbing up on a single block, you will find a small hole in the north wall. Use the revolver/ lasersight to shoot the button off in the distance.

Now drop back down to the ground and get on your bike. Drive west around the corner and you will find two sets of stairs. Drive up the right set of stairs and hit the nitrous, while staying to the left to get through the narrow opening after the stairs, to make the jump. After you make the jump, get off of the bike and head toward the east wall. Jump up and grab the ladder, then climb up into the opening. Run down the corridor to exit the trenches.


Drop down off of the ladder and down to the street below. Walk up to the man on the ground and watch the cut scene that plays. When you regain control, grab the mine detonator that the man drops then head to the table next to the West wall and pick-up the handle. Then, walk behind the car and pick-up the car-jack body. Walk to the South wall and push the red button. This will open the next door to it.

Now, head through the corridor and climb the ladder. (You might want to climb into the crawl space next to it before you do- it contains a large medi-pack.) When you reach the top, go to the edge and jump grab the ceiling. Grapple to the right and drop at the end. Turn to the South wall and jump and grab the crawl space above and head on in. After dropping into this next room, climb to the top level of the South wall and go to your inventory. Combine the car-jack body with then handle to create the car-jack. Use the car jack in this spot to open up the ceiling gate.

Climb out to the roof above. Obviously, you can't miss the bolt of lightning that is striking what looks to be some sort of car lift(you probably can't miss the locust that attack you either). You need to go behind the lightning(preferably when it is not striking the lift) and push and pull the box that is behind it out of the way.

Then, pull and push the machine with the wood basket on top of it(next to the box you just moved) on top of the lightning lift. A cut scene will play showing the lightning striking a bridge that is just around the corner, to the left. Cross the bridge, doing a running jump and a grab to the ladder across from the end of the bridge. Shimmy all the way around a couple of corners, to the left, until you can safely drop on the roof ledge. Now, climb into the hole next to the ladder and drop down a series of ramps to the bottom. Head East down the corridor, into the next room.

Turn right at the first intersection and head down a ramped wood floor to a room with a number of crates in it. Find the headless solider down the ramp on the West side in this area and obtain the mine position data. Now, go to your inventory and combine the mine position data with the mine detonator body to create the mine detonator. Head back up the ramp and some ominous music will cue.

That is because there is an Egyptian bull on the loose. Head to the Southeast corner of the room and lure the bull into knocking the crates around in this area to reveal a secret passageway. Go through this exposed corridor to the next area above. Here, turn left, kill the bad guy and head down the path. Take the next left(underneath the beams of light) to leave the street bazaar area.


Head West through the corridor, then turn right and head up the first set of stairs you com to. From here, follow the street to the left, right and right again. You will arrive at a second set of stairs(they are an orange colour). Take the stairs up, then, at the end of the next area, head East, up and over a step that features a huge pile of sand. Climb the short block that is half-buried in sand at the East wall. From here, angle Lara and jump and grab the upper ledge of the East wall behind the block.

Climb the ladder in front of you and you will return to the street bazaar area. Drop down to the area with the car and the red button. This time around, head through the East door. At the end of the corridor, you will find a door. Open it, enter the next area and take care of the bad guy that attacks.

Head North to the end of this area. At the end, turn to the left to find a red sign with skulls and crossbones on it. Head toward the sign and you will leave this area. You will find yourself standing in front of a number of red skull and crossbones signs. They are protecting a mine field. Use the mine detonator to clear out this field....then run to the other side and push the red button.

This will open a door to your right, on the South wall in this area. Head through the door and you will find your bike. Hop on the bike and drive it through the door that you just opened. Take a left after you go through the door, mow down the bad guy and charge up the ramp to return to citadel gate.


Drive forward and use nitrous to clear the mine field. Drive around to the left, making sure you hit the nitrous as you explode past the beast. Eventually, you will reach sergeant azziz. Watch the story unfold with the cut scene and prepare yourself for the citadel.


Move forward and a cut scene will play in which Lara saves Jean-Pierre and Von Coy finds the ancient ceremonial tablet buried under the citadel. When you regain control of Lara, heads South into the next room. Continue South, then up the stairs in the Southeast corner. You will find a lever at the end of the corridor. Push it to open the big doors downstairs(there is some ammo behind it).

Then, in a cove on the West side of this same room is a torch. Pick it up and light it with the lit torch on the wall nearby. Now, return downstairs to the room where the stairs originate from and jump up and set the rope that extends over this room on fire. Go back to the room with the big wooden doors that you opened when you pushed the lever. You will find that a section of the floor has collapsed next to the doors.

Drop down and walk into the chamber below. Walk through this area for a short time and you will be given a cut scene of a bad guy running around. Now, onto the ledge to your left, then to the one above the stairs to the left. Hop off of the backside of the ledge and grab it.

Then, shimmy to the left, then drop and grab the next ledge below. (If you miss, you will land in the water below and can swim back to the previous room. Climb back up to this ledge and try again). Shimmy to the right and around this ledge, until you can't anymore. Then, drop and grab the next ledge below. Now, shimmy to the right, around two corners, until you can crawl up into the alcove.

Drop down the other side of the crawl space, into the water. Walk through the water to the Northeast corner of this tight area and jump up and crawl into the next crawl space. Now for some fun; when you lower your self from this crawl space, you will drop onto an angled platform. Immediately form a reverse jump, followed by a standing jump and ending in you grabbing the ledge on the north wall of this area. (Again, if you miss...It's through the water and back to that first ledge!).

Shimmy to the left, until you reach a spot where you can stand(there is a small medi-pack here). Now, turn around and do a running jump and a grab to the south ledge-there will be stairs to your left when you land. Head up the stairs, taking care of the bad guy along the way.

Then, head up the ramp that follows. There is a bad guy at the top and a lever. Push the lever and take care of the bad guy that appears once you do. Now, grab then drop from the hole next to the lever. Head North. You will need to go down two flights of stairs before getting a cut scene showing a large, cathedral-like room. You will find four ornate tables in the center area of this room.

If you look closely at their tops, you will find that they each have a one-letter abbreviation for the cardinal direction that they need to be pushed/pulled to in this room(North, South, East and West). With the aid of your compass, push/pull each one to it's appropriate spot on the floor. Once you successively solve this puzzle, the doors on the West side of the room will open.

Head through them. Go through the corridor, climb the step and drop down the hole into the water below. Head through the under water opening in the South wall. Swim down and around this under water corridor until you come to a switch on the ceiling of the room that the corridor dead-ends in.

This switch closes a hatch some where else. Return to the water area that you first dropped into and head through the opening in the North wall. (To get some air, make sure you pop into the hole where you dropped into this main underwater room before you head through the North opening). Now, swim through this underwater corridor and you will come to a room where you can climb out of the water-do so and head through the opening in the south wall.

Head up the ramp and you will find yourself back in the room where you solved the table/compass puzzle. Find the opening in the East wall and head through it. You will go down some ramps and end up in a room with a lever and two bad guys that open fire. Take them out, then push the lever. The lever opens up a hatch in a pipe back in the main underwater area.

Head North from the compass puzzle room and back into the water. Back in the main water area; Climb up to the corridor opening in the West wall. Head down the corridor and there will be another lever to push. This one opens a hatch next to the pipe on the floor of the main underwater room.

Mow, return to that room and swim through the opening in the North wall. Some of the water will have been drained in this area(caused by the hatches you opened). You can now run down the corridor and pull the rope at the end it opens a door in this room). After pulling the rope, climb out, take care of any bad guy you might run into, then head through the now open door in the East wall. At the end of this short corridor, jump up, grab and crawl through the opening high on the East wall.

When you hang and drop back over the other side of this crawlspace, you will be attacked by two crusader skeletons. You can't kill then and you actually need their help. Run up the wood planks in this area until your path is blocked by wood. Wait for the skeletons to get near you(stand facing the wood), then reverse jump away at the last second and they will cut through the wood. Escape from the crusaders by climbing up to the next area that the wood was keeping you from.

Head North in this next area, right down the middle between the two rows of lit torches. A cut scene will play in which Lara encounters Von Croy, then snags the Amulet, trapping him behind a door. Congratulations, you have just completed area V! It's on to the sphinx complex.


The ominous desert sky doesn't bode well for us. Let's not waste any time and get moving. Pull out a weapon and head straight down the muddy path. These two thugs up ahead are packing heat. Say a silent pray then send them to Allah. It seems the guard by the small steel door on the right was holding a silver key. Use it and head on through. In this next area you'll encounter a few baddies and a small pathway lined by two sandstone walls. Kill the baddies and hop up on either wall.

These walls surround two deep pits that lead to instant death if you happen to fall in. Across from each is a lever. Carefully do a running jump from the edge and throw each of them. The result of the levers being thrown is a door that opens just beyond the walls. Let's get moving. There's another thug to handle before we head through. Make sure you grab the shotgun normal ammo from the opposite alcove where he came from. We're now at the sphinx. Unfortunately, there's no time for sight seeing.

Let's tackle the large, gaping hole to the right first. Slide down the small slope at the bottom-right hand corner of the hole to safety of this small platform. From here, it's best to do a diagonal running jump to the next...then a diagonal running jump and a grab to this small, ramped ledge here. It's not so steep that Lara can't pull herself up. The gated, garage door is locked from the inside and we can't up on the sphinx's hind leg, so our only choice is to cross the next gap.

Walk to the edge toward the left corner and do a standing hop down to the flat platform below. That music playing means there are some enemies nearby, pull out a weapon and take aim. Make sure you grab the large Medi-pack before moving on and then do another diagonal running jump to the platform across the way. Lift Lara out of the gap and kick in that door. It looks like we're in a storage room of sorts. These crates can be shot and busted. One reveals some Uzi Ammo.

Besides the empty shelving lining the left side of the walls, there's a rather large shelf against the right. Push/pull it out of the way to reveal a small grate in the wall. Shoot the grate and then crawl on in. When you reach the grate at the other side, stop, pull out your pistols, shoot and exit. Hey, that's your blood! Did we give the thug in the corner permission to start shooting at you?

We don't think so. Give him some return fire. He drops some normal shotgun ammo. It turns out he was guarding a switch. Throw it and the doorway opens, letting two more thugs inside. Stay where you are and pick them off one-by-one. When all is clear, shoot three crates scattered about the room. One of the two in the back reveals a metal blade.

Hmm, wonder what this is for? Our job in this room is not quite finished yet. It looks like there might be something underneath the large shelf to the right at the back of the wall. We're going to need to move the left shelf first. Pull it as far as you can then push it against the wall(and the open grate) from the other side. Now for the right shelf. One pull should be enough to reveal a secret shotgun. Ok, let's head back outside. We're back by the sphinx's hind leg. A little backtracking is in order.

To once again cross the gap on the left, you need to walk down the small slope to the edge, then do a diagonal running jump to the platform across the way. A few more hops and you're out. Now it's time to adventure around to the front of the sphinx.

The next gap is fairly easy. Hop/slide down to the ledge in the left corner...then it's two running jumps to the next consecutive platforms to make it safely to the other side. Jump up and out and keep moving. After a short cinema, leave the tombstone and head around to the right leg-yet another gap to cross.

Do a standing hop down to the ledge at the right corner, then a running jump to the next straight across. Two baddies will confront you on the other side. Deliver swift justice, climb out and destroy the two crates sitting in the left hand corner against the wall.

If you look closely, you should see a wooden handle resting on the ground where one of the crates was. Pick it up, then combine it with the metal blade in your inventory screen to create a shovel-handy!. Now, where could we use a shovel? We know! How about at the foot of the sphinx in front of the marker! Use this conveniently placed platform to jump up to the sphinx's leg. Before hopping down to the other side, grab the widespread shotgun shells resting at the end of the leg.

This soft, muddy patch in front of the marker looks like the perfect place to start digging. Hit the action button and Lara will use the shovel. Is there no end to her talents? Drop down into the freshly dug hole and you'll find we've uncovered a secret entrance leading underneath the sphinx. Light a flare to allay the darkness and head on down.


There's quite a bit of puzzle solving to do underneath the sphinx, so let's not waste any time. Pull out your pistols and take care of pesky bats flying around your head. When you pass the first gate, it will slam shut behind you. That's ok, we'll find another way out. Ahead in this huge, cavernous room are what look to be two breathing bull statues and three stone tablets set in the wall behind them.

To the right and left of Lara are open gates with switches on the walls outside. We're going to be using these in just a few seconds. Ok, here's what we're going to do; run straight ahead and over to the right bull. As you approach it will start to execute a roll turn and hightail it back the way you came. Then bull will give chase, so hit the sprint button and take aim for either gate.

Run inside and then execute another roll turn so you can see the bull following you inside(use the look button to get a good angle). As soon as you see the bull come into the gateway, jump over it and head back outside. These suckers are serious and deadly, and all it takes is one charge square in the middle to end your life. As soon as you're out of the gate make a left or right(depending on which room you choose)and quickly activate the switch against the wall.

If you are quick enough, the bull will be caught inside. If you're not, lure it back in and try again. When you have successfully trapped the first, head back over and repeat the process with the next and the other room. Now that we have a little breathing room, let's first take a left into the West hall of the room and check out what this dead adventurer has left behind.

Besides a set of very useful flares, there is a scrap of paper underneath the torch right next to him. Grab it. Take a moment to examine the scrap of paper in your inventory screen and you'll notice a set of hieroglyphics translated into the alphabet. Bet this will come in handy.

Now that we've got the goods, let's check out those inscribed stone tablets imbedded in the North wall. It turns out that they actually are pushable buttons. Allow us to translate the hieroglyphics; "I","Q","A", (left, middle, right). There is only one right sequence which will open the gate room. Any other combination will open a gate to the trap room. Trust me, we don't want to go in there. The correct sequence is "A","I","Q", (right, left middle). This opens the middle (west) gate in the West hall.

Head on through. Be very careful when you enter into any of these gated rooms. Each one has fatal, hard-to-see pits set in the floor. To traverse this one, walk to the right edge then execute a standing jump across to the safety of the other side. Don't move too far when you get to the other side-there's another pit partially hidden by the slope of the path.

First take out the nocturnals nipping at your face, then walk as far forward as you can against the left wall. A standing jump from the edge will get you across. This room has a set of four niches set into the West and East walls. Above each niche are glowing, colored holes. If you're wondering what's set inside those holes, so are we. Select the binoculars from your inventory and use the L2 button along with the action button for the light function to reveal some hieroglyphs. Each of the four sets has a different set. They are as follows; The red hole reads, "A", "Q"," T".

The green hole reads, "Q" ,"I" ,"A". The blue hole reads, "I", "Q", "A". And the violet hole reads, "Q"," A"," I". Each of these combinations will open up one of four rooms back out in the main hall. These rooms contain the corresponding keys which open the exit to this level. Head back out over the pits and we'll see you at the stone tablets. We might as well start with the red combination. Enter " A", "Q", "I", (right, middle, left ), and the right (North) gate opens up in the West hall.

Take care of the bats inside, then execute a standing jump to get Lara up onto the raised ledge against the right wall. From here, walk straight to the edge and then do a running jump to the platform across the way. Hop out of the pit, take care of the bats and get ready to venture for our first key, This dead end has three crawlspaces located in the South, East and North walls.

Let's tackle the one on the right(South)first. It's pretty dark inside these cramped passages and there are many collapsing platforms with deadly spikes waiting below. It's best to use your flares here if you have them. Take your first and immediate left(East)once inside. Now take your immediate right (South)and head up the ramp. At the top, take a left(East)and follow the pathway into a small room with a switch. Throwing the switch will open up the gate at the back of the entrance of this room. Head back the way you came and then across the room and into the Northern crawlspace.

At the first junction, take a left(West). Continue forward, ignoring the path to the right, and make your next left(South). This path is a dead end, but pays of with the red "stone of Matt" key in return. Grab it and head back out the way you came .

The last and middle(East) crawlspace holds a secret. Duck in and take your first right(South). This path leads to a collapsing tile, but there are no spikes to impale you below. Instead, you're rewarded with a small room which is home to a grenade gun. Now that we've exploited this room, head back over the pit and return to the stone tablets. Next enter in "Q","I","A"(middle, left, right)which opens up the left(South)gate in the West room.

A couple more bats and another pit awaits. You know what to do. When you get to the other side, equip a stronger weapon, such as your grenade gun. There are four alligators lounging in the pool around the corner. After making a complete set of matching luggage, head into the watery room and we'll figure out this relatively simple puzzle. Here's the deal: the green key is set underground in the middle of the room and is protected by a locked grate.

The room is lined with four wall switches-two on the South wall and two on the North. You can activate them in any order and the result will be opening of the grate. Go to it. Collect your reward, the green "stone of khepri" key....then pull the switch against the west wall.

This opens the gate back at the entrance to this room. Race you back to the stone tablets! The pit on the way back can be traversed by doing a running jump and a grab from the edge along the right wall. Back at the tablets, enter "I","A","A"(left, middle, right). This opens the middle(East)door in the East room. Head up the path and over the pit and you'll find your self in a small room with three sets of three wall switches adorning the North, East and South walls. If you're not careful and pull the wrong switch, you'll set loose a horde of flesh-eating scarab beetles. That would be bad.

Just follow our directions and you'll be safe. Start with the third switch on the right against the North wall. This opens the gate to the entrance. Repeat the process with the third switch on the right against the East wall and you'll be rewarded with the blue "stone of Re" key.

The last set of switches produce nothing but beetles and, unless you like having your feet gnawed on by slimy bugs, we suggest you pass them up. Head back over the pit and out to the stone tablets instead. Ok, we saved the hardest for last. Enter "Q","A","I"(middle, right, left). This opens the right(South)door in the East room. To traverse the pit, execute a standing jump along the right wall from right about where the torch is. From here, drop down backwards and grab the ledge.

Now just shimmy across and around until you reach the safety of the next flat platform. This next room has a hole filled with water inside it. Hop in, light a flare and take a deep breath, because we have some serious swimming to do. First dive down to the first junction of paths. You have three choices, East, North or South. Head South. Follow the path downward until you reach the next junction and take the East path. At the next junction, you can either go up or South.

We need to go South. Ignore the next choice/junction to the right and continue going South. Follow this passage down, around and up (past the hieroglyph) and you'll find yourself in the first of many switch rooms. Hop out of the water, pull the switch and get back in.

We are going to head back to the entrance to get our bearings. Follow the path and continue swimming North at the first junction/path. Head West at the second...up at the third...and up at the forth. This puts us back at the entrance. Grab a gulp of air and prepare to head back down for the second switch. Take the South path at the first junction. Follow this path down and then take the West path at the next. Head up at the first junction and you'll find yourself in the second switch room.

Throw the switch, jump in and get ready to do it all again. Head East at the first junction/choice. Go up at the next...and up again at the third junction. Are you beginning to recognize this area? You should be floating and breathing fresh air at the entrance. Now for the third switch. Head East at the first junction...and South at the second. Follow this path around and down for a while. Head South again when you reach the next junction...and then West at the next.

Head up at the last junction (next to the hieroglyph) and Lara will be in the third switch room. Take care of business and, once again, jump back in the drink. It's back to the entrance we go. Go East at the first junction...North at the second...up at the third...West at the fourth...and up at the fifth. Phew! Believe it or not, there's two more to go. Get some air and head back down. Go North at the first junction. And then East at the next. This passage leads past a hieroglyph and into the forth switch room.

Jump out and pull that sucker! Almost there. Back in the water and head down at the first junction...then up at the next and back to the entrance. This is the last time, we promise. Head down and take the East path at the first junction. Head up at the next and follow this passage up and past the hieroglyph into the final switch room. Pull the switch to open the gate to the entrance of this room, then grab the violet, "Stone of Atum" key. Yay! Jump back into the pool and head West at the first junction...up at the second...and up and out to the entrance at the third. Congratulations! Now might be a good time to save your game.

Head back over across the pit the way you came and back into thew stone tablet room. Now that we have all four keys, it's through the middle (West) gate in the West room. Traverse across the two pits and start inserting the keys into their corresponding niches. Hitting the action button at each niche will automatically insert the correct key. Save your game (we're not quite done yet) and head through the now opened gate. Around the corner, the floor has given way, creating a chasm.

Jump up and grab the ceiling, then grapple across to the other side. Stop before heading through the next gate. This room has four holy scriptures that are resting inside alcoves against the West and East walls, as well as rotating, razor sharp spikes that come jutting out of the ceiling once you enter inside. Here's what we need to do: Make a dash for the first holy scripture in the left alcove.

As soon as you've picked it up, execute a hop backwards then do a standing jump to the right. This will position Lara directly in front of the next scripture. Grab it, do a quick roll turn, then repeat the process with the other two. When you've gotten all four, head out the newly opened North gate. We're not quite out of the woods yet. This small, unassuming room is hiding a bunch of buried blade traps.

They won't hurt if you walk slowly through them, so hold down the R1 button and walk straight across to the exit. One more chasm to grapple across and a few bats to shoot and it's upwards and onwards to the next level.


It looks like we're still underground. Head up the slope and to the left (East) and start climbing up the small platforms. At the top, you'll spy a small trapdoor in the ceiling with a jutting handle. Turn around so your facing North and jump up and grab the handle, opening the door. Climb on up. Don't hesitate when you climb out of the hole, there's a giant scorpion heading your way.

Use that grenade gun or your revolver pronto! If he bites and poisons you, take a small Medi-pack to administer the cure. More than likely, when you kill it, it's brother will be waiting somewhere right behind it (it might be around the corner attacking a guard). Make sure you keep your weapon equipped. There's a large Medi-pack in the cul-de-sac straight ahead (West) and some revolver ammo the poor sap left behind in the cul-de-sac to the left (South).

We need to head top the right (North) at the intersection and jump across the ravine at the end. To do this, walk forward to the lip on the left side. Aim Lara diagonally toward the left edge of the ravine and execute a running jump across to the other side. Follow the path around (watching out for stray scorpions) and do a running jump across the first ravine you come to on your left (North)

Check out the huge pyramid, Cool! Don't Cool too long, there's another scorpion hot on your heels. Heading left (West) will do us no good, so go right (East) and take care of the huge desert bug that comes flying at you. Save before attempting to jump over this ravine-it can be a bit tricky.

First face Lara South and execute a running jump and grab onto this platform that is sloped downward on the other side. Next, pull Lara up and, as she starts sliding down the slope, hit the jump button so she leaps to the safe sand across the way. Now, just jump over to the left (East) and we're on secure ground. Save your game, deal with the flying bug and equip one of your stronger weapons (the revolver will do nicely).

We're going inside the building. Inside, you'll find a giant scorpion attacking a guard. One of two things can happen: 1)If your not fast enough, or are a sloppy shot, the guard will die, leaving you to deal with the scorpion. In death, he leaves behind the guard keys.

Pick 'em up. Or 2)You can run in and get close to the scorpion. Make sure you are aiming at it and not the guard and let loose with a flurry of bullets. If your quick enough, the scorpion dies but the guard survives. Watch the nice cut-scene where the guard gives you the guard keys and then check your inventory. You should also have the Armoury key-bonus!

Search the four corners of the room for a couple of small Medi-packs and some shotgun ammo then, with newfound keys in hand, head back out-side. Out-side, the ravine to the right (East) is much to large to get across. So, we're going to have to take our chances with finding another route back where we came from.

To get back across the ravine to the left (West), jump and grab hold of this uneven ledge to the right (North) of the ravine. Have Lara shimmy hand-over-hand to the left (West) and then around the corner and across the ravine. Don't drop down until she can't go any further.

We are now back on the other side of the ravine and at the base of the pyramid. From where you dropped off the ravine ledge, there should be a small block jutting from the sand. You can walk onto this and then diagonally (Northwest) up onto the next. Climb up the one to the right (North), then diagonally hop (Northwest) up to the next. You should be on a walkable part of the pyramid that lasts six blocks or so to the left (West).

Walk West to the end of these blocks, take a hop backwards and then execute a running jump to the next. Don't fret, you will slide down the pyramid, but will come to rest on a platform above the sand. Make sure you kill the bug flying your way. Now head left (West) until the end of these blocks and turn to face the pyramid (North). Start climbing.

You should be able to climb two blocks upward, move one block to the right (East) and then climb up another three. Just to the right (East) of Lara is the entrance into the pyramid. Walk as far as you can to the right, hop backwards and do a running jump into the opening. It looks like the guards keys will come in handy. Use them on the lock and head inside.


Head along the pathway and past the ponderous pendulums into the next room, which has a set of steps leading down to the depths of the pyramid. Look up and shoot the star with your revolver before heading down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs are a couple of mummies, a large container and a bat. Ignore the mummies and jump into the container on the left-hand side.

Inside, you'll find a hole leading deeper into the pyramid. Drop down. This next room contains a large pit with a rope hanging over the middle of it. If you look closely, you will be able to see the spike holes in the pit. Use the rope and swing across to the other side. Ahead is a fork in the path and a few unfriendly undead. Ignore the lumbering baddies and head to the right room first.

Another spike-filled pit and two ropes to swing from this time. Head up the slope on the other side and throw the switch at the top. This opens up a trapdoor elsewhere in the pyramid. Swing back over the pit and head around to the left path. Swing across the two ropes to the safety of the other side. At the top of the next path, you'll find the opened trapdoor. Climb through it.

When you climb up, an Ancient Egyptian guard will attack you. Shoot whilst jumping from side-to-side. Avoid his fire and take him out. Head forward to the large star carving in the wall and use the crowbar to pry the Western shaft key from the middle.

A passage is revealed when it falls from the wall. You have to make our way back to the room with the stairs at the beginning of the level. Here, you'll find the revealed passageway. Head in and slide on down. Light a flare before you go any further and then start walking through the next passage. As soon as you hear the clanking sound of blades, hit the L2 button to duck.

Two razor-sharp, decapitating blades are coming your way. It's safe to stand up as soon as they pass and continue on and up the corridor. Jump up and grab the handle on the trapdoor when you get to the top. Climb out and you are now back out-side.

Take out the two giant scorpions coming your way then head South down the path. Ahead, you'll see that you are now on the other side of the ravine by the building where the guard so generously gave us his keys. Shout hello and then head to thew left.

On the left side of the path, set in a small alcove on the side of this pyramid, is a small button. Push it and you will cause a roof to cave in on one of the pyramids. Head back and over to the large ravine and walk up onto the left side of the pyramid. From here, you should be able to climb up the next block and then from there, do a diagonally standing jump up to the right. Now, just zigzag up the climbable blocks to the top of the pyramid. When you get to the top, turn around, hop backwards and grab the ledge.

There's a climbable ladder on the West wall leading all the way to the bottom of the pyramid. Follow the passage inside until you come to the pit in the floor. This one simply requires a running jump to get across. The next pit around the corner requires you to jump and grab the ceiling, then grapple across to the other side. The next pit has a swinging pendulum across the middle.

Hug the left wall and time a running jump and a grab across so the pendulum is swinging the opposite way. Two more of these pendulums await around the corner. Don't worry about the passage to the left in between them. You'll be back here in a moment. Head around the corridor and you'll come to a dead end with a rope hanging from the ceiling.

Pull it with all your might and a gate will open somewhere else in the pyramid. Head back over the pit and the pendulum and then turn to face the passageway to the right. Use the ceiling to grapple across and you'll find the gate you opened in this new room. Why not save your game. Head through the gate and Lara will start sliding down the slope. Up ahead is a darkened spike pit.

Wait until the last possible second and jump over the pit. Lara will land on the other side and continue sliding. You can either try and jump and grab onto the ledge of the hole ahead before falling in, or you can just fall through and take a little damage. This is where you entered from the hole you dug earlier. Our two bull buddies should still be resting nicely in their cages below. There's no need to go down there again, so let's head up and out of the area.


Pull yourself out of the hole you dug earlier and head down the path and to the right. Do a standing jump down onto the platform on the right and then do a running jump straight across the ravine onto the ledge on the other side. From here, face South and do a standing jump onto the small ledge and then hop onto solid ground. There should be a steel door straight ahead.

Use the guards keys on the lock to open the door. Head on through and you're on your way to Mastabas.


First head left and then head around the front of the truck to find a Jerrycan. Pick it up and then head back South and turn down the first pathway to the East. There is a doorway to your left as soon as you turn down the path. Inside, you'll find some revolver ammo and a trapdoor in the floor. Grab the goods then open the door. Drop down. Follow the cramped corridor around until you reach the first intersection.

When you get to it, take the left route. At the end of the corridor you'll come to a small, torch-lit room with three lion-heads mounted on the walls. To solve this small puzzle, you're going to need to use your revolver with the laser-sight. If you look closely you will see that each of the lions have a gem inside their mouths. Use your sight to shoot the gems in each of them.

The result is that their mouths will close and a door will open on the North wall. Enter the door and grab the empty, small water-skin on the floor. Leave the lion room the way you came and head back to the intersection. Head left when you get there. Follow the corridor up and around until it dead ends, then hoist yourself up and out of the hole above. You should now be back outside.

Exit this small area and you should be in between two ravines to the West and East of you. Kill the dog and then execute a running jump across the shortest points of the ravine to the right. If there's one thing Lara doesn't like to be told, it's where she can't go. This boarded up entrance is no match for her shotgun. Blast it to pieces and head on in. A couple of bats and a dog are waiting inside.

Once you've taken care of business, open the trapdoor on the floor and head down. Same deal. Follow the corridor around to the first intersection. Here, take a right. When you get to the end of the corridor, you'll find another lion head room. Repeat the process. Another door, some more mummies and a bag of sand await. Grab the goods and head back to the intersection. Take a right and follow the corridor to the next intersection. Pass up the choice to the left and keep heading North. The path dead ends around the corner. Pull yourself out into the room above, open the door, shoot the barrier and exit.

Outside, you'll be faced with another ravine. Head over to the left wall, face North and do a diagonal running jump across to the small ledge in the Northwest corner. From here, execute another running jump from the edge, diagonally Northwest to the ground across the way. While this path might look like a dead end from your vantage point, there's a room tucked away to the right.

Kill the scorpions, throw the trapdoor and head on down. Follow the corridor around to the first intersection and turn right. Follow the corridor around until you reach a dead end with an un-lit torch on the ground-what, no lion room? Pick up the torch and head back to the intersection. Back at the intersection with torch in hand, head straight. Eventually, you'll come to another lion head room!

This one is full of enemies. Drop your torch and fill 'em full of lead. While you've got your revolver out, repeat the process of shooting the gems in their mouths. When the deed is done, pick up the torch and head through the opened door. This next room houses some bats and what looks to be three scales with plates on top of them and symbols on their fronts. Behind the scales is a small pool of water.

Walk into the pool and use your small water-skin to fill it full of water. Now head back around to the front of the scales and position Lara in front of the far-left one. It's symbol is three wavy lines. Use the water-filled small water-skin and Lara will pour the water into the plate on top of the scales.

Go to the far-right scale. It's symbol is a pyramid. The middle scale has the symbol of a sun on it. Use the Jerrycan and Lara pour it into the plate. The three plates should now be full. For the last bit, you're going to need to light the torch. Pick it up and hit the action button again to light the plate on fire. The end result is a door opens up on the left wall. If you've got any ammo left, grenade the annoying mummies in here and then pry the Northern shaft key from the west wall with your crowbar.

A door will open up somewhere else in the level. Before leaving, equip your revolver and shoot the gems in the two lions' heads on the walls. Did you think you are done with the lions' heads? Head back into the scale room and a door in the East wall will now be open. Head into the next room. There are some lion heads in here. Head forward up the stairs, kill the dogs inside and follow the corridor to the first intersection. Don't head left, but continue straight and you will come to a dead end with an opening leading back outside above.

Climb out. Head out of this area and take a left another ravine dead ahead. To get across, first do a standing jump to the platform on the left. Now, it's a diagonal running jump Northeast to the pathway on the left, then a death-defying running jump and a grab to the pathway across the ravine to the south. There's another doorway to the right. Burst it open, head on in and fling open the next trapdoor. Follow the corridor until you get to the intersection. Ignore the left path heading forward. The path will reach a dead end around the corner. Pull yourself out of the hole. A dog and a barrier block your passage.

Head straight out of this area and into the door across the way. These trapdoors are almost as commonplace as lions' heads around here. Open it up and drop on down. As usual, follow the corridor around until the first intersection. Here, you'll want to take a left into a room with lions' heads. Head through the now opened door and you'll be in a room with three monkey statues in front of you.

There are lever seats in front of each of them. The gist of this puzzle is to choose the right one which will open the door to the right. If you choose either "hear" (far left) or "see" (middle), real monkeys will appear from behind the statues and attack you with a vengeance. When you kill them. They leave this world with a body-damaging explosion. The correct monkey statue is "speak" (far right).

Throw the crowbar in the lever seat and a nice monkey will appear. The next room has mummies, a Southern shaft key that needs to be pried off the East wall and lions' heads. Back in the monkey room, the West doorway should now be open. Head through and, shoot the gems in the lions' heads. Head through the West opening when you're done. Follow the corridor up and around and then take a little slide. At the bottom, climb a few blocks, head up the ramp and you're on our way to the next area.


Follow the corridor until it comes to a dead end, then pull Lara out. Blast the barrier blocking your way out of the room and take care of the baddie lying in wait to the right. To cross the ravine here, you'll need to do a diagonal running jump Southwest to the pathway on the other side. Turn around quickly when you land and shoot the goon across the way.

Bust open the door and deal with the guard who comes running out of it. Then shoot thew flying sand bug in the corner of the room while your weapon's still upholstered. Throw the camouflaged trapdoor in the middle of the room, then drop and grab the edge and lower Lara down the climbable portion of the wall-the drop is to deep to fall. At the bottom, you'll find a grenade gun. Take it and head back up. Blast the barrier blocking the exit to the room and take care of the Uzi-wielding bad guy right behind it. Open the doorway and head into the next room where yet another bad guy awaits.

This trapdoor is, quite literally, a trap. Don't even bother opening it, the fall down is too great and there's nothing at the bottom anyway. Instead, open and head through the East door. Back outside, you'll encounter one more barrier room. Inside. There are two nasty sand bugs, a trapdoor leading nowhere, an Uzi, grenade gun, and normal ammo on the floor. Head in if you need/want it. It's time to get over that huge pyramid. Head onto the small, North-most platform jutting out over the ravine and do a running jump to the other side. Ok, you're going to have to get around and up the pyramid, but it won't be easy.

First, slide down to the small platform to the left. Now, it's a running jump and a grab across the way onto this slightly sloped platform. From here, you can walk up the ramp and climb up the first block. You can walk diagonally right up the next block and then climb up the next. From here, face east and walk forward until Lara won't move anymore. Do a hop back, then a running jump to the next, safe tile.

As soon as you land, hold down the R1 button and press backwards on the D-pad to walk back a few steps, just avoiding the huge boulder that comes bounding down the side of the pyramid. The next two moves are two consecutive standing jumps forward onto safe blocks.

Watch out for the boulder on the second one. After it's safe to move forward, hop up the next block, then face East and make another two standing jump across the next set of blocks. Next, it's one more standing jump to the East, except this time, Lara will land on a sloped block and slide all down the pyramid. When she stops sliding, stay where you are until the boulder safely bounds out of harm's way.

When it's safe, drop down to the extended block below, then face South and execute a running jump and a garb to the ledge across the chasm. Face left, kill the sand bug and then execute a running jump from the edge of the ledge. Now, it's back to the pyramid side. Face North, walk to the right-most edge, then hop back and take a running jump and a grab to the other side.

Climb up the next block, walk up the short ramp and then do a standing jump to the next platform with the large Medi-pack on it. From here, face Northwest and do a diagonal standing jump to this safe tile. Hit the jump button while pressing down on the D-pad to flip backwards to the platform where the Medi-pack was. Jump back over to the block then execute another standing jump diagonally Northwest to the next two. If you jump from the middle of each block, you shouldn't have a problem.

Now attempt a standing jump straight across to the West, then walk and climb North up two more blocks. Now turn to the East and do two consecutive standing jumps to the safe tiles in between the slanted ones. Execute a backwards flip on the second one to avoid the next boulder. Face North and climb Lara up the next two blocks, then head West a few blocks, deal with the two sand bugs and climb North up the block at the end.

Walk West until Lara comes to a stop. From here, hop back and do a running jump to the next blocks. Don't fret when Lara starts sliding, it's all part of the master plan. From here, execute another running jump West to leap over the next two blocks. When you land you'll have to deal with another sand bug. One more standing jump to the West and then turn and face Southwest.

This time do a standing jump diagonally down to the tile below. This time, turn to face Northwest and do a diagonal standing jump up to the next tile. Repeat the last two steps with the next set of blocks, then face the pyramid and climb three sets upwards. One more diagonal standing jump Northwest, then two consecutive standing jumps to the West and you're one step away from being done.

The object is to get to the safe ground below. To do this, execute a last running jump to the West and Lara will slide all of the way down the pyramid and exit the level in the process. Congratulations!


Kill both the man and beast fighting and then head left down into the room dug in the side of the side of the sandstone. Here, you'll find all sorts of goodies inside the crates you can blast open. Back outside, there's a second room beyond the first. While you can get inside with no problem, you're going to need the Armoury key. The guard you saved in the pyramid of Menkaure level gave this to you.

If you don't have it, you're out of luck. If you have it, unlock the gate. Blast the crates and claim your bounty: a crossbow, a grenade gun, normal shotgun ammo, a revolver, crossbow ammo, a shotgun and Uzi's. Back outside, you'll encounter another giant scorpion, then head North until you get to a chasm. Walk along the left-side of the chasm and do a standing jump from the edge to the platform across the way. The next jump is a running jump just a bit to the Northwest.

This lands you on the pathway to the right. Pull out your revolver when you land and deal with the scorpion. This pathway is a dead end, so our only other choice is to keep leaping across the chasm. Walk out to the edge of the jutting ledge and execute a running jump and a grab to the platform across the way. From here, face right and do a standing jump from the edge to the next block.

Take care of the sand bug here and then climb up to the next. This time face left and do a running jump to the next platform. Don't hold down the grab button, as this will throw off Lara's timing and she won't reach the platform. The next block is just a little to the Northwest. Walk to the edge and do a diagonal standing jump to it. Back across the chasm you go! Face West and do a running jump and a grab to the hard-to-see block sticking out below and to the right of the indented one.

Turn right and do a running jump to the next platform. As soon as you land, pull out your revolver and start shooting. First comes a sand bug and then a giant scorpion. If you're not careful, you could be knocked into the chasm below. Around the corner to the right, you'll find a dead end. But is it really? Push this block all the way to the end of the pathway. This opens up a secret passageway on the side of the pyramid to the left. Head inside and you'll find a trapdoor. Fling it open and lower Lara into the hole.

Dropping down will kill her. Inside the pyramid you'll find yourself in a twisting labyrinth with collapsing walls that reveal more passageways. There are also holes in the walls that can offer up both good and bad things. Reaching into these holes may yield ammo or Medi-packs or release beetles.

To get through the maze simply and quickly, just head right at the intersection then left around each corner. Continue and do not deviate from this path until you hear the music start playing and come to a room with an ancient Egyptian guard. Show him no mercy. At the end of this room is a large wall carving of a star with a shaft key imbedded at the base. Use the crowbar to pry it loose which, in turn, opens a gate to exit the level. Now, you have to get back to where you dropped down. Head straight through the first intersection. Hang a right at the second and a left at the third.

Take another left at the fourth and you'll pass by these torches. Then take a right at the fifth. The final collapsing wall reveals the exit, straight ahead. Climb up and out and you'll be on our way. Head back over to the chasm and do a running jump across to the platform on the other side. Next, face left and do a running jump to the first block, then a standing jump up to the next. Kill the bug while you're here. Turn to the East and start the arduous climb up the pyramid. The next climbable block is one to the right and up.

To get to the next, do a diagonal standing jump Northeast to the safe platform and then do it again to the next. When you land on the platform, stay put. An avalanche of boulders come raining down the side of the pyramid. When it's safe, do yet another diagonally standing jump Northeast to the next platform. A couple of sand bugs fly out and try to stop you from getting to the entrance. You should still have the guards keys given to you earlier. Use them on the lock and head on in.


Carefully follow the slope down the pathway until you come to a large gap. To get across, drop down to the lower, left edge and execute a running jump. Pull out something particularly messy, like the shotgun, and let the goon who's shooting at you have it once on the other side.

The one that comes at you from behind with his spinning sai takes something a bit more sophisticated-how about a shot to the head. Once the business has been taken care of, head to the right into the next hallway. Follow this path up and around and pass under the gate and into this room. Kill the enemies in here, then slowly walk forward into the space between the ramps leading upward.

When you get in far enough, Lara will trigger two sliding pillars that rapidly shift back and forth between the hallway. To get through this bit, get as close as possible to the pillar and do a standing jump forward. Time your jump just as the pillar hits the middle point. Repeat the process with the next one. Shoot the attacking dogs in this next room, then enter the large container from the rear.

Inside, you'll find a small Medi-pack and an Un-lit torch. Use the torch on the wall to light yours and then light the rest of the torches inside the room. There are a total of four that need to be lit. When you've lit them all, a small passageway is revealed along the West wall. Head inside and you'll find shotgun wideshot ammo in one corner and a switch in the other. Grab the ammo and pull the switch.

This triggers a collapsing wall at the top of the ramps in the previous room. Head out and back through the pillars and up either ramp. The dramatic music must mean that something cool is about to happen. This room houses four star shaped key holes and a large star carved into the floor. To find out, head on over to any of the four key holes and hit the action button.

If you look behind you, you'll notice a shaft of luminescent moonlight is hitting a portion of the floor. Put the other three star keys in their respective slots and an explosion of light rocks the room and a shaft opens in the middle of the floor. Before you do anything else, Flip the switch on the North wall and then take care of the baddies you inadvertently let in.Leave the star shaft room, head down the ramp and back through the sliding pillars below. You should be able to see the powerful beam of light in the room beyond the pillars.

In this room, the container in the middle has been reduced to a smoking mess of mangles rubble. Head for the east wall and out into the passageway. One end has a large medipack and the other a switch. Flip the switch and a gate opens back at the bottom of the main, sloping hall in the pyramid. Head back through the pillars and out of the ramp room.Now head back into the main hall and head north, taking care of any enemies who attack. Make a standing jump over the first and third holes and running jump over the second.

Carefully lower yourself down to the next level and do a running jump over to the gateway. Head into the now safe, moonlit shaft by dropping and grabbing the side before climbing down. Enter the opening near the bottom. Follow the corridor and drop down to the next level, continue along the corridor to enter the Temple of Horus.

Level 43 Temple of Horus

The shaft of light has somehow exposed a long tunnel leading into the temple, follow it and take a right once inside. Just inside the room is a nasty looking creature inside a cage. Ignore it and head north into the temple to find the large, 5ltr waterskin. Now fill the large waterskin and combine it with the small waterskin you found earlier.

The leftover water in the large waterskin is just the right amount to be poured into the vase on the giant scales. If you put the wrong amount into the vase the beast will be released and you are in trouble. Filling the vase will open the grate in the floor behind you, once it is open, drop through the hole. Jump to the pole in the middle of the room and slide carefully down, avoiding the blades as you go.

Once at the bottom, kill the two bats and take a look around. You may notice that this room is almost identical to room above apart from the carving on the wall, which tells you that you need to put four liters into the vase instead of two. To do this you need to mess around with the waterskins some more.

First, empty any water in the waterskins and then fill the large one with 5 liters. Now combine it with the small "skin" to put three liters in the small and leave two in the large. Empty the small skin and then pour the two from the large skin into the small skin, creating a small skin with 2 liters and a empty large skin. Now fill the large skin with five liters and then combine it with the small to pour 1 liter into the small and leave 4 in the large, just the right amount.

Pour the 4 liters into the scale and head through the opened grate. Once again, jump to the pole and slide past the blades to the room below and another water puzzle, this time you need just one liter. Empty both waterskins and then fill the small skin with 3 liters. Pour this into the large waterskin and then fill the small one so they both contain 3 liters.

Now simply combine the two so that large skin is full and the small is left holding just 1 liter. Pour the water into the scale and drop through the hole that opens. Face the light and walk to the edge of the shaft, from here do a standing jump onto the climbable rock and start to climb down. Once you see the ledge on the right, shimmy over to it and drop onto solid ground. You now need to do a running jump into the water far below. It is a good idea to save here as you can easily misjudge it and hit rock.

Once in the water, swim around the large stone platform until you find a ledge you can climb out onto. You will now see a shaft of blue/green light containing a menacing Egyptian type bloke and four pedestals surrounding him. Place the four scriptures on the pedestals and then step into the light. When the cut scene finishes, quickly dive into the water to avoid the hail of fire that Horus lobs at you.

Swim down and look for the Amulet of Horus which was thrown in during the cut scene. Now swim to the other side of the room and climb out of the water, head up the slope, ignoring Horus for now, and head through the doorway at the top. Pull the lever inside and then make your way over to the now open doorway on the opposite side of the room.

Pull the lever found here to activate a device elsewhere in the level. Now go back to the opposite ramp and jump from the top of it to the only other solid ground in this area. From here you need to work your way up the outsid eof the cavern. The ledges are all pretty obvious and you should have no problems. At the top you will be faced with a large stalactite, step back from the edge and do a running jump past the stalactite, onto the ledge below. From here jump over to the small hole in the wall and climb in. Crawl through the tunnel and drop down on the other side.

Avoiding Horus's fire, continue to follow the ledges around until you see a climbable wall. Jump over to it and start to climb across so you enter the beam of light, this will protect you from the flying Horus. Now climb up and onto the ledge above.

Climb up the inside of the shaft and leave this dangerous place. After the cut scene, Head through the gate, which is now open if you pulled both switches in the room below and dodge past the three sliding blocks. In the next room, stay to the side and avoid the pillars that come crashing down. Take a running jump over the spike-filled pit and grab the opposite ledge, pull yourself up and immediately move forwards to avoid being crushed by the falling pillar. Another running jump is needed over the next pit and then another.

Pull yourself up and leggit out of the Pyramid once and for all. Sit back and watch the end sequence, safe in the knowledge that you have finished the hardest of all the Tomb Raider games.

Well Done.

