VBS_LoveLetter Copycats (Variants)
VBS_LOVELETTER has generated many
variants (copycats) and the following descriptions (below) show how
they differ from the original. Trend urges all users to not open any
attachments during this high-risk VBS virus period. Any attachment
with a ". Vbs" extension should be deleted immediately. If
you receive an attachment that you are not sure about, please scan
the file before you open it or send it virus_doctor@trendmicro.com
for scanning. This is a free service.
However, due to Explorer default
setting a file named: nameoffile.jpg.vbs, will appear in Windows as
nameoffile.jpg only, with the .vbs hidden from view. If you click on
this attachment Windows will execute the file instead of opening the
default .jpg viewer.
Note: Trend's latest pattern
file detects all the variants described below. Trend suspects more
variants of this virus will be seen in the wild, since the viral
code is very easy to modify.
Variant B (Susitikim
1. Contains one additional comment at
the beginning of the code
"rem Modified Lameris
Tamoshius / Lithuania (Tovi systems)"
2. Uses a different email subject.
Instead of the subject "ILOVEYOU",
it uses the subject:
"Susitikim shi vakara
kavos puodukui..."
Variant C (Very
Funny variant)
This variant has the
following characteristics
Subject: fwd:
Message: (blank message body)
Attachment: Very
- Creates a file called "Very Funny.HTM".
Variant D (No
Manila Header variant)
This one does not contain the following two commented lines:
"rem barok -loveletter(vbe)
<i hate go to school>"
"rem by: spyder /
ispyder@mail.com / @GRAMMERSoft Group / Manila,Philippines"
Variant E (Mothersday
This one is a bigger re-write which has the name changed to
Subject: Mothers Day Order
Message: We have proceeded to
charge your credit card for the amount of $326.92 for the mothers
day diamond special. We have attached a detailed invoice to this
email. Please print out the attachment and keep it in a safe
place.Thanks Again and Have a Happy Mothers Day! mothersday@subdimension.com
Attachment: mothersday.vbs
1. First two lines have been changed
rem barok -loveletter(vbe) <i
hate go to school>
rem by: spyder / ispyder@mail.com / @GRAMMERSoft Group /
rem hackers.com
rem by: hackers.com
2. The four Explorer links the virus
directs the browser to are changed to:
3. elseif(ext="jpg")
or (ext="jpeg") then,
has been changed to
or (ext="bat") then
4. The mIRC component tries to mail
out mothersday.HTM
Variant F
(Brainstorm variant)
Subject: Important !
Read carefully !!
Message: Check the attached
IMPORTANT coming from me !
Attachment: IMPORTANT.TXT.vbs
1. First two commented lines have
been changed to:
rem brain -Important(vbe)
<What da fuck ?!>
rem by: BrainStorm / @ElectronicSouls Crew /
2. Instead of using the files:
"Win32DLL.vbs" and "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs",
it uses the following file names:
Registry changes were made
accordingly to point to the new filenames.
3. Script.ini file has been changed
";Khaled Mardam-Bey"
Instead of using the file
it uses the file

Variant G
(Symantec Protect variant)
Subject: Virus
Dear Symantec customer,
Symantec's AntiVirus Research Center began receiving reports
regarding VBS.LoveLetter.A virus early morning on May 4, 2000 GMT.
This worm appears to originate from the Asia Pacific region.
Distribution of the virus is widespread and hundreds of thousands
of machines are reported infected. The VBS.LoveLetter.A is an
Internet worm that uses Microsoft Outlook to e-mail itself as an
attachment. The subject line of the e-mail reads ILOVEYOU, with
the attachment titled LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.VBS. Once the
attachment is opened, the virus replicates and sends an e-mail to
all e-mail addresses listed in the address book. The virus also
spreads itself via Internet relay chat and infects files on local
and remote drives including files with extensions vbs, vbe, js,
sje, css, wsh, sct, hta, jpg, jpeg, mp3, mp2. Users should
exercise caution when opening e-mails with this subject line, even
if the e-mail is from someone they know, as that is how the virus
is spread. Symantec Corp. today announced availability of the
virus definition to detect, repair and protect users against the
VBS.LoveLetter.A virus. This definition is available now via
Symantec's LiveUpdate and can also be downloaded from the
following web sites:
http://www.symantecstore.com/AF74211/promo/ loveletter
Also as a quick solution Symantec Corp. offers Visual Basic Script
to protect your PC against this worm. (See attached.)
Note! When executed, this script will protect Your PC from being
INFECTED by VBS.LoveLetter.A virus. To cure already infected PC's
download Norton Antivirus Updates mentioned above. Symantec
Corporation - a world leader in internet security technology.
Attachment: protect.vbs
1. Comment has been changed to:
"rewritten by OmmenŠ
/ directly from HELL!!! / <Fuck teachers, burn schools"
2. Virus uses filename "protect.htm"
3. Internet Explorer links have been
changed. Virus does not try to download
4. .com and .bat files have been
added to payload list of file extensions to be infected.
5. mIRC script has been changed
Variant H (Virus
Warning variant)
This variant is attached to an email
that pretends to be a virus fix and has the following characteristics. This
attachment appears to be a graphic (.jpg) file because Windows hides the
extension .vbs.
Subject: Dangerous
Virus Warning
Message: There
is a dangerous virus circulating. Please click attached picture to
view it and learn to avoid it.
Attachment: virus_warning.jpg.vbs
1. Comment on top
section of code has been removed.
2. Internet Explorer
links have been changed and now try to download "setup24.exe".
3. .wav, .txt, .gif,
.doc, .htm, .html and .xls files have been added to payload list of
file extensions.
4. mIRC script has
been changed.
5. Virus uses "Urgent_virus_warning.htm"
Variant I (Corrupted variant)
This is a corrupted variant with
additional code on the top section of the code.
Variant J (Packet
Storm variant)
Subject: Thank
You For Flying With Arab Airlines
Message: Please check
if the bill is correct, by opening the attached file.
Attachment: ArabAir.TXT.vbs
1. Virus comment has been changed to:
"Originally submitted to
Packet Storm as Win32DLL.txt"
"barok -loveletter(vbe) <i hate go to school>"
"by: *.* / *.*@internet.com / @*.* / Microsoft, RedMond"
2. The payload for .mp2 and .mp3
files now refers to .sys and .dll files.
3. The payload for .jpg and .jpeg now
refers to .exe and .dll files.
4. Virus uses the file "no-hate-FOR-YOU.HTM"
Variant K (Virus
Protection Instructions variant)
Subject: How
to protect yourself from the IL0VEY0U bug!
Message: Here's the
easy way to fix the love virus.
Attachment: Virus-Protection-Instructions.vbs
1. Virus comment has
one additional line:
writes fucked code. And he can't spell for crap, either."
2. mIRC script has
been changed.
3. Virus uses the
file "Virus-Protection-Page.HTM"
Variant L (Lucky
This variant is another attempt to rewrite the virus. It fails to
Variant M (Bla Bla
Bla variant)
This variant is very similar to
variant D. However, some of the text in the
mIRC script has been changed from "Khaled Mardam-Bey" to
"Bla Bla Bla".
Variant N
(Software Testing variant)
Subject: Variant
Message: This is a
variant to the vbs virus.
Attachment: IMPORTANT.TXT.vbs
1. Virus comment has been changed to:
"Loveletter virus
"for testing Anti-Virus software"
2. Viruses uses the files:
"sndvol32.vbs", "IEAKDLL.vbs" and "IMPORTANT.TXT.vbs"
instead of "MSKernel32.vbs", "Win32DLL.vbs", and
3. Registry has been changed
4. Payload file extensions have been
changed to "mpeg" and "avi".
5. The payload for .jpg and .jpeg now
refers to .qt and .qtm.
6. The payload for .mp3 and .mp2 now
refers to .mpeg and .mpg.
7. Virus uses the file "IMPORTANT.HTM"
Variant O (The Hidden
1. Virus comment has one additional
"Comments begining with '
added by The Hidden May 4 2000"
2. The viral code contains several
more comments by the virus author.
Variant P (Unix
This variant is an attempt to
convert VBS_LOVELETTER to the Unix platform. It is not in-the-wild
and we don't expect to see it on customer systems.
It contains the following comment:
"This is a demonstration
how easy a virus like the LoveLetter virus"
"can be portet to a unix systems"
Variant Q: (LOOK
Subject: LOOK!
Message: hehe...check
this out.
Attachment: LOOK.vbs
1. Comment has been removed
(similar to variant D)
2. Virus uses the files
"MSUser32.vbs", "User32DLL.vbs" and "LOOK.vbs"
3. The payload for .jpg and .jpeg
files now refers to .xls and .mdb files.
4. The payload for .mp2 and .mp3
files now refers to .lnk and .exe files.
5. mIRC script has been changed
6. Virus uses the file "LOOK.HTM"
Variant R:
(Additional "-" character variant)
This variant contains an additional character "-" in one of the
registry entries (WIN- -BUGSFIX.exe).
Variant S:
(Additional "<" character variant)
This variant is very similar
to variant G. It contains an additional character "<" in the
commented code.
Variant T: (mePhIsToN
Subject: I
Cant Believe This!!!
Message: I
Cant Believe I Have Just Recieved This Hate Email .. Take A Look!
Attachment: KillEmAll.TXT.vbs
1. Virus comment has been changed
-Killer(vbe) <killer H8letter virus>"
MePhIsToN / dfgdfghd@gdgf.com / @INFERNOSoft Group / gggz.HK"
2. Virus uses the files "killer1.vbs",
and "KillEmAll.TXT.vbs"
instead of the files "MSKernel32.vbs",
3. The payload for .jpg and .jpeg
files now refers to .gif and .bmp files.
4. The payload for .mp3 and .mp2
files now refers to .wav and .mid files.
5. Does not try to propagate
through mIRC (code is missing).
8. Virus uses the file "killer.HTM"
Subject: Bewerbung
Message: Sehr
geehrte Damen und Herren!
Attachment: BEWERBUNG.TXT.vbs
1. Virus comment has been removed
(similar to variant D)
2. Virus uses the file "BEWERBUNG.TXT.vbs"
instead of "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs".
3. mIRC script has been changed.
4. Virus uses the file "BEWERBUNG.HTM"
Variant V:
(BAND-AID variant)
Subject: Recent
Virus Attacks-Fix
Attached is
a copy of a script that will reverse the effects of the
LOVE-LETTER-TO-YOU.TXT.vbs as well as
the FW:JOKE, Mother's Day and Lithuanian Siblings.
Attachment: BAND-AID.DOC.vbs
1. Virus comment has been changed
"<i hate listen
to wine> Seattle, WA candystore@mail.com"
2. Virus uses the file "BAND-AID.DOC.vbs"
instead of "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs".
3. Internet Explorer URL has been
changed to "http://www.2600.com".
4. Virus does not attempt
to download "WIN-BUGSFIX.exe".
5. Payload also includes files
with the following extensions:
.bat, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .wav,
.mp2, .mp3, .lnk, .bak, .doc, .xls, .rtf, .txt, .htm,
.html, .xml, .mny, .zip, .bmp, .cab, .inf.
6. mIRC script has been changed.
7. Virus code that created "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM"
file has been removed.
Variant Y: (Image of
the Millenium variant)
Subject: Image of the Millenium
Hi, my name is Nelma Marisa, and I'm here to present the Image of the Millenium. Just unzip Nelma.zip and read the readme file included first. Then open the image called Millenium.gif. Thanks...
Attachment: nelma.zip
1. Comment on top section of code has been
2. Payload file extension has been changed from
mp2 or mp3 to jpg.
3. Files with the extension jpg or jpeg does not
change its original filename. .