F FFFFF F FFFFF F 7777 The Walkthrough F
F FFFFF F FFFFF F 7777 by Joe Winiarski F
77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777F final compile date : 01/18/98
Table Of Contents:
------------------ I. Intro
A. Disclaimer
B. Stuff to Know II. Disc 1
A. Intro
B. Number 1 Reactor
C. Midgar
D. Number 5 Reactor
E. Slums
F. Wall Market
G. Sewer
H. Train Graveyard
I. The Destruction of Sector 7
J. Shinra Bldg.
K. Kalm
L. Chocobo Farm
M. Mythril Mine
N. Fort Condor
O. Junon
P. Cargo Ship
Q. Mt. Corel/Corel
R. Gold Saucer
S. Gongaga
T. Cosmo Canyon
U. Nibelheim
V. Mt. Nibel
W. Rocket Town
X. Temple of the Ancients
Y. Forgotten City III. Disc 2
A. Corral Valley Cave
B. Icicle Inn
C. Gaea's Cliff
D. Return to Junon
E. Mideel
F. Back to Corel
G. Fort Condor
H. Lifestream
I. The Submarine in Junon
J. Sunken Plane
K. Rocket Town Revisited
L. Wutai
M. Bugenhagen's Adventure
N. Return to Midgar IV. Disc 3
A. The Descent
B. The Right Path
C. The Upper Left Path
D. The Lower Left Path
E. The Final Descent
V. Playing the Game
A. Controller Description
B. Controls
1. Normal Play
2. World Map
3. Buggy
4. Seaplane
5. Highwind
6. Submarine
7. Chocobos
C. HP/MP System
D. Experience System
E. Materia/AP System
F. Status Ailments/Benefits
G. Battles
1. The Battle Screen
2. The Battle Square
H. Locations
1. Continents
2. Cities
3. Islands
4. Other Places of Interest
I. The PHS
J. General Tips VI. Secrets and Bonuses
A. The Safe in Shinra Mansion
B. Getting Vincent
C. Getting Yuffie
D. Vincent's Subquest
E. Yuffie's Subquest
F. Chocobos
1. Catching
2. Breeding
3. Raising
4. Racing
5. Chocobo Sage
G. Natural Materia
1. Explanation
2. Mt. Nibel
3. Quadra Magic
4. Mime
5. HP<->MP
6. Summon Knights of the Round
H. Master Materia
1. Types
2. Getting
I. The Man in Kalm
J. The Weapons
1. The Original Weapon
2. Ultima Weapon
3. Diamond Weapon
4. Emerald Weapon
5. Ruby Weapon
K. Turtle's Paradise
L. Sector 5 Key
M. All Lucky 7's
N. Level 4 Limit Break Manuals
O. Top-Secret Unlimited Item Cheat
P. Ancient Forest
Q. The Man at the Gold Saucer VII. Other Stuff
A. Stuff from Other Final Fantasies
1. Materia/AP
2. Summons
3. Enemies
4. Chocobos and Moogles
5. Items
6. Magic
7. The Airship and Cid
B. The Mini-Games
1. Motorcycle
2. Snowboard
3. Submarine
4. Fort Condor VIII. Stuff to Throw in at the End
A. How to Contact Me
B. Release Info
C. Stuff I Need/Don't Need to Know
D. Greetz/Thanx
=I. Intro =
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---A. Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a walkthrough for Final Fantasy 7. But then again, you probably
already knew that. This walkthrough does not claim to be complete, and
probably never will. No matter how many times I read it through, I'm sure
I'll miss something. If you notice any error, big or small, lemme know. My
email address and ICQ number are at the bottom, in section VIII:A (How to
Contact Me).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---B. Stuff to Know ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I use various abbreviations throughout this guide. Here are some of them: EXP - Experience Points
AP - Ability Points
GP - Gold Points, the things at the Gold Saucer (_not_ gil)
HP - Hit Points
MP - Magic Points
EP - Experience Points
FMV - Full Motion Video
a.k.a. - Also Known As
BTW - By The Way Also, I tend to switch references when talking about directions. North, East,
West, and South are the same as Up, Down, Left, and Right. When Up or Down
does not refer to a ladder, it means North or South. When a section lists the stuff that can be found, these are either laying
out in the open, in chests, or by other extraordinary circumstances. These
are not gotten by buying them at a shop or defeating a boss (on the Items
Recieved screen). Also, this list does not include Key Items. View this file in EDIT (for DOS). That's what it was written in. I'm
currently working on an HTML version for my page. Also, when I talk about things to say to Aeris, they imply that you want her
as your girlfriend through the game. If you don't, be mean to her (but I
honestly don't know how you could... :) You won't see stuff from the Japanese version of the game here. This guide
was intended to be for the English version. No poor katakana translations
here. No "I'm not sure what it's called in English" excuses. The enemies are
called things like "Bottom Swell" and "Ark Dragon", not "Botomusuwaru" and
"Aakudoragon". If one is writing a walkthrough for the English version, he
should actually have PLAYED the English version at some point. Lastly, this is NOT a FAQ. I hate it when people call these things FAQs.
It makes it sound like all the file does is answer a few Frequently Asked
Questions. Walkthroughs dig far deeper. They answer questions no one would
even think of asking. Whew. I feel better already.
=II. Disc 1 =
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---A. Intro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -None -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- The game starts with an awesome Full Motion Video (FMV) sequence, followed
by Biggs, Jessie, Wedge, Barret, and Cloud jumping off the train. To start out, Cloud has 5 Potions, an Ether, and a Phoenix Down.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---B. Number 1 Reactor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -3 Potions
-Phoenix Down
-Restore Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- After jumping off the train, run to the guard on the ground and search him for
a Potion. Search him again for another Potion. Follow the others north.
About halfway up the screen, two guards will attack. Kill them off and
duck into the hallway after your allies. Go north and talk to Biggs (the guy on the left). During the discourse, name
yourself when prompted. Barret comes running in. Name him, and after a short
FMV, you automatically enter the reactor. Follow the others north and west
through the doorway. The next screen in a catwalk high above the ground. When you come to a
T-shaped junction, go north, into the reactor. Talk to Barret, and he joins
your party. Next, talk to Biggs (on the left) to open the door. Run through,
then talk to Jessie to open the next door. Go north, but before you enter
the elevator, search to the right for a chest with a Phoenix Down. Now talk
to Jessie and enter the elevator. Use the elevator to go down to the next level. While the elevator is going
down, Barret and Cloud talk a bit and get to know (and hate) each other.
Exit the elevator into a large room with stairs. Take the stairs down and
right, then down and left, until you reach the ground. Enter the door
directly in front of you. Walk up to the gap to jump over it, and talk to
Jessie. She explains how to use ladders. Climb down, and then walk towards
Jessie. See the flickering blue thing by her feet? It's a Potion. Get it.
Now run down the ladder on the right, and climb down the ladder next to the
platform. Run down the pipe to the next screen. Run down the pipes over the the ladder on the wall. Here you encounter your
first save point. Save your game. Run down the walkway to the next area.
Run up to the green dot on the ground. Pick it up, it's a Restore Materia.
You won't be able to use it until later. Run up to the reactor, and watch
the action. Cloud starts to have flashbacks. After placing the bomb, the
Guard Scorpion attacks.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... GUARD SCORPION
The guard scorpion, being a robot, is suceptible to lightning. Have Cloud
use Bolt repeatedly, while Barret attacks. When it raises its tail above
its head, stop attacking, and cure with Potions. EXP AP GIL ITEM
100 10 100 Assault Gun .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Equip the Assault Gun on Barret, and run back to where you last saw Jessie.
Her foot is stuck, help her free it. Then run to the stairs, up them, and to
the elevator. Talk to Jessie, then Biggs, to open both doors. Just before
you exit this area, you can raise your experience by fighting enemies until
the timer is low. Then leave. Watch the pretty fireworks.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---C. Midgar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Potion
-All Materia
-Ether -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Watch Jessie detonate a bomb, and follow Barret up the stairs. When you talk
to the flower girl, pick the bottom option, and then the top option. Exit
the screen, and you end up in a large open space. Go south, around the large
fountain, and then west. Pick up the Potion on the left side of the screen.
Talk to the man, and then exit south. Fight the soldiers or run from them,
either way, you jump on a train. The scene starts with Jessie, Biggs, Wedge, and Barret talking. Cloud joins
them, and they leave. Follow them into the next train car. Talk to everyone,
After talking to Jessie, the train passes through an ID Security Check area.
After this, talk to Barret, and the train reaches the station. Watch the cool
FMV, and exit the train. Exit to the left, but instead of following the others, go up and save at the
save point. You can also take a peek at one of the pillars holding up the
city. Now go down and left to AVALANCHE H.Q., a.k.a. Tifa's 7th Heaven bar.
Enter the bar, and talk to Tifa, and the little girl, Marlene. After naming
Tifa, give Tifa a flower. Now talk to everyone else. Try to leave the bar,
and Barret will come in. Follow everyone downstairs and talk to them. Go back upstairs and try to leave. Tifa follows you, so talk to her. Watch
the story. Barret comes and pays you 1500 gil for the mission.
After you agree(?) to go on the next mission, you go to sleep. Wake up and
go upstairs. Marlene is at the bar mixing drinks. Talk to Tifa and Barret.
You explain to Barret how to use Materia, and from here on, you can equip and
use it. Leave the bar after Tifa and Barret join you, and go down to the shack near
the bottom of the screen, to the left. Don't buy any Potions here, you should
have enough already. Do, however, buy at least one Restore Materia and one
Fire Materia (Cloud already has Lightning and Ice ones). Equip them. If you
need more gil, run back near the train station, and continue right. Fight the
ghosts here for experience and gil. Exit the store, and run to the large
building to your right. Buy three Iron Bangles from the man behind the
counter. Equip them and sell the Bronze Bangles. Go up to the second floor to the Beginner's Hall and talk to everyone. The
dog explains how to use the buttons. Grab the blue circle by the boy on the
right's feet. It's an All Materia. He then gives you an Ether. The kids
beating each other up explain Limit Gauges. The lady in pink explains about
Save Points. The three big guys on the right and the big construction worker
by the entrance explain pretty much everything else. Also, now is a good time
to move Barret to the back row with the Order command. He has a long range
weapon, and can dish out just as much pain from back there.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---D. Number 5 Reactor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Ether
-Tent -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Board the train. When the I.D. Check fails, follow everyone else and get off
the cars before the time limit expires. After jumping off the train, you end
up on the tracks. If you run down five screens, you can fight Shinra
Security Guards (Special Combatants), and build some experience. Otherwise,
go up a screen, to the green security sensors. Walk left, up to the small
hatch, and climb in. Walk forward and grab the green Ether on the ground. Climb down the ladder to
the grate, and then down another ladder. Run left and talk to Wedge, then go
up either ladder. Talk to Jessie, then look just to the left of the vent with
the red triangle pointing at it. A Potion is hiding around the corner! Get
it, and then proceed left and down the ladder. Run around to the little white
flashing bag, it's a Tent. Go to the Save Point, and save. Talk to Biggs,
and go up the ladder. Now you are in the reactor. Slide down the pipe. You should recognize the
layout of the reactor. Run to the door at the base of the stairs. Follow the
same path as you did in the Number 1 Reactor. When you reach the core, Cloud
has another flashback. Sabotage the computer, and leave the reactor core.
Exit the same way you did the other reactor, using the elevator. Upon exiting the elevator, open the chest on the left for another Ether. Go
up and left into the room with the three panels. Walk up to it, and time when
you hit the button to match Tifa and Barret's hits (Tifa will explain when you
enter the room). Now go through the open door and save. This may be a good
time to use your Tent, because through the next door and down the stairs is
the boss. When you reach the T-junction, talk to President Shinra. He flies
away, but leaves you to fight Air Buster.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... AIR BUSTER Again, Bolt is effective here. Air Buster only attacks the people he is
facing. Otherwise, he has a weak rear machine gun. Keep hitting him from
both sides to confuse him. EXP AP GIL ITEM
180 16 150 Titan Bangle .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
After the fight, Air Buster explodes, sending Cloud falling to the streets far
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- E. Slums ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -5 gil
-Cover Materia
-Phoenix Down -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- When you wake up, you meet Aeris, whose flower bed you fell on. When you talk
to her, pick the top option, then the top option, and the top option. Walk to
Aeris and talk to her again. Name her, and then talk some more. Reno of the
Turks comes in to the church. Talk to Aeris again, and then fight the guards. Run to the back, and then you can either fight the guards with Aeris or have
Cloud drop barrels on them. I prefer the first option, to build levels. But
if you don't want to fight, drop the barrels in this order: the barrel on the
far left, the barrel in the back right, and the barrel in the front right.
Climb up out onto the roof using the broken plank. Talk with Aeris, then
walk along the rooftops. You end up in the slums. Save. Go left one screen. Go up where the light is, which takes you to the
town. Buy materia and armor. In one house, you can steal 5 gil from a little
kid's dresser drawer. If you don't, when you return later he gives you a
Turbo Ether. The guy in the pipe in the upper left, who only says "Uhhh" also
has a tattoo of a number. He is one of the failed clones you will meet later
at the reunion. Anyways, go into the light to the right of the weapon shop
to go to Aeris's house. Save. Go to the flower garder to the right of the
house, and get a Cover Materia, and an Ether. Enter the house, and talk to Aeris's mom, Elmyra. Then talk to Aeris, and
when you have the option, choose the top one. When Aeris goes upstairs, talk
to her mom. Go upstairs, and Aeris talks to you again. Sleep, then Cloud has
a bad dream. When you wake up, search by the table at the foot of the bed,
you get a Potion and a Phoenix Down. Leave Aeris's, making sure to walk (not
run), and exit to the town. Go back to the main street, and go north. Aeris
is waiting for you here.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---F. Wall Market ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Ether
-Phoenix Down or Hyper -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Go up the wood bridge and across the metal grate. Run to the pink beam and
run down it, and through the metal pipe. Run left and up to the wood plank
which is to the right of the crane. Run up the plank, down the wood bridge,
and up to the next screen. Talk to Aeris, and pick the bottom option. Follow
her until she stops, then talk again. After Tifa rides past, follow her to
the Wall Market. Sleep at the Inn if you want. It costs 10 gil. To the right is... uh...
well, find out for yourself. The building marked ITEM holds an item that you
can not get yet. Then there is a store, a sushi bar, a clothing store, and
an artifact store. Now go to that place on the right, er, the one the guy in the white shirt is
too embarassed to say. Talk to the chubby guy in the vest that's talking to
the bouncer. Ask him about Tifa. Now go back left and all the way north
three screens until you reach a mansion. Talk to the guard here, and Aeris
will suggest that you should dress like a girl to get in. Yikes! For some
reason, you go along with the idea (I would rather fight my way in...).
Now go back to the first screen and talk to the guy in the white shirt on the
right side of the screen. He will give you his Member Card to the club. Enter, and prepare yourself to be shocked. Pick one of the rooms on the left,
the bottom one to get the bikini briefs, or the top one to get the lingerie.
You can also peek in the rooms on the right, or go into the top room to have
makeup put on you. Now go to the clothing store and talk to the girl behind the counter. She
explains that her father is "plastered at the bar". Go up a screen to the bar,
(the building with the mat outside that says "IN") and talk to the man sitting
on the right side by himself. He will ask you two questions, answer him and
return to the clothing store. He will give you a dress, based on your answers
to his two questions. If you answered the first question with the first
choice, you get a Cotton Dress. If you answered with the second choice, then
the first, you get a Satin Dress, and if you answered the second choice, then
the second, you get the Silk Dress. Go to the artifact shop on the first screen. Talk to the man, and then go
sleep at the Inn. In the middle of the night, you wake up. Buy an item, and
return it to the man. If you get the 200 gil item, you get the Diamond Tiara,
if you pick the 100 gil item, you get the Ruby Tiara, and if you pick the 50
gil item, you get the Glass Tiara. Go to the sushi bar and sit down. Make sure you have more than 70 gil, and
eat one thing you want. When the guy asks you how you like it, tell him the
middle option. He will give you a "Item Coupon". Take the Item Coupon to the
store and exchange it. You can get: Disinfectant, Deodorant, or Digestive.
Go to the bar and talk to the person standing outside the bathroom. He's
really got to go. Go to the bathroom door and talk to the person inside, and
give them the item you got at the store. In return, they will give you an
item: Cologne for the Disinfectant, Flower Cologne for Deodorant, and Sexy
Cologne for Digestive. Also, note that the picture on the wall in the bar
slowly changes - the Wutai Pagoda, the Forbidden City tree, a mountain,
a field, and a beach. Go to the gym (second screen, bottom left building, south of the weapon shop).
Talk with the woman by the ring. Select the bottom choice, then the bottom
choice, and start the squat contest. Press Square, X, O, in that order, over
and over again. If you do more squats than the other guy, you get the Blonde
Wig. If you tie, you get the Dyed Wig, and if you lose, you just get the
plain old Wig. After getting the Wig, return to the clothing store and try on your nice
new dress <shudder>. Go to the mansion and go on in. Go upstairs and to the
room on the left. You find Tifa. Aeris and Tifa have an uncomfortable
moment. After the talking's done, before running upstairs, get the Ether
by the fire. Go upstairs and in the middle door. Don Corneo will pick
either Cloud, Tifa, or Aeris. He picks based on the items you got. If Cloud was NOT picked,
you'll end up in a room with a bunch of guys. Get the Phoenix Down in the
lower right, then fight the guys. Save Aeris or Tifa from the Torture
Chamber, and bust in the middle door. Next, you talk to him, rather,
threaten to rip his nads off. After this, search behind the bed for a hyper
and go stand by the ladies. Don Corneo talks again, pick any one of the
three options to fall into the sewer. If Cloud was picked,
talk to Don Corneo and search behind the bed for a Hyper. The girls bust in,
and make threats. Talk to him, and pick any of the three options, and into
the sewers you go.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---G. Sewer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Potion
-Steal Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Watch the action scene at Shinra Headquarters. After this, you wake up in
the sewers. Before waking the girls, head south to the stairs, and up to the
left for a Potion. Notice that if you get in a fight, the girls are there
fighting with you, but after the fight, are still passed out on the ground.
Hmm... very interesting... At any rate, before waking the girls up, equip
all of your party with materia, and cure everyone. The reason for this is
that there is another boss.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... APS Fire works very well on this boss. Also, have someone equip the RESTORE/ALL
combination to cure everyone. His Tsunami attack hurts him as well, in fact,
it hurts him more than your party. EXP AP GIL ITEM
240 22 53 Phoenix Down .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Climb the ladder, go right, and climb down. Use the stairs and get the Steal
Materia. Jump down the hole in the upper right corner. Run right to the
stairs, and then climb up the metal structure to the left. Go right and use
the ladder to climb up to the train graveyard.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---H. Train Graveyard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -3 Hi-Potions
-Echo Screen
-3 Potions
-Ether -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Climb from the manhole and save. Run inside the first train car on the right
by using the metal grate. Run through and exit near the barrel. Search the
barrel for a Hi-Potion. Now go back and climb the train using the ladder.
Get the Hi-Potion on top of the car. Go up until you reach a large metal
beam. Hop on and climb down to the left. Check the barrel for an Echo
Screen. Go right until you are at the next train. Enter and get the Potion.
Go down and exit to the right. Go across to the ladder on the third train.
Climb across, and down the other ladder. Go up and enter the train. Go up,
and exit the train. Get the Potion at the top of the screen, and leave. Go up and around the train car on your left to get the Potion. Go up and
around the next train car and search the barrel for an Ether. Now go right
and up to the engine. Get in the engine and it will push the car out of the way.
Climb back in the engine again to back it up. Run and get in the other engine
to the north. It backs up. Climb the ladder on the adjacent car, get the
Hi-Potion, and climb across to the left. Run off the screen to the left, and
return to the AVALANCHE Hideout.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---I. The Destruction of Sector 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Turbo Ether
-Ether -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- The scene starts with gunfire from the Sector 7 Pillar. Wedge falls from the
top and dies. Talk to the old man to buy items, then go save and start
climbing. Talk to Biggs a short ways up. Continue your climb, and talk to
Jessie. At the top, meet Barret, and fight Reno.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... RENO Any magic attacks work equally as well against Reno. If he uses his Pyramid
attack, attack the person with the pyramid around them. This will break the
pyramid. Cure often and keep attacking this boss. Beware his Electro-Mag Rod
as it will paralyze its victim for a short amount of time. EXP AP GIL ITEM
290 22 500 None .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
After beating Reno, escape by using the cable Barret grabs. The entire
section of the plate crashes down in a nice looking FMV sequence. The party starts out near Wall Market. Go up the wood bridge and toward the
plank, and Tifa and Barret will join you. Go to Aeris's House in Sector 5.
Talk to Elmyra, then go upstairs and spend the night. Try to leave the house,
and everyone joins you. Before you leave for Wall Market, go to the house
with the boy you DIDN'T steal the 5 gil from, and he will give you a Turbo
Ether. Also, read the papers on his wall, one of them is the 1st Turtle's
Paradise Flyer. Return to the playground in Sector 6. Near the fence is a Sense Materia.
Go to the Wall Market. Buy everyone new armor and weapons, as well as items.
Also, the guy in the artifact shop sells materia now. Go over to the weapon
shop, and talk to the guy on the left. He will sell you three batteries, you
need them later. Go all the way north, near Don Corneo's mansion, and follow the group of kids
that go running. Climb the shiny golden wire of hope ;) Walk all the way
up it to the steel girder. Jump off to the left, and walk to the right, all
the way to the battery hole in the lower right. Insert a battery. This
powers the propeller, creating a walkway. Jump up to the propeller, and walk
up it, to the pipe. Jump off the pipe to the tracks. Climb to the next
socket on the left and insert a battery. Run up the beam and climb the cable.
Instead of jumping across to the swinging wire, climb up off the top of the
screen. Insert a battery here. You get an Ether. Climb back down and jump
across to the wire. The best way to time the jump is to jump just as the wire
stops squeaking. Climb up the pipes and cables to the top.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---J. Shinra Bldg. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Elixir
-Elemental Materia (or another prize from the Mayor)
-Star Pendant
-Four Slots
-All Materia
-Phoenix Down
-Poison Materia
-Enemy Skill Materia
-4 Potions -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Save here. Choose whether to bust in through the front door or to go off to
the left and climb the stairs. The stairs are by far easier, and have an
Elixir, but are extremely long and boring. Busting in through the front,
however, is harder, but gets you exp. and gil. Also, you can read Turtle's
Paradise Flyer No. 2 on the first floor. It's on the bulletin board on the
wall. Either way you will eventually end up on the 59th floor. Once there, run right to beat up the three guards (Mighty Grunts). They drop
the item "Keycard 60". Now enter the elevator. Press the button to go up,
then talk to both Barret and Tifa to exit. The 60th floor and above are high-security floors. What you need to do is run
around the column to the left, and enter the room. Now you must time when you
run past the guards. When they move, you must sneak to the next statue. Then
repeat this process with your friends. Climb to floor 61 - the lounge. Talk the everyone here, but especially to the man in blue. He will ask you
what you are doing here. Say "......". He gives you Keycard 62. Go up
to floor 62. On floor 62 there are four libraries, with their titles on the plaques outside
them. Read the plaques, and then find the book that is in the wrong library.
Each library has one book that is in the wrong library. Find a theme common
to these four books, and then talk to the mayor in the room on the left. Tell
him the word that represents the theme. If you get it right the first time,
he will give you an Elemental Materia along with the Keycard 65. The more
times you answer wrong, you get a lesser item along with the keycard. Go to floor 63. Here you can open only three doors to get to all three item
coupons. Talk to the computer in the lower right room for a better
explanation. Anyway, the path to follow is: Go all the way to the right and up. Open the door that is on the top row.
Now go all the way left to the door but do NOT open it. Open the door to
the south. Go down and left into the room with Item Coupon A. Climb into
the air duct on the right, and follow it right and up. This drops you in
with Item Coupon B. Exit the room and open the door to your left. Get Item
Coupon C and go back into the air duct. Go down and right, this drops you
in the computer room. Talk to the computer and select "Coupon Change" to
get your items. The A Coupon is a Star Pendant. B Coupon is a Four Slots bracelet. C Coupon
is an All Materia. Exit the floor and go to floor 64. Floor 64 is a fitness center. Rest and save in the room on the left. You can
try the treadmills in the center room. Go into the room with the lockers and
search the lockers for items; you can find an Ether, a Phoenix Down, and the
HP Shout m-phone (a weapon for Cait Sith, you'll meet him later). Right now
you can't get the HP Shout, you'll have to get it when you come back another
time. Exit the floor and head up to 65. On the 65th floor are a bunch of locked chests. Only one opens, and it gives
you Midgar Parts. Take them into the center room with the model of Midgar
and insert them in one of the holes. The noise you hear is another chest
unlocking. Find which one it is, and open it. More Midgar Parts. Keep
doing this until there are no more holes in the model. The last click you
hear is the chest by the stairs; it holds the item "Keycard 66". The 66th floor holds the meeting room for Shinra execs. Talk to everyone and
then go into the bathroom. Climb into the stall and onto the toilet to hear
what's going on in the conference room. Follow Hojo up the stairs to floor
67 (he leaves the door unlocked). Floor 67 is the research lab. Run down and to the left, all the way over by
the crates. Now go up near the purple glow. Watch Hojo, then examine the
door to see Jenova. Cloud has a flashback. Now run back to the back of the
room. Get the Poison Materia from the chest and save. Exit through the back
door. Exit the elevator and you find Aeris. Then Hojo calls a boss to fight
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... HO512
HO512-opt Fire is by far the best magic to use. Ice and Poison don't work very well
against him, nor do regular attacks. Do not bother attacking the HO512-opts
because the HO512 will use his Reanimagic to bring them back. EXP AP GIL ITEM
300 30 250 Talisman .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
After the fight, heal everyone and get the Enemy Skill Materia from the
sample tank. Leave, and run to the lower right. Go up the ramp and get the
two Potions on the grating. Now go up and talk to the man with the red hair.
He gives you Keycard 68. Follow him when he runs away, and get the two
Potions in the next room. Go to the 66th floor elevator to meet your friends. Get in, and push the button. Rude and Tseng capture you and your party. When
you are in the cell, talk to Tifa and tell her the first option. Walk near
the door and think about all your friends, then get some sleep. Your door is
open, wake all your friends and leave. Examine the guard, then wake Tifa.
Talk to her again, and get the key from the guard. Free everyone. Go back
to the lab and talk to Red XIII. Follow him and save by the elevator. Go up the elevator and talk to Red XIII. Follow the trail of blood. Notice
that if you fight an enemy here, there is blood on the floor of the fight
scene. Cool! Anyway, you end up on the 69th floor. Keep following the blood
and save at restore yourself at the save point. If you have a Tent, use it
here. Follow the trail up, and it mysteriously ends at the next floor. Go over to the President's desk and you find him dead, Sephiroth's sword
buried deep in his back. Well, at least you don't have to worry about Shinra
Inc. anymore, right? Wrong!! Go through the door at the top. His son, Rufus,
takes over. "...Old man tried to control the world with money. It seems to
have been working." "I'll control the world with fear. It takes too much to
do it like my old man.", he says. What a nice guy. Anyway, prepare Aeris, Barret, and Red XIII for a fight, then go to the
elevator at the bottom of the screen. Push the button, then get ready for
the fight of your life...
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... HUNDRED GUNNER
HELI GUNNER Use Bolt as much as you can. Have Aeris and Red XIII just use magic, because
their attacks will not reach. When you kill the Hundred Gunner, Heli Gunner
comes along. Use the same strategy on him. EXP AP GIL ITEM
250 25 200 Mythril Armlet .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Now equip Cloud for a fight. Give him at least a Restore Materia, Fire, and
Lightning Materia. Steal, All, and Cover are useless here.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... RUFUS
DARK NATION Kill Dark Nation first, then go for Rufus. When Dark Nation uses Barrier,
just use Fire and Bolt attacks. Cure if your HP drops to critical. EXP AP GIL ITEM
310 42 650 Protect Vest/Guard Source .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Run back inside and meet Tifa, who is waiting. Next, you control Aeris. Try
to leave the building. Watch the action, along with some cool FMV motorcycle
stuff. Read the instructions for riding the bike, or see section VII:B.1
(The Mini-Games/Motorcycle). Before you start, pull up the menu with the Triangle button. Equip everyone
with Materia, as there will be a boss fight later. Make sure you give someone
the Lightning Materia. You must protect the truck from the Shinra Motorcycles. Chop them with your
sword. Do not let the truck get destroyed at ALL costs. If you succeed,
the Motor Ball will attack.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... MOTOR BALL Use Bolt and other magic attacks. Physical attacks are alright, but Bolt is
by far the best. EXP AP GIL ITEM
440 45 350 Star Pendant .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
You are left standing at the end of the road. Did Tifa really need to put
on the truck's hazard lights? Oh well. Your party climbs off the end of the
road, and leaves Midgar. You can not return except through a secret key that
you may want to find later on. Try to leave the city with Cloud, and then
pick the bottom option. Pick your party, then go Northeast to Kalm town.
For instructions on how to use the World Map, see section V:B.2 (Controls/
World Map).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---K. Kalm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -3 Ethers
-Guard Source
-Megalixir -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Enter the town, and go to the Inn to meet your friends. Go upstairs and you
all talk for a while. Have Cloud tell the story of his past. Wander around
Nibelheim. You can play the piano at Tifa's. Go look in Tifa's closet for
"Orthopedic Underwear" :) Meet Zangan at the Inn. He's Tifa's sensei. Talk
to Sephiroth upstairs. Talk to him again and get some sleep. Talk to him again when you wake up. Tifa guides the party into the mountains.
Watch the cool FMV of the mountain bridge. Run up and talk to Tifa. Follow
her. The bridge breaks in yet another nifty FMV and you all fall to the
ground. Run up into the mountains and into the first cave. Go north to the
other end. Watch the explanation about natural Materia. Note that there are
only four other locations in the world where Materia occurs naturally. See
the section VI:G (Natural Materia) for details. Run up into the reactor. Run along the pipes to the wood board. Jump from
there to the chains on the wall. Climb down to the large beam, the run right
into the reactor core. Run up the stairs and talk to Sephiroth. Go to the
pod on the left that Sephiroth was in front of, then talk to him again. Look
into the pod. Hojo is not only infusing Mako into the people, but
consolidating Materia into them. Sephiroth goes nuts. One of the pods breaks
open with a cool FMV. Opt to finish the story when Barret asks. Once in the mansion, go upstairs
and to the right. Talk to the soldier. Go into the room in front of him and
push the bricks. Go down the stairs and then run down towards the screen.
Run right and listen to Sephiroth. You learn that Jenova, an ancient, was
found in the ground, estimated to be 2000 years old. Talk to Sephiroth, then leave to room. Once the story part is over, run down
to the room where Sephiroth was. He is still there, but now understands
everything about his past. Run out to the town, which is on fire. Go to the
center of town and talk to Zangan. Go check the burning house. Then read
more storyline and see Sephiroth in the fire, in one of the most awesome FMV
sequences in the game. Go down to the reactor core. Tifa is there with her
dying father. This is the flashback you had at the Number 5 Reactor. Tifa
runs up and tries to kill Sephiroth with the Masamune. Instead, he slashes
her and goes inside the Jenova Chamber. Check Tifa and follow Sephiroth.
Check out more FMV. Pick the second option to leave. In the top floor of the inn, go to the left
of the stairs. Try opening the cabinet here. There is an item that Cloud
cannot reach. Open it a total of five times. Cloud gets mad and hits the
cabinet, causing the Megalixir to fall. Someone gives you the PHS downstairs
(see section V:I, The PHS). Buy weapons, materia, and items as desired. Go
to the first house right of the Inn. In the closet under the stairs is an
Ether. In the house to the right of that, there is an Ether upstairs in
the wardrobe. Also, let the dog out of the closet on the first floor. Why
was he in there? In the house next to THAT, go up the stairs to the left,
and open the chest to get the Peacemaker. If you go up the staircase on the
RIGHT, you can get a Guard Source from the second cabinet from the left. Go
to the house on the right side of town and open up the pantry under the stairs
for yet ANOTHER Ether. Do these people really appreciate you taking their
stuff? Remember the location of this house, it's the location of several
secrets towards the end of the game.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---L. Chocobo Farm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Ether
-Summon Choco/Mog Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Leave Kalm. Now might be the best time to learn your first Enemy Skill
(assuming you got the Enemy Skill Materia). Fight the Custom Sweepers around
Midgar (the area with the brown grass) to learn Matra Magic. This is one of
the only enemies that you can learn Matra Magic from (the other is in the
Corel Prison). Now head east near the Chocobo Farm. See that greyish swamp to the south?
You can't cross it because of a monster called the Midgar Zolom (Who is
actually located nowhere near Midgar...). Well, actually, it IS possible to
cross, but don't attempt it unless you are incredibly brave, or incredibly
lucky. Most people opt to catch a Chocobo. If for some reason you decide to try crossing on your own, make sure the Zolom
is way over in the left-hand corner of the swamp, facing away from you. Start
on the large chunk of land jutting into the swamp. Save here, then try to
run. The Zolom can hear your footsteps in the swamp, and homes in on you. If
you run you may get lucky and make it. This is the method I used. By the
way, it's a good idea to go to the farm for the Summon Choco/Mog Materia. Otherwise, enter the farm, talk to the Chocobo near the fence and pick the top
option. You get the Summon Choco/Mog Materia. Go into the barn and talk to
Choco Billy. Oh, and by the way, be sure to have 2000 gil handy. Pick the
top option. Then pick the fourth option, then the first. He will sell you a
Chocobo Lure Materia. Now buy a few greens. In the main house, Choco Bob
will sell you Chocobo stables and give you advice. If you want, go to the
right side of the house and walk into the bedroom to rest (for 100 gil).
Leave and try to catch a Chocobo. If you have any questions, ask Choco Billy,
or consult section VI:F (Chocobos). Leave the Chocobo Farm. This is the best time to learn the Enemy Skill
L4 Suicide. Run around on the dark green grass west of the farm until you
encounter a little brown gopher called Mu. Eventually, he will use this skill
on you. There are few enemies that you can learn this skill from. Now, catch a Chocobo (or lace up your running shoes) and make a break across
the swamp. Remember, the Zolom can still get you if you are on a Chocobo, but
the Chocobo is fast enough that you should have a good chance of making it
across. Run towards the cave. You see a cool shot of a large snake (another
Zolom?) impaled on a large stake. Run to the back of the snake to get back to
the map, then enter the cave.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---M. Mythril Mine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Long Range Materia
-Mind Source
-Hi-Potion -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Go up and to the right. Get the Ether here, and open the chest for a Tent.
Climb the vine on the left to get a Long Range Materia. Also, run around
in here to fight the enemy "Ark Dragon", who teaches you the Enemy Skill
Flame Thrower. Now return to the first screen. Go down and then to the right for a Mind Source, then go all the way left
and exit this area. Talk to Rude, pick either option at first. Then meet
Elena, the newest member of the Turks. Tseng comes in. Elena bungles and
tells you that your next stop should be Junon Town. Go up through the archway and get the Elixir in the chest. Continue up for a
Hi-Potion. Then go back down a screen and climb the thick roots on the wall.
Exit the mine.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---N. Fort Condor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -None -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Go to the large blue fort to the south (the one with the condor on it). Talk
to the man outside. Enter the fort where you can shop, sleep, and save.
Talk to the man at the table and pick the top option. Decide whether to fight
or not. I chose not to, because you have to come back later and fight.
If you don't fight, leave, and find Junon. If you do fight, see section
VII:B.4 (The Mini-Games/Fort Condor).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---O. Junon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Summon Shiva Materia
-Enemy Skill Materia
-2 1/35 soldiers
-Mind Source
-Luck Source
-Power Source
-Speed Source
-Gift from Ad (Grenade, 6 Potions, 6 Ethers, or 5000 gil)
-Gift from Heidegger (Silver Glasses, HP Plus Materia, or Force Stealer) -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Before going to Junon, you can get Yuffie to join your party. Read section
VI:C (Getting Yuffie) for further information. Junon is directly northwest from Fort Condor. Look at the large world map
(hit start twice) to see it. It's right on a peninsula southwest of Midgar.
Don't be suprised if you don't see it right away, it is hidden in the face of
a cliff. Instead of walking up the hill, walk around it to find the city. Buy weapons and armor here, then get yourself ready for a boss. Go to the
left side of town and down the stairs. Meet Priscilla. Then a boss comes
out of nowhere (Gee, aren't you glad I warned you?)
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... BOTTOM SWELL The best attack to use is the Summon Choco/Mog, since the boss is weak against
wind. Use bolt and bio liberally here. Also, the Enemy Skills "Matra Magic"
and "Flame Thrower" are extremely effective. Do not attack with short-range
weapons, as they will not reach this flying boss. Beware of his Bubble attack
because you can only pop the bubble by using a magic attack on your captured
550 52 1000 Power Wrist .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Wake Priscilla. Her father comes down the stairs. Now you have to give her
CPR. Hit the square button once to start the meter, then hit it again to
breathe. Do this several times. When she wakes up, go back to the first house in town and rest. Cloud has
yet another nightmare. Follow Tifa outside. Go up to Priscilla's house.
She gives you the Summon Shiva Materia. Then follow her down to the beach
after all your friends ditch you. Talk to her, and get Mr. Dolphin to help you out. Press the Square button to
make Mr. Dolphin jump. When she asks you if you want to try, pick the second
option. You can hold X to swim faster and Square to jump. Don't swim by the
base of the tower or you'll be shocked by what happens. The place to line
yourself up is directly above the tower's leg, slightly up from the place
where the shadow's cross to make an "X". You should be hidden under the beam.
Run across the beam and climb up to see an FMV of the Highwind. Run towards the screen, then on the next screen run left to the large yellow
button. Push it to go down. Run south to the barracks. Follow the captain
into the room. Change into the uniform in the locker. Do what the other
soldiers do. Now follow the others. Save on the right, then exit and start
the parade. Yet another cool FMV (aren't they all), and then follow the
others into the alley. Now you have to jump in when the soldiers pass. Run into the empty spot into
the back of the group and press the O button to hold your gun out when the
other soldiers do. Also, do not run off the screen to the right. The more
in sync you are boosts the ratings, which makes the T.V. producer happy, who
sends you gifts. The ratings usually start at 28%, but I've seen them start as high as 38% or
as low as 23%. I believe the game picks at random. A little tip: when the
captain says "CHARGE!!!", wait a few seconds for the second row of soldiers
to get on screen. Also, press O at the same time as or just after the other
soldiers hold their guns out, not one moment before. Actually, what seemed
to work best for me was just pressing the O button like a mad fiend. 0 - 30% = Grenade
31 - 39% = 6 Potions
40 - 49% = 6 Ethers
50% or more = 5000 gil If you move while Heidegger is talking, the captain will yell at you. Now
talk to the Captain and say what you like. He'll train you for the next
military display. Wander the town and buy Weapons, Items, and Materia. The
third door to the left contains the Beginner's Hall (Intermediate). Talk
to everyone here to learn more stuff. Also, get the Enemy Skill Materia in
the bottom corner. Go back upstairs to the second floor for a 1/35 soldier
and a Mind Source. Now go into the back room and get the Luck Source. Go up
another floor for a Guard Source and a Power Source. Exit and go left, under the bridge. There are more doors here. Go in the
third door here and go in the bedroom for a Speed Source. Exit, and go in
the second door from the right. Save, then exit and go all the way left to
use the skills you practiced. For some reason, the President has a gauge to show you how happy he is with
your skills. How does this gauge work? Who knows! But based on the number
that it is at when you finish, Heidegger will give you one of these items: 0 - 50 = Silver Glasses
60 - 90 = HP Plus Materia
100 - 220 = Force Stealer Yes, it says 220. If you do everything perfectly, the game gives you an extra
test by adding on two moves. Still, you only get the Force Stealer :(
Watch Rufus talk, then board the boat.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---P. Cargo Ship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Ether
-All Materia
-Wind Slash
-Summon Ifrit Materia
-Power Source
-Motor Drive
-Fire Ring -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Run left to the chest and get the Ether inside. Also, on the right, between
the crates is an All Materia. Talk to the guard who is walking around. It's
Aeris. Pick the top option. Go upstairs. Talk to the sailor in white who
is walking around. Pick the second option and he will sell Potions and
Phoenix Downs to you. Climb the rope ladder and talk to Tifa. Pick the top
option. Go left and climb the ladder. Talk to Red XIII, who seems to be
having a problem with his uniform. Save here. Return downstairs to the cargo hold and talk to Aeris. Go back upstairs and
go the the front of the ship (run off the left side of the screen). Talk to
Barret twice. Now go back to the main deck and talk to your friends. Pick
your party (make sure Aeris is not in it), save, then go prepare to fight. Go
downstairs and to the room that previously was guarded. Climb the ladder on
the left, run around to the right, and get the chest with the Wind Slash.
Climb back down and talk to the guard in red by the other end of the room.
Sephiroth leaves you to fight the first mutation of Jenova.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... JENOVA-BIRTH Use Quake on Jenova-BIRTH. Fire, Ice and Bolt work so-so. Use your Summons.
Do not use Poison attacks, they are useless. Make sure you use Cure/All after
she attacks with the double Tail Laser. EXP AP GIL ITEM
680 64 800 White Cape .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Have Cloud explain what's going on. When your friends leave, do NOT follow
them, but grab the flashing red dot to your right (Summon Ifrit Materia).
Now exit the room and you'll start at Costa Del Sol. Pick the top option
when you are all talking to tell Barret that in the sailor suit he looked like
a bear wearing a marshmallow. Since Aeris is not in your party (remember,
I said make sure she's not on your party), she will go the beach for a tan.
Go to the right and up the stairs to the town. In the mean time, another
action scene happens with Rufus and Heidegger. Go right in the the first door with the words "Costa Del Sol" near it. Find
the stairs leading down (in the back right), and get the Power Source, the
Motor Drive, and the Fire Ring. Go back up and out of the house. Next, go to the bar and talk to Mukki (remember him from Wall Market?), and
then talk to the guy in the lower left to buy some good stuff. Then exit
and go to the right. You can kick the soccer ball at Red XIII if he's not
in your party. Talk to Butch at the concession stand way in the back to buy
some good (expensive) Materia. Then buy items. Go down to the beach and talk to Aeris. You'll meet Hojo and talk about some
things, like Aeris being an Ancient. This will not happen if Aeris is in your
party. Then follow her to the Inn and talk some more. Say the first option. Now go back to the world map and save. Either build up cash to buy the
expensive Materia and Armor, or make your way west to the cave.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Q. Mt. Corel/Corel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Star Pendant
-Wizard Staff
-W Machine Gun
-Turbo Ether
-Transform Materia
-10 Phoenix Downs
-Power Source
-Mind Source
-Tent -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stand near Costa Del Sol and face just south of west. See those big
mountains? That's where you have to go. Walk along the coast and then climb
on top of that cliff that you are facing. Walk up towards the mountains and
find the road that goes into them. Follow the road to the other side, and
enter the cave on your left. Climb. Talk to the man halfway up, then climb some more. Climb again on
the next screen, and you are at the North Corel reactor. Climb down the
stairs to the reactor. Run around the railing, and climb down more stairs.
Run right and follow the train tracks. Fall through the hole in the tracks,
and hold left or right and hit O as fast as you can. If you fall right, you
get a Star Pendant. Fall left and get the Wizard Staff. Climb back up, and
take the top path. Get the W Machine Gun. Run to where the tracks meet, then
head back left, and get the Turbo Ether and the Transform Materia. Take the
top tracks all the way right and over to the next screen. Keep going right to the little shed. Turn the lever to move the bridge.
Before going back left, go right to where you hear birds chirping. Climb up
the wall to a bird nest. There are 10 Phoenix Downs here. You can choose
whether to take them or leave them. If you take them, you will have to kill
the birds' mother, a Cokatolis. Anyway, go back left and take the bottom
tracks to meet your friends. Follow the tracks left and down. Run to the
water, then all the way right to find a hidden room. Talk to the man here,
then get the Power Source, Mind Source, and Tent. Go back up, but take the
tracks to the right. On the next screen, take the large bridge to the front
and enter Corel. Talk to everyone here. The weapons and items here are nothing great, but
sleep in the Inn up in the top left corner. Exit to the world map if you'd
like to save (because it costs money to save at the gold saucer), also get
some gil (you need at least 3000), otherwise go to where the sign says "Gold
Saucer". Listen to Barret's flashback, then get in the Ropeway and go on up
to the Gold Saucer.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---R. Gold Saucer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Summon Ramuh Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Enter the Gold Saucer. Talk to the person you want to join you, then follow
Barret into Wonder Square. You meet Cait Sith here. He fortells Aeris's
future, uh, events (to not reveal the plot). After this, go to Speed Square.
Talk to the guy in the orange shorts. His name's Dio, and he owns the Gold
Saucer. Next, go to Ghost Square and read the Turtle's Paradise Flyer No. 3
on the wall (it says SHOP). Next, go to Battle Square. You find a dead
guard. Run up into the Square. You get arrested and thrown in jail. Examine the dead guy, then run to the next screen. Go all the way to the
bottom and right to buy items, then go in the little shack on the right side
to find Barret. Form a party, then leave the shack. Run up back to the first
screen, and leave the prison on the upper right exit. Keep running right
after you leave, and you will end up in Dyne's junkyard. Follow the brown
gravel road up and to the right. After some dialogue, you must fight Dyne.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... DYNE Use any attacks on him, and keep your HP up. Summons work particularly well.
This fight is easy if you stun him with Choco/Mog. EXP AP GIL ITEM
600 55 750 Silver Armlet .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Dyne kills himself. You talk to Mr. Coates, and he enters you in the races.
After Ester stops talking to you in the race lobby, grab the red Summon Ramuh
Materia by the windows. Start the race. Any questions? Consult section
VI:F.4 (Chocobos/Racing). After this, Dio will give you the buggy, which lets you cross deserts and
shallows in the rivers. Cool! Take the time to learn the enemy skill
Aqualung from the Harpys in the sand pit before leaving. Just drive around
until you hit one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---S. Gongaga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Deathblow Materia
-White M-Phone
-Summon Titan Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Drive south the the shallows (the light blue part of the river). Cross here
and work your way south to Gongaga. It's the wreckage in the forest directly
to the south. Rest (with a Tent) and save, then enter the town. Run north
and you hear Reno and Rude having a conversation. Fight them.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... RENO
RUDE Attack one or the other with your strongest attacks and magic. Summons work
well, and the Enemy Skill "Aqualung" and just devastates them. Once you
defeat one, the other leaves. EXP AP GIL ITEM
1380 130 3500 Fairy Tale/X-Potion .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Run up and to the left. To the left on the next screen is the Deathblow
Materia. Go up and to the right to enter the town. Enter the first house on
the left. Buy accessories, then climb the pole for a weapon shop. The bottom
house on the right has Zack's parents. Talk to them. The item shop is one
house up. The Inn is just above the accessory shop, and there is a chest here
with an X-Potion. The top house has a White M-Phone. Exit the town, and go all the way back to where you fought Reno and Rude.
This time, take a right and walk to the reactor. Walk up into the center,
nd Scarlet and Tseng come along. After they leave, search to the right of the
large glass tube for a Summon Titan Materia. Now take the buggy and go to the forest directly to the west. Learn the Enemy
Skill Frog Song here from the enemy "Touch Me". De-equip Cait Sith's Materia
and put the Manipulate Materia on someone in your party (unless, of course,
you are using Cait Sith). Walk around on the beach to fight the enemy Beach
Plug, and then manipulate it to get the Enemy Skill "Big Guard". If you want, you can take the buggy back to Junon by ship, and manipulate the
Zemzeletts near Junon to get the "White Wind" Enemy Skill (or wait until you
get the airship). If you do go back, fight the Midgar Zolom for the Enemy
Skill "Beta" (as long as you're here, right?). Make sure you equip the person
with the Enemy Skill Materia with the Fire Ring so they don't die :) The
Enemy Skill "Aqualung" seems to be very effective here. Also, after he dies,
GET OUT OF THE SWAMP! For some reason, he is still there after you kill him,
and he will attack again. BTW, getting these skills is VERY helpful in
future fights.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---T. Cosmo Canyon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Elixir
-Added Effect Materia
-Black M-Phone
-Fairy Ring
-Turbo Ether
-Gravity Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Drive west to the shallows and cross the river. Drive north until you can
enter the canyon area. Drive north and wind your way through to Cosmo Canyon.
It's the city built into the cliffside. If you drive past Cosmo Canyon, your
car will break down! Yeah! It'll just start shooting electricity, and break
down! Cloud and the others have to hoof it back to Cosmo Canyon! Enter
Cosmo Canyon. Talk to the man at the gate to get in. Talk to Red XIII (he's on the stairs
and blends in well), and your party will split up. Talk to everyone here.
If you talk to the man north of the Cosmo Candle, he'll tell you about Planet
Life studies. When you talk to him and your car is broken, he offers to fix
it. Cool! Anyway, go into the Arms Shop and read the paper posted there,
it's the Turtle's Paradise Flyer #4. Buy weapons and save. Go up the stairs
and to the back room to hear the story of AVALANCHE. Work your way up to the
next floor, and explore some more. There is a Materia store here. Climb the
ladder to hear Bugenhagen's story. Go talk to one of your friends to form a party. Barret is in that back room,
Aeris and Tifa are at the Inn. Go back to the observatory. Bugenhagen
explains about the Lifestream. Walk back down to the town and sit by the
Cosmo Candle (the big ol' flame). Talk to everyone. After you talk to Red
XIII, form a party and get ready for a tough, long fight. Sleep at the Inn
(BTW, there is an Elixir behind the couch at the Inn), read the flyer outside
the Inn door (next to the counter) - it's Turtle's Paradise Flyer No. 5, save,
and then meet Bugenhagen at the sealed door just under his observatory. Equip everyone with Star Pendants (protect against [Poison]). Have him
open the door, and go in. Climb down the ropes to the bottom. Go right, into
the large room. Walk along into the caves and break open the rocks inside
when asked. One of them opens a doorway, the others get you into fights.
The rock in the third cave opens the door. Go north through the door and
into the next room. Go up and left when the path turns. Walk _carefully_ around the bottom of
the oil slick and go down and to the next room to get an Added Effect Materia.
Go back and _carefully_ walk back around the oil again. Go up, the left and
down the stairs. Go down to get the Black M-Phone. Go north again to get
an Ether. Go around and back up the stairs and follow the path up. Go north again and take the fourth hole from the left. Touch the web and
fight the large Stinger. Go up and get the X-Potion. Go back the the part
with the five holes and go through the second hole. Touch the web and fight
another Stinger. Follow the path left and down into the cave. Hold right
while walking through the cave to go through a hidden tunnel. Get the Fairy
Ring from the chest. Equip it (protects against [Poison/Darkness]). Go back
up to where you fought the Stinger, and take the path on the right. Fight
the third and final (whew) Stinger. Walk through the left wall for a Turbo
Ether, and heal up for the boss. Go up through the cave and fight.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... GI NATTAK
SOUL FIRE Equip someone with the Time/All combination of Materia, or an Enemy Skill
Materia. Caste Haste (or Big Guard) on the party. Use Ice and Bolt based
attacks on the boss. Avoid Fire or Bio type attacks. Ignore the Soul Fires
and concentrate on the main boss. EXP AP GIL ITEM
1600 160 3100 Wizer Staff .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Go north and get the Gravity Materia. Follow the others into the cave. Watch
the action scene. When you return to the Cosmo Candle, rest and leave the
town. Take the car west through the canyon, then north. Cross at the shallow
part of the river, and enter Nibelheim.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---U. Nibelheim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -2 Luck Sources
-Turbo Ether
-Platinum Fist
-Summon Odin Materia
-Enemy Launcher
-Twin Viper
-Magic Source
-Silver M-Phone
-Destruct Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- When you run into the town, everything is normal. The thing is, it burned
down 5 years ago... Talk to the Innkeeper. He doesn't know Cloud OR Tifa.
Go into the back and find the caped figure with a 6 tattoo. He gives you a
Luck Source and then mumbles something about going to a Reunion. Enter the
next house. It's an Item Shop. Talk to the guy by the fireplace. Weird.
Go up to the right by the pot-bellied stove. Another caped guy, this one's
number 12. You get an Elixir. Go to Cloud's house. More weird. Go to Tifa's. Talk to number 5 by the
door. Cheapskate don't even give you anything. Go in the kitchen and talk to
number 11. At least he gives you a Turbo Ether. Not like that punk number 5
guy. Tifa's parents' room has #4 and he gives you a Platinum Fist. Go up to
Tifa's desk in her room and read the report on the right side. This clears up
some of the weirdness. The people in the town are Shinra staff, and the
clones are experiments from the mansion. Leave Tifa's and go next door. Check the upstairs. Two more clones. Talk to the one on thr right first to
get a Luck Source. Now talk to the bottom one. She says "Reunion...", and
the other says ".....ion..." after that. They were the kids you remembered
in the flashback. This means - <gasp> - the townspeople who survived the fire
were turned into experiments! Go up to Shinra Mansion. Talk to the two
clones, who tell you Sephiroth is in the Mansion. Enter the mansion. There are several things to do here. The first is to get
the Enemy Skill "????" from the scale-like Jerseys. Also, you can steal
Turbo Ethers from them. Another thing is the safe. See section VI:A (The Safe in Shinra Mansion) for
details. You can also now go get Vincent if you wish (see section VI:B,
Getting Vincent, for details). Otherwise, get the Enemy Launcher from the chest in the greenhouse. Go to the
room north of the room with the squeaky spot in the floor for a Magic Source
in a chest. Go back downstairs and into the door just to the right of the
stairs. There is a Silver M-Phone here. Go into the door that is north of
the entrance (by the piano), and go right and up to get the Twin Viper. Now go back to the room with the squeak in the floor. Walk into the brick
wall to open a secret entrance, then take the spiraling boards down. Run to
the room where you saw Sephiroth in the flashback at Kalm. He will talk to
you, and then give you the Destruct Materia. Get it, and exit the mansion
and exit the town towards the mountains in back.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---V. Mt. Nibel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Rune Blade
-Plus Barrette
-All Materia
-Elemental Materia
-Sniper CR
-Counter Attack Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Go to the right and follow the path up when you have a chance. There's a
Rune Blade in the chest up on the peak. Come back down and proceed left.
Before the bridge, follow the small road to the right of the rock. Take the
lower path and wind around until you reach a chest with a Plus Barrette. Go
back and follow the bridge up and to the left. Climb down the ladder, go
left, and climb down another ladder. Climb down all the ladders. Save.
_DO NOT_ walk up to the blue guy just yet, he's the Materia Keeper boss. Now go all the way back up to where you came in, and climb in the pipe marked
2. Get the Powersoul. Climb all the way up again, and go in pipe #4. Get
an All Materia from the chest. Jump off the ledge and follow the path south.
Run down the mountain and go into the cave to the right. Go up and right and
don't go out the exit. Enter the small cave on the left, and wind down and
around to the left to get the Elixir. Exit the cave and go to the Materia
fountain. Grab the Elemental Materia to the left, and enter the cave that is
back and to the right. Follow the path right and up, then circle around left to get the Sniper CR.
Go back right, and exit in the last passage going down. Follow the winding
mountain path to the left, and you'll end up at the reactor. Take the door
on the back wall, and you'll end up by the five pipes again. Save, and fight
the Materia Keeper.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... MATERIA KEEPER Cast Big Guard to start the fight. Physical attacks are the best to use here.
Ice and Bolt attacks work too, but only do slightly more damage than a
physical attack. Do not use Fire, it will cure him. Make _sure_ you learn
his Trine Enemy Skill, this is one of the only spots in the game that you can
learn this powerful lightning attack. Summons don't do much, except for Odin.
Keep healing with Cure2/All or White Wind and this guy will be dust in a
matter of minutes. EXP AP GIL ITEM
3000 200 4200 Jem Ring .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Make sure to pick up the Counter Attack Materia that he leaves behind. Exit
the cave to the World Map.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---W. Rocket Town ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Yoshiyuki
-Power Source
-Drill Arm -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Go west around the mountains, and then turn north. Go up into Rocket Town.
Buy weapons and accessories in the first shop to the left. The shop on the
right is an Inn. Talk to everyone here. The store with the old man outside
is an Item Shop. Talk to the old man twice. The second time, pick the first
option. He gives you the Yoshiyuki. Check the house to the right of this
for a chest with a Power Source (in the room down from the entrance). Go in the top house to get a Drill Arm (the room up and to the right from the
entrance). Go out back to find the Tiny Bronco. You meet Shera. Exit the
house and go up to the rocket. Go left and climb the long set of stairs.
Then climb the ladder to the top of the rocket. Go right, and inside the
rocket. Talk to Cid. Pick the top option to find out about the rocket. Return to the town and try to go to the Tiny Bronco again. Shera comes in.
Then Cid does. Shera tells you the story of how she screwed up the launch.
Go outside and see Cid with the President. Go out back and talk to Palmer.
You don't like him very much...
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... PALMER Use Big Guard (this is assumed from now on), and use your strongest Summons
and magic attacks. Cure often. Other than that, there's not much to do. EXP AP GIL ITEM
1800 98 5000 Edincoat .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Palmer has a near miss with the plane propeller. But he makes it. So, he
runs back to the woods, but gets nailed by a truck ;) Take the Tiny Bronco
and watch the action. You now get the Tiny Bronco, which is now a seaplane.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---X. Temple of the Ancients ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Protect Vest
-Choco Feather
-Mind Source
-Silver Rifle
-Turbo Ether
-Rocket Punch
-Morph Materia
-Nail Bat
-Princess Guard
-Trumpet Shell
-Work Glove
-Summon Bahamut Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- You can now go to Wutai and do Yuffie's subquest (see section VI:E, Yuffie's
Subquest). Or, you can go to the Northern Continent and pick up the Summon
Kjata Materia (see section II:Y, the Forgotten City). If not, take the ship all the way to the Center Continent. It can only go in
the light blue water, so head south, then east. Head east up the river near
Nibelheim. Take the river to the ocean, and enter the Weapon Seller's. The
guy here tells you about the Keystone. Talk to him again and ask him where it
is. He sold it to Dio, the owner of the Gold Saucer. Cross the river and
leave the boat. Walk all the way around the sand pit, and over to Corel.
From here, go to the Saucer. Either opt to pay 3000 gil for a one-time pass, or 30000 for the Gold Ticket
(unlimited entry). For Chocobo racers and people who want to do the Battle
Square in the future, dish out the 30000. It's worth it. If you're never
coming back, don't. Anyway, go to Battle Square and go into the showroom to
the right. The main pedestal has the Keystone. Talk to Dio. Pick the top
option, and fight. You will get the Keystone. If you beat all eight battles,
(yeah, like that'll happen at this early of a level), you get a Protect Vest
and a Choco Feather. Try to leave. Go to the hotel (automatically) and talk to everyone. Aeris
(or if you were mean to her, Tifa, Yuffie, or even Barret) will come into the
room. Aeris asks Cloud about the date she owes him. Then she makes him have
fun. Basically you don't control yourself until the play starts. You are the
100th couple to enter Event Square today, so you get to be in a play. Just
perform however you wish, and the rest of the cast will cover up for you. Next, you go to Round Square and ride the skyway. Hit different buttons to
do different actions. If you look out the window when Aeris talks, you can
see cool FMVs. You return to the Station, and find Cait Sith. He's taking
the Keystone. Follow him! He runs from Square to Square. Keep on following
him until you catch up. He throws it to Tseng. You find out that he's a
Shinra spy. That's why you never trust a cat. Oh, and by the way, he has
Marlene. When you return to the room, search the wierd closet thing for an Elixir.
Leave the Gold Saucer and head to the Temple of the Ancients. Get back in the
seaplane and head south to the small string of islands. Follow them east and
disembark on the beach. Walk to the temple in the forest straight ahead. Go to the top of the stairs and examine the guy in the black cape. Enter the
temple. Talk with Tseng, then place the Keystone on the altar. You are now
in the temple itself. It's like a huge maze. See that guy with the yellow
hat? You'll sorta meet him later. Go up and left to the staircase going
down. Go down it, and then into the archway above you. Exit and run to the
righ underneath the staircase to the chest. It contains the Trident. Run to
the right and climb the vines. Run to the left around the archway and up the
stairs heading left. Climb the vines here for a Mind Source. Run down the stairs and enter the archway. Talk to the guy you saw running
around before. He'll let you save, buy items, and restore your HP/MP. Get
the chest to the right for the Silver Rifle. Leave. Climb back down the
vines and go left through the archway. Get the Turbo Ether here, and climb
down the stairs to your right. Go left and down more stairs, then climb down
the vines and get the Rocket Punch from the chest. Go down more stairs, then
run right and climb up the vines. Follow that old guy to the left into the
archway. Now for the fun part. You have to time your running here so that you run
underneath the large rocks. The open side of the "C" shape has to go over
you. If they squish you, you go all the way back to the beginning. Once you
pass them, go to the pool. Grab the Morph Materia, then continue past more
boulders. These ones only roll you to the pool. After this, Aeris runs back
to the pool. Watch the scene with Sephiroth. Then run to the right and talk to the old
guy. Restore and save, and exit. Now you get to have fun with the talking clock. You have to line up the hour
hand and minute hand so you can walk on them from your current position to
one of the other hallways. He gives you three options. The first, "Move it
myself", allows you to move the minute hand fast, either backwards or forwards.
This is the best method to use for fine tuning the hands. The second option, "Spin it", moves the hands around and when you hit the O
button, they stop three positions after where you hit it. This method is best
for moving the hands if they are way off from where you need to go. The third option lets you walk across. Beware! If the second hand hits you
and knocks you off, you have to fight two Ancient Dragons.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... ANCIENT DRAGON A
ANCIENT DRAGON B This is a fairly easy battle. Summon Odin and Barret's Hammerblow Limit Break
work wonders here. Also, use Demi. EXP AP GIL ITEM
1600 160 1600 Turbo Ether .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
After this, get the chest which has the Nail Bat. This is a sword for Cloud,
it is very powerful, but has no Materia slots or Materia growth :( Exit, and
work your way back to the clock. Anyway, here's what in the various passages:
I - Monster-in-a-box. Two Toxic Frogs and a Jemnezmy.
II - Nothing. Blocked off by rocks.
III - Monster-in-a-box. Two 8 eyes. Morph them into Mind Sources.
IIII - Weapon for Aeris. Princess Guard.
V - Accessory. Ribbon.
VI - More of the temple. Don't go here until you are sure you don't want
to return to the clock room.
VII - Weapon for Cait Sith. Trumpet Shell.
VIII - Megalixir.
IX - Nothing. Blocked off by rocks.
X - Where you came from.
XI - Nothing. Blocked off by rocks.
XII - Can't go here yet. Enter passage VI. The old guy runs away. Follow him. You have to run into
the passage that he is going to run out of. This takes a little time, but
isn't too hard. Use the following chart to help you: ---------Chart Starts Doors: 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 0
Here's where the doors take you:
1 - 5
2 - Exit
3 - 8
4 - 0
5 - 3
6 - 7
7 - 4
8 - 9
9 - 6
0 - 1
You can also jump down a level by running above doors 3, 7, 6, or 0 and
walking around until the game says, "Press O to jump down a level".
---------Chart Ends Talk to him once you catch him to save or restore. Get the Work Glove from
the chest, then exit through the top door. After each scene with Sephiroth, run to the right to advance. After the long
dialog in which you learn that Sephiroth is going to destroy the planet with
Meteor, he sends a boss.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... RED DRAGON This is another basic boss. Use your strongest Summons and Magic. Do not
use Demi, it is useless here. Also, do _not_ use Fire, it cures him. Cure as
3500 200 1000 Dragon Armlet .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Grab the Summon Bahamut Materia. Run to the right and examine the floating
pyramid. Try to take it. Talk more, then tell Cait Sith you trust him. Run
back to the left and out the door. Go out the door here (or save first), then
use the clock again. Go into the XII passage. Run up to the door. It's a
boss. Yay!
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... DEMON GATE This is a strong boss. I know I said I wouldn't say this, but use Big Guard
right away. Bahamut is really the only Summon that works on him, concentrate
on using your physical attacks and Limit Breaks. Magic attacks are next to
ineffective. EXP AP GIL ITEM
3800 220 4000 Gigas Armlet .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
You meet Cait Sith and he marches in to his death. Run into the pit and get
the Black Materia. Sephiroth takes and and makes Cloud attack Aeris. In a
dream, you see Aeris go into the forest. This is the last time that you can
talk to her. Yeah, you heard right. When you wake up, leave the house and
talk to Tifa and Barret. You are in Gongaga again. Leave.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Y. Forgotten City ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Summon Kjata Materia
-Water Ring
-Magic Source
-Aurora Armlet
-Comet Materia
-Guard Source
-Enemy Skill Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Equip Tifa and hop in the Tiny Bronco (it's parked on the beach). Take it
east along the coast, then hook around north and west, up the river by the
Gold Saucer. Go to the very edge of the continent, and go north again. Once
you get around the northewest tip of the continent, go east to the Northern
Continent and get out on the beach. Enter Bone Village. Talk to the man standing near the top of the screen. He asks you if you want
his crew to dig for the Lunar Harp for you. Pick the first option. Pick the
first option again. The diggers work in the following fashion: You place staff members by pressing the Square button. For 100 gil, you can
place one crew member. After you have placed the desired amount, press the
Square button again to detonate the bomb. They will all face the treasure.
Simply select the spot that they all turn towards and dig here. The spot to dig in is on the top level. Climb the ladder and go to the tent
stake just above and to the left of the burnt-out fire. The Lunar Harp is
here. Note: You cannot get the "Key to Sector 5" yet. Now talk to everyone
else in town and enter the forest. If you have the Harp, you will get a
message that the Sleeping Forest awoke. Otherwise, if you try to continue on,
you will return to the same screen. You can now get the Summon Kjata Materia. On the same screen that gave the
last message, stand still for a while. You will see a red object flickering
in the trees either to the right or left. Every few seconds it appears on
one of the sides. Grab it; it's the Summon Kjata Materia. Continue north and into the forest. When you come to the pink bush, take the
path to the right to get a Water Ring. Now take the left path up and through
the log. BTW, learn the Enemy Skill "Death Sentence" here from the Boundfats
(little spiked yellow guys). It's easy if you Manipulate them. Also, you can
learn L4 Suicide from the Trickplays, if you did not already learn it. Head
north to the next screen. Follow the path back to the World Map. Go north into the big tree. You are now in the Forgotten City. Head up and
take the left path to find a save point and a Magic Source in the building.
Exit the building and enter the cave on the far right. Take the stairs down
to the lower level and get the Aurora Armlet. Return to the first screen where there are the three paths, and this time go
up into the tree. Enter the giant shell and go to the top for the Comet
Materia, which can unleash one of the more powerful attacks in the game. Go
back to the main screen and this time choose the path on the right. Take the first path to the right and enter the house. Climb up to get a Guard
Source. Now go back to the path and go up. Enter the next house. Get the
Elixir from the chest on the right, then climb the ladder to the beds. Choose
not to sleep. Grab the Enemy Skill Materia hidden behind the top bed, exit
the house, and enter again. This time, sleep. Cloud wakes up and feels something. Go back to the center shell house inside
the tree (where you found the Comet Materia). Enter and take the blue stairs
down. Once you reach the bottom of the stairs, save, because this is a big
part in the game :.(...... Take the stairs down and to the right. Jump across the logs to Aeris. If you
have a problem here, all you have to do is hit left to jump. Run up to Aeris,
and try to talk to her. Cloud draws his sword. Try to talk to her again.
You can use the D-pad and the X button to try to avoid it, but eventually you
have to hit O and try to kill Aeris. Tifa and Barret stop you, but Sephiroth
jumps down and ***KILLS AERIS!!!!***
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- This is a cool but sad FMV/action sequence. Sephiroth makes you fight another
mutation of Jenova.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... JENOVA-LIFE Use Quake and Titan liberally. Also, Comet and the strong summons work very
well. If Jenova-LIFE casts reflect, use physical attacks. Make sure one
person has the Water Ring equipped. Jenova-LIFE can't even hurt them then.
The easiest way to finish this fight with all three party members is to let
the person with the Water Ring sit and wait until Jenova-LIFE uses up all of
her MP. Then Revive and Cure everyone and just attack like nuts. EXP AP GIL ITEM
4000 350 1500 Wizard Bracelet .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
This is followed by more sad action/FMV. You bury Aeris (well, in the water)
outside the shell house.
=III. Disc 2 =
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---A. Corral Valley Cave ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Viper Halberd
-Bolt Armlet
-Magic Plus Materia
-Power Source -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- You start out in the Forgotten City. Take the path up and around to the right
and exit the city, following Sephiroth. The next screen has a white spiral
shell. Don't climb it, instead run over the white stone to the left of the
spiral. Run around back and to the right. In the chest is the Viper Halberd.
Climb the spiral. First step up to the first step. This takes you halfway up
the spiral. Then run around upwards to the top. Run down the outside and to
the left, into the cave. Go to the right to the second crack in the wall. Climb up it, and when you
have the choice, go left. Go left and climb the next crack, and when you get
the options, go left. Get the Bolt Armlet from the chest. Go back to the
crack and pick down, then climb up and you will get the choice again. This
time, pick right. Run right and climb down to the HypnoCrown. Run back to the crack and climb. When it asks right or left, pick left, then
jump back onto the crack and pick up. Climb to the chest for a Megalixir.
Climb back down and then up again. This time, go left, across from the chest.
Climb the next crack up and left to the ladder. Climb down and get the tiny
purple Magic Plus Materia to the left. Climb back up the ladder. When you jump off, jump on again and climb up to
the top. Exit to the right. Get the Power Source in the chest to the right,
then exit at the top. You are now back at the World Map.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---B. Icicle Inn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -X-Potion
-Turbo Ether
-Hero Drink
-Mind Source
-All Materia
-Summon Alexander Materia
-Safety Bit -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Head west around the mountains to Icicle Inn. Buy some incredibly powerful
weapons and get some rest. While at the Inn, go upstairs and to the window.
Search here for an X-Potion. Talk to the guy way in the back of the town,
past the houses, and pick the top option. The Turks show up. When they run
up to you, talk how you'd like, then avoid Elena's hit by hitting Left or
Right. If you get hit, you wake up in a house. If not, then Elena goes
rolling down the snowboard hill. Either way, go into the house to the left of the Inn and talk to the woman.
Then talk to the boy in back and take the Snowboard. Leave and go into the
house to your left. Go downstairs and get the Turbo Ether. You can also look
up the story of Dr. Gast and Ifalna, Aeris's parents, on the computer
upstairs. Exit and go into the house to the far right. Get the Vaccine and
Hero Drink from the room in the upper left, then grab the map off the wall. Save on the World Map, then go to the snowboard hill in the back of town. Hop
on and go. The game will explain the instructions if you ask the man at the
top of the hill, or see Section VII:B.2 (The Mini-Games/Snowboarding) for more
details. Depending on which path you took, you will end up at a particular place on the
Glacier Map (view it with the Square button). You wake up in the snow. Anyway, your main goal is to locate yourself on the
map and then navigate from there. Oh yeah, and if you take too long, you
freeze, go unconscious, and wake up at the cabin anyway. If you take the left path twice, you end up in a forest. Search near the
upper right behind the trees for a Mind Source. Go two screens to the right
to reach the frozen lake. Get the Potion out on the ice. If you go up and
to the left, you can enter the cave and get a Safety Bit. Or, keep going up
and right from here to reach a couple intersections, continue on to the
steaming lakes. Touch the water on the left side by going to the spot that
juts out and hitting O. After making sure you touched it, go north into the
snow field. Enter the cave to the north, get the All materia, and keep going
north across the snow field to the shack. When you get to the shack, talk to the old man to hear his story. You rest,
then you should save. Either head out to get more items, or head to the
mountain. If you decide to go item-hunting, head southeast across the snow
field until you leave it, then go three screens right, and then right over
into the cave. Talk to Snow, and since you touched the hot springs, you
will fight her.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... SNOW Fire based attacks, especially Beta, and physical attacks work well here. EXP AP GIL ITEM
500 42 700 None .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Snow gives you the Summon Alexander Materia. Return to the shack and rest
and save. Now go southwest across the snow field until you leave, then go
two screens left to the stone face. Exit to the left, and go two screens
left to the caves. Enter the cave, get the Elixir, and return to the shack
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---C. Gaea's Cliff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Ribbon
-Fire Armlet
-Speed Source
-Enhance Sword
-Summon Neo Bahamut Materia
-Kaiser Knuckle
-MP Turbo Materia
-Poison Ring -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Now go up the mountain, remembering what the old man told you. You must climb
up the wall and when you reach the ledges, hit the Square button repeatedly
to raise your temperature to 38 degrees. When, and only when, your heat is at
38 degrees, continue your climb to the next ledge. Repeat this process all
the way up the cliff and enter the cave. Go north and enter the next cave. Go left and down through the cave in the
corner. Walk to the right and through the wall for a chest with a Ribbon.
Return to where you went through the wall and head up and to the left. Before
you go into the cave, get the chest on the right, it's a Javelin. Enter the
cave, then enter the next cave ahead. Go up and left (you can't see yourself
here), and hook around to come out the cave in the upper left. Push the
boulder over the cliff. Return to the second room of the cave, where you went left and down through
the cave in the corner. This time, go up and into the cave to the north. You
will not be able to see yourself again, but make a half-circle to the left and
come out of the cave on the left. Follow the path right to another cave.
The next room is just above where you got the Javelin and Ribbon. Before you
go outside, learn the Enemy Skill Magic Breath from the Stilves here. Follow
the path right back to outside. The same situation is in effect here, keep your body heat as high as possible.
Climb up, and when you can choose, go up. After the next ledge, you get
another choice. Pick right. Climb to the top (it's a ways up) and enter the
cave here. Go to the right side and grab the Elixir from the chest. Go up
and to the left to the save point. Exit to the upper right. Go outside again
and run north, around the mountain, then south. Out in this outside area you
can meet the Malboro, who teaches you the Enemy Skill Bad Breath. If you are
going to do this, make sure at least one party member has a Ribbon equipped. Once back in the cave, get the chest with the Fire Armlet immediately to your
right. Now run left. As you pass under each icicle, you have to fight it.
Each icicle is accompanied by bats. After you defeat each icicle, it will
crack and fall to the ground below. You will have an option to jump to the
room below. Don't. Fight the next icicle. After defeating all four icicles,
get the Megalixir from the chest on the right. The game calls it a "Last
Elixir", but adds a Megalixir to your inventory. Hmm... Go over to the left again and search around the cliffside until you get the
option to jump down. Jump down, and go to the upper left. Since you knocked
down all of the icicles, You can get a Speed Source from the chest here. Go
up through the center exit. You are outside again. Get the Enhance Sword
from the chest, and head north. Circle around the large rock, then come south
to the exit. Once back in the cave, go south and outside yet again. Climb up, and go right
when you have the choice. At the next ledge, take the left path and choose to
go up when you can. Climb up several ledges and enter the third cave. Search
the pool to the right of the save point for a HP/MP restore. You can either
raise your levels here, or continue on. There is also an enemy here called
the Blue Dragon, from whom you can win a Dragon Armlet. Exit the room to the
right, and check out the clone. After you do, a boss attacks.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... SCHIZO (LEFT)
SCHIZO (RIGHT) Use your strong Summons, like Alexander, Bahamut, and Odin. Also use Comet
and Quake. Avoid Poison and Summon Kjata. Use Ice on Schizo (Right) and Fire
on Schizo (Left). When one head dies, it casts a powerful magic attack.
Concentrate on one head or the other, then kill the remaining head. EXP AP GIL ITEM
4400 240 3000 Dragon Fang .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Exit the cave and climb up the cliff to the right. Watch the nifty FMV of the
crater. Run to the top, and then watch the action. Continue down and talk to
the clone. Go left and watch more aciton. Tifa will talk to Cloud here. Run
to the left, and grab the Summon Neo Bahamut Materia from behind rock on the
next screen. Jump to the save point, then jump up more and continue left.
Watch the action sequence of the Shinra higher-ups. Continue left and talk to
the clones. They leave behind a Hi-Potion and an Ether. Here you need to cross when the wind is calm. If you don't, you fight an
enemy called Wind Wing and get knocked back. Continue north to the clones.
Talk to them, and get the chest to the right for a Kaiser Knuckle. Wind
around, following the path, but exit to the north. Cross here again, but now
you have to time it with the green blasts. Continue north and watch Sephiroth kill two clones. Watch the action as
Sephiroth disappears, then makes you fight Jenova again.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... JENOVA-DEATH Fight Jenova-DEATH with the strongest attacks you have. Use Big Guard and
Regen/All early on. Make sure you are wearing fireproof armor (Either the
Fire Ring, Dragon Armlet, or armor with the Fire-Elemental Materia pair).
Cure when needed. Easy enough. EXP AP GIL ITEM
6000 400 5000 Reflect Ring .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
You recover the Black Materia, but give it to another party member. Go north
and get the MP Turbo Materia, then save. Get the Poison Ring from the chest.
Go off the top of the screen, and you encounter the third and final barrier.
You have to time it when the wind is calm, the green flash is not there, and
the lightning is not zapping. Keep going north, and watch the action. Cloud and the party have another long flashback of Nibelheim. You see the
real story of Nibelheim. Cloud finds out that he is a clone, but doesn't
accept it. Then there's another action scene with the Shinra folks again.
Weapon attacks. Cloud appears near the Shinra and more action happens.
Cloud takes off, and then Hojo explains about the reunion and Sephiroth. Sephiroth is dead, but his will is so strong he won't diffuse into the
Lifestream. Watch the cool FMV. Rufus takes your party (minus Cloud of
course) into the Highwind. You see the four Weapons emerge from the earth.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---D. Return to Junon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Fourth Bracelet
-Chocobo Lure Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- More psychedelic action scene here, Tifa admits that she knew that he wasn't
Cloud. You wake up in Shinra HQ. Talk to Barret again and he shows you
Meteor. Talk to him _again_ and Rufus comes in. Follow Tifa, then save.
Keep following. Tifa is put in the gas chamber. The key is dropped; worry
about that later. Weapon attacks. Cait Sith (or Yuffie) gasses Scarlet, and you fight the
two Attack Squads. Run to the gas chamber and try to open the door. The
Sister Ray is shot at Weapon but misses. Talk to Cait Sith and leave. Head
to the right and exit. Run past the reporter here. Weapon rises out of the
water. Continue running towards the screen, then use the lift on the next
screen and run up to the Airship. The screen changes to Tifa. You must free her from the chair. Don't worry
about her getting gassed, you have all the time you want. First press X to
move down, then X again to move the keys towards you. Then press Triangle to
slide back up. Next, press Triangle and X at the same time to get the key
in your mouth. Press Triangle and Circle at the same time to get the key
in your hand, then Circle again to unlock yourself. Press the glowing yellow
circle to the left of the chair to turn off the gas. Try to exit. Weapon gets his head blown clean off, but not before creating a path of escape
for Tifa. She climbs up out of the hole. Climb down and run to the left.
Climb all the way down, and you fall to the ground. Run up onto the gun and
go to the end. Scarlet finds you here, now you engage in a slap-fest. Press
the O button to slap her silly. No matter if you lose or win, you jump off
the end of the Sister Ray and get on the Highwind. After you learn how to use it (or see section V:B.4, Controls/Highwind, for
instructions), you can fly anywhere you want, with the exception of the
Northern Crater. If you look around, many towns now sell new merchandise.
By the way, if you return to Rocket Town and go into the back room of the
weapon shop, you can get a Fourth Bracelet from the chest there. Also, go
back to the Chocobo Farm for another Chocobo Lure Materia (to the lower
right). Another thing you may want to do is learn some Enemy Skills. The first is the
Chocobuckle. Go to the Southern Continent, to the tracks near Mideel. Equip
a Chocobo lure and find a Chocobo. Give him a Mimett Green during battle,
then use L4 Suicide on him. The Chocobo will then use Chocobuckle. The second
is the Goblin Punch. Go to the small island in the northeastern corner of the
map. This island has a forest on it. Fight the Goblins here to learn the
Enemy Skill Goblin Punch (and steal a Zeio Nut if you're breeding Chocobos
now...). The last is Shadow Flare, a powerful attack you can learn from the
Ultima Weapon. See section III:H (Lifestream) to find him.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---E. Mideel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Contain Materia
-Curse Ring
-Elixir -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Take the Highwind to the Southern Continent (the little skinny one) and land
at the town here. Visit all of the shops and talk to the lady who's running
around like a mad woman. Make sure you talk to her in each of the shops,
later on you will thank me. Also, make sure you have at least 1 Mimett Green
on you, and feed it to the white Chocobo that is following her around. He
likes it. Scratch him behind the ears, and he gives you a Contain Materia! Buy some weapons and stuff. Also, knock on the back door inside the weapon
shop. Then go out and to the house on the left. Run around behind it. When
you hear the metallic noise, search to find a "Beat-up Useless Old Key". Go
back to the door you knocked on and tell the weapon shop owner the truth. You
get the Curse Ring. Talk to the dog in the back of town. You overhear a conversation about Cloud.
You run to the hospital, where Cloud is nothing more than a paperweight. Tifa
decides to stay behind. Watch more plot on the Highwind, then Cait sith
allows you to listen into the Shinra HQ conversation. Cid becomes the leader
of the party. Head to Ops, then pick your party. Return to the cockpit and
land the ship. Enter Mideel again, and go into the house south of the
hospital. Grab the Elixir from the bed, and leave. Say what you like to the
old man.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---F. Back to Corel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Ultima Materia
-Catastrophe -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Fly to Corel. Enter. Talk to everyone and you gather that Shinra is trying
to get a Huge Materia from the reactor. Head there by going up to the top
under the sign marked North Corel. Cross the bridge and follow the tracks
back to the reactor. Fight the guards here. As you finish, a train leaves
with the Huge Materia. You climb in an engine and follow them. After Cid says to do hit the
alternating levers, just keep hitting Up and Triangle at the same time. Do
this really really fast so you can catch up to the train. Get on and get to
the front car in ten minutes or less. As you jump to each car, you have to
fight. Run from battle if necessary. Fight the guard at the front car and then stop the train. You have to hit
Up and Triangle at the same time, then Down and X. Keep doing this while
your friends are yapping and save the town. If you do, you get the Huge
Materia, and also the little boy to the left gives you the Ultima Materia.
You also get a free rest at the Inn. Talk to the lady in the house down and
left from the Inn to get Barret's Level 4 Limit Break Manual, Catastrophe. If you don't save the town, you don't get the Huge Materia, you have to pay
the boy 50000 gil for the Ultima Materia, and you don't get free room and
board at the Inn. So, save the town. If you fail, reset and try again. It's
worth it.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---G. Fort Condor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Summon Phoenix Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Head to Fort Condor. Enter and climb the rope. Climb all the ladders and
the stairs to the top. Talk to the man looking out the window here. He sets
you up for the battle. If you have any questions on how to do this battle,
see section VII:B.4 (The Mini-Games/Fort Condor). After the battle (if you win), the egg hatches. The mother condor dies. Go
outside to check it out. Grab the Summon Phoenix Materia, and the baby condor
flies away. Go back inside and down a level. Talk to the man sitting at
the table for the Huge Materia. Leave Fort Condor.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---H. Lifestream ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -None -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Return to Mideel and visit Cloud and Tifa. After this, the second Weapon
attacks. Run outside and fight him.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... ULTIMA WEAPON The Ultima Weapon can pack a punch, and use Ultima on your party, but use your
strongest attacks and he shouldn't be a problem. When you beat him, he flies
0 0 0 None .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Watch as the Lifestream gushes up and destroys the town. Cloud and Tifa
fall into the Lifestream. Tifa wakes up in Cloud's subconsciousness. Go up
to the Cloud at Nibelheim and talk to him. Go in. Talk to Cloud and he
"tells" you the story. You determine that he did not come to Nibelheim with
Sephiroth, that another guy did. Walk over to the Cloud at the well. Talk to him. You determine that he is
the Cloud from Nibelheim. Now talk to the third Cloud at the house. Look
into the window. You see Cloud's memory of wanting to be friends with Tifa.
You see Cloud fall off a cliff with Tifa. Now go back to Nibelheim. You see
Sephiroth slice Tifa, and Zack come in. He gets sliced too. Then Cloud comes
in. He slices Sephiroth. Cloud is the one in the SOLDIER uniform. He was there all along. He never
made it in SOLDIER, so he was hitching a ride back home with Sephiroth and
Zack. He saves Tifa and kills Sephiroth. The five Clouds mold into one. Check on him. You leave the Lifestream and
wash up on the shore at Mideel. After talking with Barret, you fall asleep.
You wind up in the Ops room of the Highwind. Your party is all back together.
Leave and form a party. Talk to the pilot and head for Junon again. Also, after this, the lady in Mideel that you talked to in all of the shops
(the one with the white Chocobo) will sell you good stuff. She only sells
you things from the shops you visited her in.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---I. The Submarine in Junon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Battle Trumpet
-Scimitar -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Enter Junon and talk to the Shinra soldier in the far back of the town. Pay
him 10 gil to use the elevator. Push the button to go up, then exit. Go out
the door to your left to get to the streets. Take the street down towards the
screen. Run off the screen and then up under the bridge. Once under the
bridge, run down to the left where the soldiers are practicing. Follow them
and enter the door on the left. Once in the elevator, you have to fight two
members of the Submarine Crew. During any battle with the Submarine Crews,
you can win the Shinra Beta Armor. It's not great, but it's free. Take the elevator down and exit. You fight two more guards. Run to the right
and exit. Run down the stairs and keep going left. Go out the door, then
run right. Save here, and go out the door. Take the elevator down. Run all
the way up to the door, and enter the underwater tunnel. It's pretty cool
here, with the fish swimming around. You may want to get the Guide Book here
(if you are going to get the Underwater Materia; see section VI:I, The Man in
Kalm, for more information). Follow the tunnel around to the right and enter the reactor. Push the button
on the far right to use the pressurized elevator, then exit. Run along the
catwalk to the left and enter the door. Save and exit to the top right. Run
past the guards to fight. Run right and do it again. Enter the door and
follow the catwalk to the right. Watch as the Huge Materia gets hauled out.
Run to the right to get to the sub. The Huge Materia gets loaded into the sub
and the door closes. Talk to Reno, who makes you fight a boss.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... CARRY ARMOR
RIGHT ARM This strange looking machine is mean and fast. He can grab two of your
characters in his arms. Don't let him do this! The characters in his arms
will get hurt when you hit him. Destroy the arms first, then the Carry Armor.
Use your strongest Summons, and lightning attacks work well. Cure often,
because he hits fast. EXP AP GIL ITEM
5700 425 4000 God's Hand .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
After the fight, grab the chest on the left for a Battle Trumpet, then run to
the right. Go up to the sub and get the Scimitar from the chest, then go left
for the Leviathan Scales. Try to board the sub. Talk to the guards to fight
them. Once you climb in, fight again. Save, then enter the door to the
bridge. You can either fight the guards here or take them prisoner. Either
way, it makes no difference, except that if you fight you can steal the Shinra
Alpha Armor from the Captain. Pilot the sub. Read the instructions or see section V:B.5 (Controls/
Submarine). Defeat the red sub in less than 10 minutes. You get the Shinra
Sub. Either enter Junon and go to the airport to see a plane take off, or go
down to the sunken red sub and get the Materia. If your sub blew up, return
to Junon, and go under the bridge. Work your way to the elevator where you
fought the guards, and talk to the dog at the bottom. You will go to another
sub. Hijack it. If you did not destroy the red sub, the Huge Materia is gone
for good. To get to the red sub, pilot your sub south to as far as you can go. To the
Weapons/Emerald Weapon). Run into the red sub to get the Huge Materia.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---J. Sunken Plane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Heaven's Cloud
-Escort Guard
-Double Cut Materia
-2 Megalixirs
-Summon Hades Materia
-Spirit Lance -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=-
Please note that you do not _have_ to do this section. You don't even have
to do it now. You can wait as long as you want to do this section. It just
makes logical sense to complete it now, as long as you're in the sub. You
can continue on to Rocket Town, Wutai, or even go back to Cosmo Canyon. To get to the Sunken Plane, take the sub up to the top. From Junon's dock, go
straight west until you reach a peninsula with a beach. Go around it to the
north and circle around south. Once you are in the small inlet, submerge and
the plane is just to your south. Enter. Climb down the ladder and get the chest on the left. It has the Heaven's
Cloud. Save, and enter the research room to the right of the save point. You
better be loaded for bear, because in here are some of the toughest enemies
around. The three Unknown type enemies here can really screw you up. Run right to the chest for an Escort Guard. Run left down the stairs and to
the left wall. Go straight up and get the Conformer (hidden in a chest in the
corner). Grab the Double Cut Materia hidden in the upper-right corner of the
room, then return to the upper level. Run up around to the top corner to get
a Megalixir from the chest, then leave. Run to the left and talk to Reno and Rude. You fight them.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... RENO
RUDE Same as always with these two. Reno uses Neo Turk Light, which confuses its
target. Have Ribbons equipped. Rude uses Fire2, Ice2, and Bolt2. These guys
are quite fast this time around. Defeat one, and the other leaves. This is
actually a tough fight. Oh, by the way, steal the Touph Ring and the Ziedrich
from them. EXP AP GIL ITEM
10500 660 9000 Elixir .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
After the fight, walk through the north door. Get the Megalixir from the
chest, then run around to the right. Climb down the stairs and get the
Summon Hades Materia from near the helicopter. Get the Outsider and Highwind
from the chests at the bottom of the screen, then get the Spirit Lance from
the chest above on the walkway. Leave the plane.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---K. Rocket Town Revisited ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -None -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Please note that you do not _have_ to do this section. You don't even have
to do it now. You can wait as long as you want to do this section. You can
continue on to the sunken plane, Wutai, or even go back to Cosmo Canyon. Fly back to Rocket Town. Go back to the rocket and fight the Shinra guards.
After the third fight, Cid will join you if he was not with you already.
Climb to the top and fight Rude. .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... RUDE
ATTACK SQUAD B Use all your strongest stuff here. This fight's a cinch. Make sure to steal
another Ziedrich from Rude. EXP AP GIL ITEM
4000 100 3840 None .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Enter the rocket after smearing Rude. Fight the guard here and head to the
cockpit. The rocket takes off after Palmer sets it to auto-pilot. After you
are in space, head to the right and up the ladder to get the Huge Materia.
Enter the right passcode to open the case. If you do not enter it within
three minutes, the Huge Materia becomes inaccessible. You lose it with the
ship. The correct passcode is O, Square, X, X. Run back to the cockpit and towards the screen. Watch the action and FMV here
as the rocket crashes into Meteor. Too bad it doesn't destroy it. You end up
in the Highwind, and resolve to head to Cosmo Canyon.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---L. Wutai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Oritsuru
-Steal as Well Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Please note that you do not _have_ to do this section. You don't even have
to do it now. You can wait as long as you want to do this section. You can
continue on to the sunken plane, Rocket Town, or even go back to Cosmo Canyon. Fly to Wutai. Head to the big stone statues in the back right corner. Walk
up and take the path up. When you reach a fork in the path, enter the cave
nearby. Search the each fire pit inside twice. The first gives you a chest
with the Oritsuru, and the second, the Steal As Well Materia. You can only
do this if you got the Leviathan Scales during the submarine section. Also, get the Death Force Enemy Skill from the Adamantais on the beach, and
Magic Hammer from the Razor Weeds around Wutai. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---M. Bugenhagen's Adventure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -FullCure Materia
-Magic Source -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Fly to Cosmo Canyon and enter. Go to the Item Shop and run around to the
right. Go back here for the FullCure Materia, and an Elixir and Magic Source.
Now go up to Bugenhagen's observatory. Enter the door on the right that leads
to the Planetarium. Talk to Bugenhagen. The whole party comes in. After
some talking, you put the Huge Materia up in the observatory. After looking
at it, come down and you end up in the Highwind. Go the the Forgotten City on the Northern Continent. Enter, and take the left
path. Go around inside the large cave and get to the large blue crystal.
Talk to Bugenhagen. You learn that there is a key, and it is where the
sunlight can't even reach. Head out to the Highwind, then go to your
submarine. Get in and head north from the dock. Follow the dark blue water
up to where the large white peninsula sticks out of the northern contintent. Dive, and follow the tunnel east to a large object underwater. Go into it
with the sub, and you find that it is the Key to Ancients. Get it, and return
to Bugenhagen. Talk to him to see some FMV of Aeris and the White Materia.
Leave, then Cait Sith calls on the PHS. The Sister Ray is moved to Midgar in
a cool FMV sequence. Get back in the Highwind. A Weapon rises up from the sea and heads towards
Midgar. Go to Midgar and land the Highwind. Stand on the coast and fight
the Diamond Weapon as he approaches.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... DIAMOND WEAPON Use the strongest attacks that you have, and Cure/All often. If you kill
him before he finishes his Countdown attack, you win. If not, the Sister Ray
finishes him off. EXP AP GIL ITEM
35000 3500 25000 None .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Actually, either way he gets killed by the Sister Ray. But beating him gives
you so much experience and ability points, it's dumb not to kill him. The
huge shot from the Sister Ray goes right through the Diamond Weapon, and into
the shield on the Northern Continent. It destroys the shield. The energy
that Diamond Weapon shot before he got toasted hits Midgar, killing Rufus. You can now go fight the Ultima Weapon (see section VI:J.2, The Weapons/Ultima
Weapon), or head to the crater on the Northern Continent. Fly there, and you
automatically see Hojo take over the Sister Ray. Cait Sith (aka Reeve) gets
found out. You head to Midgar to save him and stop Hojo.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---N. Return to Midgar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -3 Elixirs
-Aegis Armlet
-Starlight Phone
-Max Ray
-Power Source
-Guard Source
-Magic Source
-Mind Source
-W-Item Materia
-Pile Bunker
-Master Fist
-HP Shout
-Missing Score -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Fly back to Midgar and form a party. You parachute into the city (during
which, I might add, you can do tricks by hitting the different directions on
the D-pad). Once you land, follow everyone into the alley. Save, then talk
to the person standing on the metal plate to go down into Midgar. Climb down the ladder. Run around up and right, past the fence, and follow
the path until you reach two horizontal pipes. Follow them left to get an
Elixir. Follow them right for a Megalixir. Return to the first ladder that
you climbed down. Run down the stairs here, climb down the ladder, and exit. On the next screen, run to the ladder on the left, and climb it to get an
Aegis Armlet from the chest. Climb back down the ladder and run to the right.
The ground gives way beneath you. Run left to the pipe, then climb the
ladder up. Climb the next one, too. Run to the right and enter the duct.
It drops you near two chests, open then for a Starlight Phone and an Elixir. Climb down either ladder and enter the duct on the right. Go left and climb
the ladder. Open the chest on the left for the Max Ray. Go all the way back
up near the chest withe the Starlight Phone and climb the stairs. Save and
enter the air duct. Climb through it to the subway tracks. Head towards the
screen. Go down six or seven screens, until you reach a junction that has
a chest laying on the left side. Open it for a Power Source. Go down two more screens for a chest with a Guard Source. Talk to the party
member here. The person tells you that you are going the wrong way. Keep
going down, and two screens later get the Magic Source and the Mind Source.
Go down again for a save point and the W-Item Materia! Yay! See section VI:O
(Top-Secret Unlimited Item Cheat) for why I am so excited... Anyway, it's a
dead end, so go _ALL_ the way back up to the screen with the ladder. Go up
from here to fight the Turks.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... TURKS:ELENA
TURKS:RUDE The Turks get harder every time. Fire cures Rude, Ice cures Reno, and Bolt
cures Elena. Cast Big Guard right away. Poison them early on, too. Use your
most powerful non-elemental magic attacks, like Ultima and Comet.
Non-elemental Summons and Enemy Skills also work well. Try to steal the Touph
Ring, Ziedrich, and Minerva Band. EXP AP GIL ITEM
16400 1850 15000 None .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Run to the top of the screen, then take the right path. Continue up, then
take the left path to the dead end. Climb up the ladder to get to Shinra
Headquarters. Go in. Read the Turtle's Paradise Flyer No. 2 here if you
haven't already; this is your last chance. Go up the stairs and in the glass
doors marked ACCESSORIES. Get the chests here, they contain a Pile Bunker and
a Master Fist. Go up to the 64th floor. Remember how you couldn't get the HP Shout from the
locker before? Well now you can. Get it and head back out to the subway.
Go down two screens, to the second junction you come to. This time, take the
left path and you end up in the streets of Midgar. Climb the beam, then run
north up the street. The Proud Clod, (dontcha just love translation errors?
It should be Proud Cloud and Jammer Armor) piloted by Heidegger and Scarlet,
comes and attacks.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... PROUD CLOD
JAMAR ARMOR Use your strongest attacks, Summons, and Enemy Skills. Cure after his large
chest laser. Other than that, it's just like any other fight. Destroy the
Jamar Armor first, so it doesn't use its Materia Jammer to disable your
15000 2500 20000 Ragnarok .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
The Proud Clod explodes, killing Heidegger and Scarlet. It starts to rain.
Walk north up the road. Get the Elixir and Mystile from the chests on the
right, then save. Climb the ladders to the second level. Assuming you have
Barret in your party, a green chest will be here. Get it, it's his ultimate
weapon, the Missing Score. Climb some more and meet Hojo. You find that
he is Sephiroth's father, and that Hojo injected Jenova cells into himself.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... HOJO
BAD RAP SAMPLE Hojo uses Capsule and spaws the Poodler Sample and the Bad Rap Sample. Kill
Hojo off, ignore the samples. When he dies, they go away. Use physical
attacks to kill him. He then turns into... HELLETIC HOJO
LEFT ARM Attack Helletic Hojo with physical and light magic attacks, but ignore the
arms. Cure if needed. He then turns into... LIFEFORM-HOJO NA Use your strongest Summons and magic on this monstrosity. Be careful of his
ability to slow, silence, blind, and otherwise mess up your party. Cure and
heal often. Just attack with everything into this form. EXP AP GIL ITEM
25000 2500 6000 Power Source .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Cloud tells everyone to go home and find their reason for fighting. He says
that if they don't want to come back, they don't have to. Tifa stays behind,
and Cloud and her have a romantic scene. Everyone comes back. Cid flies
the now rocket-powered Highwind to the Northern Crater.
=IV. Disc 3 =
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---A. The Descent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Limited Moon
-Save Crystal
-2 Guard Sources
-Magic Source
-HP Absorb Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- If you get back in the airship and head to Cosmo Canyon with Red XII in your
party, go see Bugenhagen. He gives Red XIII the Limited Moon, his ultimate
weapon. Then he dies. Return to the crater. Climb down the ladder to the ground. Walk down to the next screen. When
Cloud says that you have to slide down, say the first option. Run left to
the chest. It has a Save Crystal. This item is only usable once, but it
makes a save point where you use it. My suggestion is to use it at the
meeting place later on. You can also enter the cave to exit the crater. Spiral around counter-clockwise, jumping over the pits as you go. The next
chest has a Guard Source. Keep going all the way down. On the next screen,
run to the right and climb down to the chest. It contains a Guard Source.
Jump down and either continue on or go left and get the rest of the stuff. If you go left, climb up a couple ledges and get the chest on the far right.
In it it a Magic Source. Climb some more and get the Elixir from the chest.
Go up and left to the chest for a Power Source, then run right on the same
ledge, behind the rock, to get an HP Absorb Materia. You can climb out of the
crater here. Climb back down to the bottom and exit. The next screen has many caves. You
can learn the Enemy Skills Laser and Dragon Force here, from the Dark Dragons.
Also, learn Magic Breath and L5 Death from the Parasites if you haven't
learned them yet. Walk off the first ledge, then walk right and fall to the
chest below. Get the Mind Source. Go to the end of the ledge and jump up to
the next ledge. Run left and fall to the hole. Enter. Get the Megalixir from the chest inside. Exit again and run to the left until
you fall. Get the Hero Drink from the chest and enter the hole. Go around
to the chest for a Guard Source. Run up into the hole and circle around for
a Power Source, then exit. Run to the right to fall, then enter the hole.
Follow the path and exit. Now fall left, then right, then left twice to exit. Climb down to your friends. Take one of the paths. Each path will give you
different items, but you will end up in the same place. Here's what happens
on the different paths:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---B. The Right Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Elixir
-Speed Source
-2 Megalixirs -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- You can learn numerous Enemy Skills here. You can learn Roulette from the
Death Dealers. You can learn Angel Whisper from the Pollensaltas. Also, you
can learn Shadow Flare and Pandora's Box from the Dragon Zombies. You have
to manipulate the Pollensaltas. Be sure to use Death Force on yourself before
attempting to learn Roulette. Climb down the long spiral column. Climb down the rock to get an Elixir and
a Mystile. Climb down more for a Speed Source. Run to the right of the chest
with the Speed Source and look for a hidden chest on the right. It has a
Tetra-Elemental. Run and then turn left when there is a path. Get the
Megalixir here, then go back to the main path and get the Megalixir there.
Leave this screen to the north. Follow the bone bridge down and around. Now
skip down to section IV:E (The Final Descent).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---C. The Upper Left Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Magic Source
-Shield Materia
-Imperial Guard
-Hero Drink
-W-Magic Materia
-Counter Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=-
Jump down on to the vines. Take the bottom one right to the chest. Get the
Magic Source inside, then head back. Oh yeah, watch for the enemy Magic Pot
here, each one that you give an Elixir will give you 1000 AP for beating it.
Also, watch for the enemy called Mover. They come in groups of three, and
each gives you 800 AP and 30000 gil for beating it. They are pitifully easy
to defeat. Now go back and take the top vine to the rock. Jump in the water from the
rock. Now run up and right, and weave over to the chest. There is a Remedy
inside. Take the vine right and leave. Go north to the chest for a Vaccine, then climb the large rock and grab the
green Shield Materia there. Climb down the white part of the rock to go in
the water, there is an Imperial Guard where you come up. Jump down the south
side of this rock to get near the exit, circle around and get the Hero Drink
from the chest, then exit to the right. On the next screen, run left just below the trees. About halfway across the
screen is a W-Magic Materia. Also, if you climb down into the light, near the
top of it there is a Counter Materia. Exit to the left. Now skip down to
section IV:E (The Final Descent). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---D. The Lower Left Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Remedy
-2 X-Potions
-2 Turbo Ethers
-Mega All Materia
-Speed Source -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=-
Climb down to the first chest for a Remedy. Run right for an Elixir, then go
back and down for an X-Potion. Run right to the edge of the screen. On the
next screen, climb down to get a Turbo Ether, then run to the right for a
Vaccine. Follow the path on the left behind the large column, and continue
until the next screen. When you get to the next screen, climb down the stairs and get the X-Potion
from the chest here. Follow the path, and get a Turbo Ether from the next
chest. Then, get the pink Mega All Materia floating off to the left. Just
after you jump, you have to keep hitting O to grab it. Get the Speed Source
in the chest to the far left, then jump down from here to the exit.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---E. The Final Descent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Luck Source
-Whatever items your friends found -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Get the Luck Source from the chest here. Talk to all your friends and get the
items they found. If you wish, leave and take the other paths. From this
point you can still go all the way back and leave the crater. Now eun off the bottom of the screen if you're ready. Form a party, then go.
Follow the platforms down to the bottom, fighting the enemies the whole way
down. When you get to the bottom, you fight Jenova-SYNTHESIS.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... JENOVA-SYNTHESIS A
JENOVA-SYNTHESIS C Use Big Guard, then your strongest physical and magic attacks. Ignore the
arms (parts B and C), they will be killed anyway if you use Ultima. After
Jenova-SYNTHESIS A's HP gets low, she counts down. Kill hee before she
reaches 0 or she will cast Ultima. EXP AP GIL ITEM
60000 1500 0 None .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
You fall into the center of the Earth. Sephiroth appears and messes with your
party for a bit. You then form parties (one or two, randomly picked by the
game). During the fight with Sephiroth, you can switch between parties. I
don't recommend it.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... BIZARRO SEPHIROTH A
BIZARRO SEPHIROTH E Use Big Guard, then do an all out attack on Sephiroth. Nail him with
everything you've got. You can switch parties every once in a while, but I
don't think you'll need to. Beware, because he can cure himself. Also,
don't attack part C, you can't damage it until all the other parts die. Parts
B, D, and E are easy to kill. Part A can revive the others. EXP AP GIL ITEM
It doesn't matter anymore... .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... SAFER-SEPHIROTH Big Guard again, then hit him with your strongest Summons, magic, Enemy
Skills, Coin Toss, Limit Breaks, and everything else in your inventory. Slow
works on him very rarely, so try it where it's with another attack, like
Summon Hades. He is a fairly easy boss, until you get Cloud up to level 98,
at which he is extremeely hard. Otherwise, just Cure and Revive. Hang in
there and you'll kill him after while. Beware of his Supernova Summon-type attack. It takes your HP down to critical
and looks really cool. This is not blockable, and sometimes confusion and
silence. Also, he has a Heartless Angel attack which reduces all of your
party's HP to 1. He can use MBarrier, Shadow Flare, Break, Deen (a fire
attack), Pale Horse (which is like Bad Breath), and his physical attacks do
around 5000 HP of damage. EXP AP GIL ITEM
It doesn't matter anymore... .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Watch the pretty ending (which looks REALLY REALLY cool). It's like a half
hour long. Thanks for playing.
=V. Playing the Game =
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---A. Controller Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Sony Playstation has a controller with the following layout: 89 AB
__ __
/ \_____/ 4\
/ 1 2 3 5 6\
/ _______ 7 \
/ / \ \
/____/ \____\
1. D-Pad. This is the pad that controls direction. The four directions are
Up, Down, Left, and Right. 2. Select Button. This is the square shaped button to the left. 3. Start Button. This is the triangle shaped button to the right. 4. Triangle Button. In FF7, called the MENU Button. It has a green triangle
on it. 5. Square Button. It has a pink square on it. 6. O Button. In FF7, called the OK Button. It has an orange circle on it. 7. X Button. In FF7, called the CANCEL Button. It has a blue X on it. 8. L1 Button. The one marked "1". 9. L2 Button. The one marked "2". A. R1 Button. The one marked "1". B. R2 Button. The one marked "2".
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---B. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - -
1. Normal Play
- - - - - - - - D-Pad : Move
O : Search, Talk, Activate
X : Run
Triangle : Menu World Map D-pad : Move
R1 : Rotate view right
L1 : Rotate view left
R2 : Toggle high view/low view
Start/Select: Map toggle, between off/small/large
Triangle : Menu
You can only walk on dry land. You cannot climb mountains. - - - - -
2. Buggy
- - - - - Same controls as World Map.
X : Get out.
You can only drive on dry land and shallow parts of rivers. - - - - - -
3. Seaplane
- - - - - - Same controls as World Map.
X : Get out.
You can only float on light blue water and rivers. - - - - - -
4. Highwind
- - - - - - Up : Ascend
Down : Descend
Right/Left : Steer
L1/R1 : Steer hard
Triangle : Enter cockpit
O : Go forward
X : Land
You can go anywhere in the air. You can only land on grass, and near the
Forgotten City. - - - - - - -
5. Submarine
- - - - - - -
O : Move forward
X : Submerge/dive/get out
You can only go in dark blue water. You can only get out in bays. - - - - - -
6. Chocobos
- - - - - - Same controls as World Map.
X : Get out.
Yellow Chocobos can only go on land.
Blue Chocobos can only go on land and light blue water.
Green Chocobos can only go on land and over mountains.
Black Chocobos can go anywhere Blue ones and Green ones can.
Gold Chocobos can go anywhere Black ones can, and on any water.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---C. HP/MP System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For those of you that have not played RPG's, here's a brief explanation of
HP and MP: HP stands for (H)it (P)oints. This is basically your character's lifeline,
energy, or health. Once your HP goes down to 0, you die. HP is subtracted
by attacks (represented by white numbers popping up after a hit takes place),
or added by curative magic or items (represented by green numbers). Your
character's HP is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen during a
fight scene. The maximum number of HP is 9999 for your character, and 999999
for an enemy. MP stands for (M)agic (P)oints. This number determines how many spells a
character can cast. Each time a magic attack is cast, a monster is summoned,
or an Enemy Skill is performed, MP are subtracted from your character's total.
The more powerful a magic attack, generally the more MP are taken away. These
are displayed in the lower right corner of the screen during a battle. The
maximum MP for your character is 999, and 99999 for an enemy.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---D. Experience System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More details for you novice RPGer's. Experience points are added to your
character after each battle (with a few exceptions). After a certain amount
of experience, your character will go up a level. Going up a level increases
that character's stats, being attack power, defense, magic power, speed, and
a handful of others. You can check your character's total experience, level,
and amount of experience to go to the next level. Just access the menu and
select Status, then the desired character. Under the character's name, it
says LVxx, where xx is the level. To the right, just next to the box that
says Status, is the character's total experience. Under the box that says
Status is how much experience is needed to get to the next level.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---E. Materia/AP System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Materia and ability points are not an entirely new concept to RPG's, Final
Fantasy 5 had these to a degree. Basically, equipping a certain type of
Materia on a character allows him to cast certain spells or perform other
special actions. You cannot use Materia until just before you assault the
No. 5 Reactor. Weapons and armor have slots on them for Materia (with few exceptions). Just
access the Materia subscreen on the menu. This shows the slots. Black slots
are empty, and colored ones have Materia in them. Navigate between the slots
with the finger cursor. This displays the Materia's name and stats in the box
to the lower left. The magic that each Materia enables is displayed in the
box in the lower left, under Ability List. White options are ones that you
can use, grey still have to be developed. The effects of equipping that
Materia are shown under Equip Effect. After each battle (for the most part) you win AP. AP stands for (A)bility
(P)oints. As Materia gains AP, more abilities are enabled. The amount of AP
needed to get the Materia to gain a level is shown on the Materia screen next
to "To next level". The number of levels gained by the Materia is shown by
how many stars are lit up. Once all the stars are lit, the Materia is
mastered, which means it is at its full functionality. When you master a
Materia, it creates a new one of itself, which starts out at no AP. The game
tells you after a fight when Materia gains a level or is born. Each weapon and armor has a different growth rate of Materia. This is
displayed on the Equip screen, under Growth. Normal means that the number of
AP you get after a battle is added to each Materia in the weapon or armor.
Double, Triple, or Quadruple mean that the AP is multiplied by two, three, or
four times. Nothing means that Materia does not grow in that weapon or armor. Linked slots are shown on weapons and armor by having a black line between
them. This allows paired blue Materia to be used. If Restore is paired with
All, you can Cure everyone. But, there has to be a link between the slots.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---F. Status Ailments/Benefits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FF7 has a status system, like all of the other Final Fantasies. When a
character has a particular status, he acts differently than normal. Here are
the statuses: Death: The character falls to the ground, dead. His HP have dropped to 0.
The only way he can fight again is to have Revive-type magic used on him, or
the item Phoenix Down. The character does not gain experience or AP when he
is dead. If all of your party has this status, you lose. This lasts until
he is revived. Near-Death: The character falls to his knees and his HP are represented in
yellow. He is very close to dying. This can be rectified by using Potion or
Elixir-type items, or Restore-type magic. This lasts until he is cured. Sleep: The character stops and has "ZZzz" coming out of him. His time gauge
does not fill. To wake him, he needs to be attacked, either by you or an
enemy. This lasts until the fight ends. Poison: The character flashes green and loses a certain amount of HP every
turn. To cure this, use Heal-type magic, or the item Antidote. This lasts
until the fight is over. Sadness: The character's Limit Gauge turns blue. He does not hit as hard with
physical attacks, and his Limit Gauge only fills half as fast. This is ended
with the item Hyper. This status lasts until you use a Hyper. Fury: The character's Limit Gauge turns from pink to red. He hits harder, but
misses attacks more often. His Limit Gauge fills twice as fast. This is
ended with the item Tranquilizer. This status lasts till you Tranquilize him. Confusion: The character spins in circles and attacks you and your party
members. This is solved by the character being attacked, either by an enemy
or you. When the fight is over, the character returns to normal. Silence: The character has a speech bubble with "...." floating over his head.
He cannot use magic attacks, Summons, or Enemy Skills. This is cured with
Heal-type magic or the item Echo Screen. This lasts until the end of the
fight. Haste: The character moves twice as fast, and his Time Gauge fills twice as
fast. This is ended with the character's death, or use of Slow-type or
DeSpell magic. This ends after the battle. Slow: The character moves half as fast, and his Time Gauge fills half as fast.
This is ended with the character's death, or use of Haste-type or DeSpell
magic. This ends after the battle. Stop: The character stops moving. His Time Gauge does not move. The only way
to cure this is to use DeSpell magic, wait until it wears off, or finish the
current fight. This only lasts until the end of the battle. Frog: The character turns into a frog. During this, he can use no magic
besides Frog, and his attacks are greatly reduced. This is cured by using
Frog-type magic, DeSpell, Heal-type magic, or the item Maiden's Kiss. This
ends after the fight. Small: The character shrinks down to a quarter of his normal size. He can
still use all magic and attacks, but they only do 1 HP damage. This is cured
by Mini-type magic, Heal-type magic, DeSpell, or the item Cornucopia. This
lasts until the end of the battle. Slow-numb: The character flashes grey and has a time over his head. When the
time expires, he turns into status Petrify. Slow-numb is cured by Heal-type
magic, or the item Soft. This lasts until the end of the battle, or until the
timer runs out, whichever comes first. Petrify: The character is grey. His time gauge does not fill and he does not
move. If all characters are petrified, you lose. This is cured with the item
Soft, or with Heal-type magic. This lasts until the fight is over. Regen: The character flashes orange. His HP slowly comes back up if it is not
at its maximum. This ends at random, usually more than eight turns. Once the
battle ends, so does Regen. Barrier: Each time someone uses a physical attack on the character, a white
pyramid appears in front of him and he takes half the normal damage. This
can be ended by DeBarrier-type magic. This lasts until the Orange (top)
Barrier Gauge goes to nothing, or until the fight is over. MBarrier: Each time someone uses a magic attack on the character, a colored
dome appears in front of him and he takes half the normal damage. This
can be ended by DeBarrier-type magic. This lasts until the Red (bottom)
Barrier Gauge goes to nothing, or until the fight is over. Reflect: If a magic attack is used on a character, three green domes appear
in front of him and the magic is reflected upon the opposing party. This is
ended by DeSpell magic. This lasts a random amount of turns, usually around
eight, or it ends when the fight does. Shield: The character is invincible to most attacks for a short time. This
ends in a few turns, or when the fight does, whichever comes first. Death-sentence: The character has a timer over his head. When the timer
expires, the character's status changes to Death. This ends with the timer
running out, or the fight ending, whichever comes first. Manipulate: The character flashes green, and is controlled by a member of the
opposing party. This is cured by an attack, Sleep status, or the character
dying. This ends at the end of a fight. Berserk: The character flashes red and controls himself. He only performs
physical attacks, but both his speed and attack power are increased. This
is cured by Heal-type magic. It ends with the fight. Peerless: The character flashes yellow. Like Shield status, but the
character _cannot_ be harmed. Ends in a few rounds, or with the end of the
fight, whichever comes first. Paralyzed: Like Stop status, but is cured with Heal-type magic. This ends
when the fight does. Darkness: The character flashes black, and cannot see. His hit accuracy rate
is severely reduced. This is cured by Heal-type magic, or the item Eyedrop.
This ends with the fight.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---G. Battles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - -
1. The Battle Screen
- - - - - - - - - - - Battles are the main action in this game. The screen displays your HP and MP
in the lower right, and the current state of your physical and magic barriers
in the lower left. When your character's Time Gauge (above HP/MP) fills, he
can take his turn in battle. The options you can use in battle are Attack (this can be replaced by 2x Cut,
4x Cut, Slash-All, or Flash), Magic (can be replaced by W-Magic), the commands
(enabled by Command Materia), the Summons (enabled by Summon Materia, can be
replaced by W-Summon), and Item (can be replaced by W-Item). Attack lets you do a physical attack on an enemy. Magic or W-Magic lets you
use magic on yourself or the enemies. Commands such as Steal, Throw, and Mime
only appear if you have their Command Materia equipped. Summons such as
Shiva, Ifrit, and Ramuh only appear if you have their Summon Materia equipped.
Item or W-Item lets you use items, whether they are curative or attack items. - - - - - - - - - - -
2. The Battle Square
- - - - - - - - - - - This is a special place in the Gold Saucer where you can win special items
by fighting. Make sure you have plenty of GP before you come here. When
you enter a battle, it costs 10 GP, and only one character can enter. Equip
Cloud (because that's who you should use) with a Restore Materia, Ultima,
Counter Attack, and all sorts of other helpful Materia. Be sure to equip
both an Enemy Skill Materia and Magic Materia, in case one or the other gets
disabled. Use HP/MP Plus Materia to get your HP/MP up past 9999/999. When
and if your HP gets halved (or MP), the game only halves your original HP.
If you put a lot of HP plus on, so that your HP would be about 14000, and it
gets halved, it will drop to like 7000 or so. Cast Regen and Big Guard immediately, and Slash-All the enemies. Counter
also works well. If your weapon gets broken, use a Hero Drink (if you have
the W-Item cheat, this isn't a problem...). When Regen runs out, cast it
again. Also, equip a ribbon to protect against the status ailments. By
casting Big Guard, using a Hero Potion, and equipping a Ribbon, you can
nullify 5 handicaps right off the bat (broken weapon, mini, frog, poison, and
slow). When you win a battle here, you can choose to take the money and leave, or
you can proceed to the next battle, which is harder. There are eight battles,
and you get a handicap before each after the first. A slot machine comes up,
and you have to try to get an option that isn't so bad. The different
handicaps are: Green Materia - Disables use of Magic Materia
Red Materia - Disables use of Summon Materia.
Yellow Materia - Disables use of Command Materia.
Purple Materia - Disables use of Independent Materia.
Blue Materia - Disables use of Combination Materia.
Five Materias - Disables use of All Materias.
Item Pouch - Disables Item command.
Jeweled Ring - Disables accessories.
Armor - Disables armor.
Sword - Severly decreases attack power.
Poison - Poisons you.
Frog - Turns you into a frog.
Mini - Turns you small.
Shoes - Slows you.
HP - Max HP halved.
MP - Max MP halved.
HP/MP - Max HP/MP halved.
MP0 - MP taken away.
Stopwatch - You are damaged by the time in your Time Gauge x 30.
Lv. Down (thin arrow) - Your level is lowered by 5.
Lv. Down (thick arrow) - Your level is lowered by 10.
Cure - You are cured! Yay!
Lucky 7 - No handicap! Yay! If you win all 8 battles, you get battle points. The worse the handicaps
were, the more battle points you get. You can cash them in at the computers
on the left or on the right. You can buy: Disc 1 - Phoenix Down 100
Remedy 200
Mimett Greens 400
Enemy Lure 800
Choco Feather 1600
S-mine 3200
Pre-emptive 6400
Speed Plus 12800
Champion Belt 25600
OmniSlash 51200 Disc 2+ -
Remedy 100
Enemy Lure 250
Right arm 500
Pre-emptive 1000
Reagan Greens 2000
Speed Plus 4000
Stardust 8000
Champion Belt 16000
OmniSlash 32000
W-Summon 64000 After Disc 1, if you have Cloud in your party and he has gotten the Ultima
weapon, win both the OmniSlash and the W-Summon Materia. You can enter a
special battle. Instead of fighting enemies, you fight bosses. This is
pretty tough. If you win, Dio gives you the Final Attack Materia.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---H. Locations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since I'm not going to distribute a World Map picture with this walkthrough,
here are references to the important places on the World Map. - - - - - - - -
1. Continents:
- - - - - - - - Northern Continent: The large contintent at the top of the Map. Looks like
a Chocobo. Eastern Continent: The continent that you start the game on. Central Continent: The continent to the west of the Eastern Continent. Has
Nibelheim and the Gold Saucer. Western Continent: The long, thin continent to the left side of the Map. Has
Wutai on it. Southern Continent: The long, thin continent near the bottom of the Map. Has
Mideel on it. - - - - - -
2. Cities:
- - - - - - Midgar: The city where you first enter the World Map. Large, eight-sectioned
city with smog around it. Northwest corner of the Eastern Continent. Kalm: The city just to the east of Midgar. Represented by two houses, one
with a green roof, and one with a blue roof. North side of the Eastern
Continent. Junon: South and a little west of Midgar. Western coast of the Eastern
Continent. Built into a cliff, so it's hard to see. For a majority of the
game, it has a large cannon (the Sister Ray) jutting out of it. Costa Del Sol: Northeast coast of the Central Continent. Looks like two
houses with pink roofs, and two docks. Almost directly west of Midgar. Corel: Northern side of the Central Continent. Looks like two old cabin
tents. Straight west of Costa Del Sol. Gongaga: Southeast corner of the Cenral Continent. Looks like a blown up
can. Almost straight south from Corel. Cosmo Canyon: Southwest corner of the Central Continent; the sky is red here.
Looks like two green huts and an observatory built into a cliff. Almost
straight west of Gongaga. Nibelheim: Western side of the Central Continent. Surrounded by pointy gray
mountains. Looks like two houses with pink roofs. Southwest of Corel. Rocket Town: Northwest corner of the Central Continent. Looks like two
houses and a rocket propped up by a stand. Northwest of Nibelheim. Wutai: The only city on the Western Continent, it's near the northern tip.
Looks like two red Japanese houses. Northwest of Rocket Town. Bone Village: Southern tip of the Northern Continent. One of the few places
on the Northern Continent without snow. Looks like a dinosaur's rib cage and
skull. Northwest of Midgar. Forgotten City: Southern part of the Northern Continent. Looks like a giant
tree in a crack in the ground. Just northeast of Bone Village. Icicle Inn: Center of the Northern Continent. Looks like two beige houses.
Northwest of Bone Village. Mideel: The only city on the Southern Continent. Looks like two houses
before Ultima Weapon attacks, looks like a greel pool afterwards. Due south
of Kalm. - - - - - -
3. Islands:
- - - - - - Woodlands Area: Island southwest of Fort Condor. On the large World Map,
has a V-shaped mountain at the northeast corner. Goblin Island: Actually should be Goblin Islands. The group of islands at
the northeast corner of the World Map. Northeast of Kalm. Cactus Island: Uncharted island in the far south and not so far west part of
the Map. Looks like a small island. South and slightly west of Cosmo
Canyon. Here you can morph the Cactuers into Tetra Elementals. Round Island: Uncharted Island at the extreme northeast corner of the Map.
Looks like a small, round island, with a ring of mountains around it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Other Places of Interest:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chocobo Farm: Southeast of Kalm. Eastern side of the Eastern Continent.
Looks like a house with a pink roof, a barn, and a silo.
Fort Condor: Southern portion of the Eastern Continent. Looks like a blue
cylinder with a bird perched atop it before you win the battle, minus the
bird afterwards. Gold Saucer: Eastern side of the Central Continent. Looks like a giant gold
tree. Almost due south of Corel, it's surrounded by desert. Weapon Seller's: Single house in the southeast corner of the Central
Continent. Straight south of the Gold Saucer. Ancient Forest: Southern side of the Central Continent. Looks like a green
gumdrop high atop a cliff. Just southeast of Cosmo Canyon. Chocobo Sage's: Dead center of the Northern Continent. Looks like a house
with a green roof. East and slightly north of Icicle Inn. Northern Crater: Top point of the Northern Continent. The Chocobo's eye.
Looks like a large hole in the ground, duh! Due north from Icicle Inn. Sleeping Man's Cave: North-central part of the Eastern continent. Looks like
a cave! Southeast of Midgar. Temple of the Ancients: On the Woodlands Area Island just off the southwest
coast of the Eastern Continent. Looks like a pyramid before it gets turned
into the Black Materia, afterwards it's just another hole in the ground. Mythril Mine: South-central part of the Eastern Continent. It's a cave at
the south side of the swamp. Southwest of the Chocobo Farm. Mt. Corel: Northern part of the Central Continent. Looks like a cave at the
end of mountain road. Ever so slightly northeast of Corel. Mt. Nibel: Northern part of the Central Continent. Looks like a cave in the
side of a pointy mountain. Just west of Nibelheim. Corral Valley Cave: Eastern-Central part of the Northern Continent. Looks
like a cave. North and a little west of the Forgotten City. Vincent's Waterfall: North-central part of the Central Continent. Looks like
a waterfall at the top of a large lake. Just southeast of Nibelheim. Westernmost Cave: Eastern-central part of the Western Continent. It's a cave
in the side of a small mountain. Straight west from Rocket Town. Western Cave: Northern part of the Central Continent. Looks like a cave.
North of Corel. Southernmost Cave: Northern tip of the island chain off of the Southern
Continent. It looks like a cave in a small mountain with a long strip of
land leading up to it. Northernmost Cave: Round Island. Northeast of, well, everything. Almost as
far north and east as you can go. It's the only thing on Round Island.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---I. The PHS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The PHS stands for the Party Hensei System. It is like a cell phone that you
can use to call your friends. You can call them from the World Map or from
most save points, to change party members. It is also used at various points
in the game for communication.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---J. General Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To reset the game, during Normal Play or on the World Map, hit Start, Select,
L1, L2, R1, and R2 at the same time. Always have at least 5 tents on you at any time. You never know when you
may need one. Cover Materia is good to equip to someone whom you are trying to teach their
Limit Breaks. Also use the item Hyper. Elixirs and Megalixirs are _very_ valuable. Megalixirs are like Tents that
you can use anywhere. Good places to build experience are the Northern Crater, the sunken plane, and
near Mideel. The best place to accumulate AP is in the Northern Crater. Take the upper
left path and fight the Magic Pots. Give them each an elixir for 1000 AP.
This is not a problem if you use the W-Item cheat (see section VI:O,
Top-Secret Unlimited Item Cheat). Move Barret to the back row if he has a long range weapon. Alternately,
give someone the Long Range Materia and move them to the back row. They only
take half of the physical damage from back here. Always keep cursor mode (SELECT BUTTON) on during play and fights. It helps! Use the W-Item cheat to get 99 Ethers, then sell 98 of them at 750 gil per,
that's 73500 gil! Or better yet, buy one Sylkis Green from the Chocobo Sage,
turn it into 99, then hock 98 of them off at 2500 gil a piece! 245000 gil for
a couple of minutes worth of work! Good Materia Combinations are: Cover/Counter Attack (works better if both are mastered) - any time an enemy
hits any of your party for physical damage, you will hit him back. Quadra Magic/Ultima and W-Magic - Attack 8 times with Ultima. Quadra Magic/Bahamut ZERO and W-Magic - Attack 8 times with Bahamut ZERO! MP Turbo and Knights of the Round - About 90000 HP (if you haven't brought
Knights of the Round up a level)!
W-Summon and Knights of the Round - Over 130000 HP (only works if you have
brought Knights of the Round up a level)! Two times! Final Attack and (mastered) Revive - Die, then use Life2! Mega All and Steal - Steal from everyone. Ultima and Counter (not Counter Attack) - When hit, you counter with Ultima.
=VI. Secrets and Bonuses =
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---A. The Safe in Shinra Mansion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter Shinra Mansion. Go left from the entrance. Read the white piece of
paper on the floor, and then read the second message. It gives you four
clues to opening the safe. They are: 1. The lid of the box with the most oxygen 2. Behind the Ivory's short of tea and ray 3. The creek in the floor near the chair
on the second floor...
then to the left five steps, up nine steps,
left two steps, and up six steps. 4. The fourth row has been written in invisible ink...
Dial (4) is (Right 97)
The solutions are:
1. In the room up the stairs and to the left. There is a greenhouse.
Plants give off oxygen. This is the room with the most oxygen. Search
the lid of the chest.
(1) Right 36 2. The second solution is in the room straight north from the entrance.
Go in, and go left to the piano room. Pianos are often called "Ivorys".
This particular set of "Ivorys" cannot produce the two tones "Ti" or "Re".
Ti - Tea, Re - Ray. Search behind the right side of the piano.
(2) Left 10 3. The third solution is upstairs and to the right. Go down into the room
with the chair by the door. Hit O by the chair to make it creak. Now
walk to your left (not run), until Cloud has taken five steps. Then go
up nine steps, left two, and up six. The actual spot is just down and
left from the top doorway.
(3) Right 59 4. Come on. If you can't get this one, you're dumber than dirt.
(4) Right 97 Go up to the safe which is up the stairs and to the left. Go up into the
first door, and put in the combination. You have 20 seconds, and cannot go
past the number you are supposed to hit. Go to 36, then down to 10, up to
59, then up to 97. Hit O at each number. The safe will open and you'll
fight a boss.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... LOST NUMBER Use Fire, Ice and Bolt based attacks. Use the Enemy Skill "Big Guard" to
start the fight. This casts Wall and Haste on everyone. Summons work well,
especially Choco/Mog. If Choco/Mog stuns him, beat the stuffing out of him
until he comes to. This guy packs a wallop, both physically and magically, so
prepare to cure a _lot_. Use Beta as much as possible. If you kill his red
half first (magic), he will use some killer physical attacks, and physical
attacks will do next to nothing to him. If, on the other hand, you kill the
purple half, he will use high-level magic, and magic attacks become almost
ineffective. EXP AP GIL ITEM
2000 80 2000 Cosmo Memory .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
Grab the Summon Odin that flew from the safe, and get the gold "Key to the
Basement" that is laying in the safe.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---B. Getting Vincent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Make sure you have the Key to the Basement from the safe (see section VI:A,
The Safe in Shinra Mansion). Go down to the basement of Shinra Mansion (where
Sephiroth was, down before the lab). This is up the stairs from the entrance,
then to the right, then right again. Run into the brick wall and it opens.
Follow the planks downstairs. Run south on the first screen, then open the
door above you. Walk up to the center coffin and talk to Vincent. When able, pick the first
option. He goes back to sleep. Open the coffin again and say the second
option. He goes back to sleep. Leave and try to go upstairs. He joins you.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---C. Getting Yuffie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yuffie can be found in any forest. The three most common places to find her
are near Gongaga, near Junon, or on Goblin Island. Run around and eventually
you will run into the enemy Mystery Ninja. Fight her, then afterwards talk
to her. Say the second option, that you do not want to fight her. Then say
the first option. Then the second, then first, then second. She joins you. If you say the wrong thing at some point, she runs off with some of your
money, depending how far along you were. Then you have to fight her again and
talk to her.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---D. Vincent's Subquest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Death Penalty
-Chaos -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Do this quest while on Disc 2... Put Vincent in your party. Enter Vincent's Waterfall with a Green, Black, or
Gold Chocobo, or the submarine. Talk to Lucrecia. Then come back here on
Disc 3 to get the Death Penalty, Vincent's ultimate weapon, and his Limit
Break Manual, Chaos. If you come here for the first time on Disc 3, you can
still talk to Lucrecia, but can't get the two items.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---E. Yuffie's Subquest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Hairpin
-Magic Shuriken
-MP Absorb Materia
-Swift Bolt
-Dragoon Lance
-Summon Leviathan Materia -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Do this quest while on Disc 1 or 2... Go to the southern part of the Western Continent. Once you get on the Western
Continent, head north. Yuffie will take off with most of, if not all of your
Materia. She leaves you to fight some guards. Follow her north and work
your way up to Wutai. Take the path up to the bridge. Cross it, and another
one. Now head south and east, follow the path here, under the bridge you just
crossed, to another bridge. Keep heading north to Wutai. Enter the town. You see Yuffie run away. Head to the northwest, where the
large pagoda is in the distance. Enter the house on the right. Go right
down the hall, then keep going until you reach a room with a sleeping guy. He
is Yuffie's father. Talk to him a couple of times, until he stands up.
Yuffie goes running. Search wall in the next room and it opens. You can get
a Hairpin. Also, the room by the entrance, while acting as an Inn, also has
a secret passage. Examine the wall for the Magic Shuriken. Go back to town and enter the bar. Talk to the Turks. Go to the Materia Shop
and get the chest, which has an MP Absorb Materia. Yuffie comes and takes it.
Go to the house near the entrance to town. Talk to the old man here, then
search the paper divider by the wall. Yuffie goes running again. Now go
back by the bar and hit large pot (the one that is squirming). Yuffie has
nowhere to run. Follow her to her house. The Turks are notified that Don Corneo is in town, but don't care. Once in
Yuffie's basement, read the Turtle's Paradise Flyer No. 6. Go into the room
and talk to Yuffie. She traps your friends in a cage. Let them out, then
exit the house. Go back by the area with the pagoda and ring the large bell
on the left. Enter the secret passage that it opens. Don Corneo, that guy
from the Wall Market, takes Yuffie and Elena. Get the two chests for a Swift
Bolt and an Elixir. Follow Don Corneo up the stairs. You end up at Yuffie's
father's house. Fight the guards, but Don Corneo gets away. Go outside and talk to Reno and Rude. You and them join up. Go back to the
town, then go back to the large statue on the mountain to the east. Climb up
it, and when you have a choice of paths, go up. Go past the giant head, and
around to the left. Talk to Rude. Go into the cave and get the Dragoon
Lance. Go back out and down. You talk to Corneo. He calls a boss.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... RAPPS If you don't have any Materia, attack like crazy. If you do have some left,
use it! Fire doesn't work so good here. Use items to keep yourself alive.
Also use items like Grenade and Swift Bolt to attack. EXP AP GIL ITEM
3200 33 20000 Peace Ring .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
After the fight, you talk to Don Corneo. Answer however you want. Reno and
Rude then kill Don Corneo. You go back to town and settle with Yuffie. Then
you exit to the World Map. Enter Wutai again and go to the house on the right (the one with all of the
cats inside). Go up the stairs and get the HP Absorb Materia. Now go back
to the large Pagoda with Yuffie in your party. You can fight everyone here
to win a cool item. Yuffies fights alone, and if she dies, she has to fight
all of them over again. Here are the five bosses: (for Japanese people, they all sound Russian...?)
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... GORKY This is not a hard fight. Physical attacks should ensure you victory. EXP AP GIL ITEM
1500 50 0 X-Potion .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... SHAKE Another easy fight. Use Barrier and Haste here (or cast Big Guard) and use
physical attacks. EXP AP GIL ITEM
2200 50 0 Turbo Ether .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... CHEKHOV You can start using low-level magic here. Also, keep your HP near max,
and equip a Ribbon so as not to become paralyzed.
2900 50 0 Ice Ring .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... STANIV This guy has more HP, but is still easy. Clobber him with level 3 magic, and
physical attacks. EXP AP GIL ITEM
3600 50 0 Ether .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... Godo This guy is really hard. Depending on which face is towards you, he will use
different attacks. Once his HP gets low, he will Cure himself for over 1000
HP. So, you have to hit him with something powerful, like Ultima. Use your
strongest attacks and Summons here. Big Guard is definitely a must. EXP AP GIL ITEM
5000 60 40000 All Creation .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
After defeating all five of the bosses, you get the Summon Leviathan Materia.
If you talk to them after you can leave the pagoda, Shake tells you a hint
about the Underwater Materia (see section VI:I, The Man in Kalm).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---F. Chocobos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - -
1. Catching
- - - - - - To catch Chocobos, you need the Chocobo Lure Materia. This can be purchased
(see section II:L, Chocobo Farm) at the Chocobo Farm, or found (see section
III:D, Return to Junon) later on. Now find Chocobo tracks. These are the V-shaped tracks on the World Map.
There are several sets of tracks: 1. Eastern Continent, near the Chocobo Farm.
2. Eastern Continent, just north of the Temple of the Ancients.
3. Western Continent, scattered on the small islands in the northwest corner.
4. Western Continent, southeast of the Gold Saucer.
5. Northern Continent, west of Icicle Inn.
6. Southern Continent, west of Mideel. Run around on these tracks with the Chocobo Lure Equipped. Depending on the
leve of the Materia, and with a little luck, you'll enter a fight. The music
is different in a Chocobo fight, it's like a beach party Chocobo theme.
Either kill off all of the enemies besides the Chocobo, or if you are at low
levels, feed the Chocobo a green to make him stick around longer. After a
turn or so, if all the enemies are not gone, and you haven't fed him, the
Chocobo takes off. You then have to find another one. After the fight, the message window says, "Caught a Chocobo.". Ride him
around if you wish (see section V:B.6, Controls/Chocobos), or hit X to get off
of him. If you have bought a Chocobo stable from Choco Bob at the Chocobo
Farm, you get the option to send him back to the stables. If not, he runs
off and is gone for good. Go to the Farm and enter the house to talk to
Choco Bob. Say the first option to buy a stable for 10000 gil. Head back to the Chocobo Farm and go into the barn. Talk to Choco Billy, and
ask him about "Moving Chocobos". You can select the Chocobo you just caught,
and either put him in the stables, let him go free, or cancel. - - - - - -
2. Breeding
- - - - - - This is where Chocobos get a little tough. You can breed Chocobos either just
to make more Chocobos, or breed them to be specific colors. Different colored
Chocobos can do different things (see section V:B.6, Controls/Chocobos). As you mate two Chocobos of opposite genders, you must feed them a Nut-type
item. These can be found all over the world, usually by defeating enemies.
For example, the Sahara Nut is found by defeating an enemy near the Gold
Saucer. Also, the higher stats that a Chocobo has, the higher stats it passes
on to its young. To get a crummy Chocobo:
Go to any of the tracks and catch a Chocobo. Send him back to the farm, and
tell Choco Billy to Move him. The Chocobo's head will be hanging and his tail
between his legs. This happens at random. Get rid of these Chocobos right
away. These Chocobos are bad breeders. To get an average Chocobo:
Go to any of the tracks and catch a Chocobo. Send him back to the farm, and
tell Choco Billy to Move him. The Chocobo will just be standing, and Choco
Billy says, "This is a pretty average Chocobo.". This happens at random.
Keep him if you just want to use him for general purpose riding. To get a walking Chocobo:
Go to the tracks near the Gold Saucer (see section VI:F.1, Chocobos/Catching).
Catch a Chocobo here. Send him back to the stables and tell Choco Billy to
Move him. The Chocobo will be walking when you see him. This happens at
random, as Chocobos here are either crummy, average, or walking. To get a running Chococo:
Go to the tracks near Mideel (see section VI:F.1, Chocobos/Catching). Catch
a Chocobo, and send him back to the stables. Tell Choco Billy to Move him,
and the Chocobo will be running. This happens at random, as Chocobos here
are either crummy, average, or running. These Chocobos have higher stats than
the walking ones. To get a dashing Chocobo:
Go to the tracks near Icicle Inn (see section VI:F.1, Chocobos/Catching).
Catch a Chocobo, and send him back to the stables. Tell Choco Billy to Move
him, and the Chocobo will be dashing with his head almost on the ground. This
happens at random, as Chocobos here are either crummy, average, or dashing.
These Chocobos have the highest stats of all the ones that you can catch. To get a Blue Chocobo:
Go to the Northern Continent. Land the Highwind on the peninsula south of
Bone Village. Run out to the end of the Peninsula, to the dark green grass.
Run around here to fight the Vlakorados. Steal a Carob Nut from him. Now
catch a walking Chocobo and a running Chocobo of opposite genders. Save your
game, then breed them with the Carob Nut. If you don't get a Blue Chocobo,
reset your game and breed them again. To get a Green Chocobo:
Same as getting a Blue Chocobo. Actually, you can either get a Blue, Green,
or Yellow one by this method. To get a Black Chocobo:
Get another Carob Nut. Now get a Blue Chocobo and a Green Chocobo of opposite
genders. Visit the Chocobo Sage (see section VI:B.5, Chocobos/Chocobo Sage).
Buy 20 Sylkis Greens. Give 10 to the Blue Chocobo and 10 to the Green
Chocobo. Race them both (see section VI:B.4, Chocobos/Racing) until they are
both in Class A. Save. Breed them with the Carob Nut. If you don't get a
Black Chocobo, reset and try again. To get a Gold Chocobo:
Go to Goblin Island (see section V:H.3, Locations/Islands) and steal a Zeio
Nut from the Goblins here. Get a Black Chocobo and a dashing Chocobo of
opposite genders. Visit the Chocobo Sage, and buy 20 Sylkis Greens. Feed 10
of them to your Black Chocobo, and 10 to your dashing Chocobo. Race them
until they are both Class A. Save. Breed them with the Zeio Nut. If you
don't get a Gold Chocobo, reset and try again. - - - - - -
3. Raising
- - - - - - Chocobos need TLC to grow up strong. Which Greens you feed them decides what
their stats will be. Either buy greens from Choco Billy, or the Chocobo Sage.
The more expensive that a Green is, the higher it raises stats. The three
stats that a Chocobo has are Speed, Stamina, and Intelligence. Mimett Greens
increase speed, while Sylkis Greens increase all three. The higher a
Chocobo's stats are, the better he is to breed and race. - - - - -
4. Racing
- - - - - To race Chocobos, go the the Gold Saucer's Chocobo Square. Run up inside and
talk to Ester, who is standing to the left. She will let you race any of your
Chocobos. Pick which one you wish to race. Then pick the long or short
course. During a race, you can either let the Chocobo control itself (which is a good
idea if the Chocobo has high intelligence), or hit Aelect and control it
yourself. Hit Select to toggle back and forth from automatic to manual
control. If the Chocobo is burning himseld out, switch over to manual control
and slow him down. The controls here are X to slow down, Square to speed up,
O to speed boost, and Select toggles auto/manual. The Chocobo's stamina is shown on the left. If the red bar is depleted all
the way, the Chocobo goes _much_ slower. Dashing with the O button depletes
this bar very fast. Each time you win a race, you can win an item, or exchange it for GP. The
better the item is, the more GP you can exchange it for. Every three races
you win, your Chocobo moves up a Class. Each Class is harder than the
previous one. All Chocobos start out at Class C. Then there are Classes B,
A, and S. S is the special Class that appears if you beat three A Class
races. The only Chocobo that stands a chance here is the Gold Chocobo. By the way, a little secret... If you hold L1, R1, L2, and R2 during the
race, your Chocobo's stamina fills back up slowly!!!!!! - - - - - - - -
5. Chocobo Sage
- - - - - - - - Enter the Chocobo Sage's (see section VI:G.4, Locations/Other Places of
Interest). Talk to the Green Chocobo on the left for an Enemy Skill Materia.
Now go up the stairs to the Sage himself. Talk to him. At first he won't
remember who he is, but after a while he'll even sell things to you. This is
the only place in the game that you can buy the precious Sylkis Green. Each
time you breed a new type of Chocobo, come back here and he'll explain how
you did it (big help, hey?). Then return to the Chocobo Farm and tell Chole
(the girl in the barn). She writes all that stuff down.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---G. Natural Materia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - -
1. Explanation
- - - - - - - - Natural Materia is very rare Materia occurring naturally. There are very
few places in the world where it exists. Over the course of time, Mako energy
crystallizes into Materia. There are five places in the world where this
phenomenon takes place. There is one of each color of Natural Materia: Green,
Blue, Yellow, Purple, and Red. - - - - - -
2. Mt Nibel
- - - - - - You first see the green Natural Materia here when you remember going into the
mountains with Tifa and Sephiroth. There is a Mako fountain, and there is a
large green chunk of Natural Materia here. Too bad you can't get it. - - - - - - - -
3. Quadra Magic
- - - - - - - - This blue Materia is found in the Southernmost Cave (see section V:H.4,
Locations/Other Places of Interest). Enter the cave with a Blue, Black, or
Gold Chocobo, and grab the blue Materia. This Materia lets you cast the
linked magic _FOUR_ times in one turn. - - - - - - - -
4. Mime
- - - - - - - -
This yellow Materia is found in the Westernmost Cave (see section V:H.4,
Locations/Other Places of Interest). Enter the cave with a Green, Black, or
Gold Chocobo, and grab the yellow Materia. This Materia lets you repeat the
last command executed in battle, without losing MP for it. - - - - - - - -
5. HP<->MP
- - - - - - - -
This purple Materia is found in the Western Cave (see section V:H.4,
Locations/Other Places of Interest). Enter the cave with a Black or Gold
Chocobo, and grab the purple Materia. This Materia lets you switch the number
of your max HP with your max MP. You can have up to 9999 MP, but only 999 HP. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6. Summon Knights of the Round
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This red Materia is found in the cave on Round Island (see section V:H.4,
Locations/Other Places of Interest). Enter the cave with a Gold Chocobo, and
grab the red Materia. This Materia lets you Summon the Knights of the Round
Table, who hit 13 times from 5000-9999 HP of damage a piece.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---H. Master Materia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -
1. Types
- - - - - There are three types of Master Materia: Master Magic, Master Command, and
Master Summon. Master Magic lets you cast _any_ Green Materia-type magic
command. Master Command lets you use Steal, Sense, Throw, Morph, Deathblow,
Manipulate, and Mime. Master Summon allows you to Summon any monster. - - - - - -
2. Getting
- - - - - - The Master Materias are gotten by first getting all of the Huge Materias from
the Materia quests, see sections III:F, III:G, III:I, and III:K. You need the Huge Green Materia from Corel (see section III:F, Back to Corel)
to get the Master Magic Materia. Then you need to master one of each of every
green Materia. There are 21 types. They are Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth,
Poison, Gravity, Comet, Contain, Ultima, Restore, FullCure, Heal, Revive,
Seal, Mystify, Transform, Exit, Time, Barrier, Destruct, and Shield. Go to
Cosmo Canyon and touch the Huge Green Materia after this, and you will get the
Master Magic Materia. You need the Huge Yellow Materia from Fort Condor (see section III:G, Fort
Condor) to get the Master Command Materia. You also need to master one of
each of seven of the yellow Materias: Steal, Sense, Throw, Morph, Deathblow,
Manipulate, and Mime. Then go to Cosmo Canyon and tough the Huge Yellow
Materia for the Master Command Materia. You need both the Huge Blue Materia from Rocket Town (see section III:K,
Rocket Town Revisited), and the Huge Red Materia from the sunked sub (see
section III:I, the Submarine in Junon). Get the Summon Bahamut Materia and
the Summon Neo Bahamut Materia, then go to Cosmo Canyon and touch the Huge
Blue Materia. You will get the Summon Bahamut ZERO Materia. Master all 16
Summons, Choco/Mog, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Titan, Odin, Leviathan, Kjata,
Bahamut, Alexander, Neo Bahamut, Phoenix, Hades, Bahamut ZERO, Typoon, and
Knights of the Round. Then return to Cosmo Canyon and touch the Huge Red
Materia for the Master Summon Materia. Alternately, get the Earth Harp from the Emerald Weapon (see section VI:J.4,
The Weapons/Emerald Weapon) and give it to the man in Kalm (see section VI:I,
The Man in Kalm) to get all three Master Materias.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---I. The Man in Kalm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After defeating the Diamond Weapon, go into Kalm. Enter the house on the
far right and talk to the man upstairs. He tells you that he is looking for
three very special items: 1. The Guidebook
2. The Earth Harp
3. The Desert Rose Number 1 is found in the underwater tunnel of the Junon submarine dock. Morph
one of the Ghost Ships here to get it. The man gives you the Underwater
Materia for it. The Underwater Materia lets you breathe underwater while
fighting the Emerald Weapon. Number 2 is found by beating the Emerald Weapon. He trades you for one of
each of the Master Materias: Master Magic, Master Skill, and Master Summon! Number 3 is found by beating the Ruby Weapon. In exchange, you get a Gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---J. The Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are five large Weapon monsters that emerge from the Northern Crater
after the incident with Cloud and Sephiroth: - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. The Original Weapon
- - - - - - - - - - - - This is the first weapon. It attacks Junon and gets its head blown into bits
by the Sister Ray. Still, he's a Weapon and worth mentioning. - - - - - - - - -
2. Ultima Weapon
- - - - - - - - - This is the Weapon you fight first in Mideel. See this strategy in section
III:H (Lifestream). After the fight with the Diamond Weapon, the Ultima
Weapon appears over the large crater near Midgar. Crash into him with the
Highwind. Fight him using the same strategy. He flies off; follow him and
crash into him about five times and he will head to another location. Fight
him here. Repeat this a couple times until he lands near Cosmo Canyon. This
is the final fight with him.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... ULTIMA WEAPON Use your strongest Summons and Magic Attacks here. The Ultima Weapon can
attack with his Ultima Beam, which hurts. Cure often and he should not be
a threat. EXP AP GIL ITEM
35000 3500 25000 Ultima Weapon .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
You win Cloud's ultimate weapon from him, the Ultima Weapon. He then crashes
into the ground, making the Ancient Forest accessible by foot. - - - - - - - - -
3. Diamond Weapon
- - - - - - - - - This Weapon rises from the sea and attacks Midgar. See section III:M
(Bugenhagen's Adventure) for more information. - - - - - - - - -
4. Emerald Weapon
- - - - - - - - - This Weapon is underwater. First, get the Underwater Materia (see section
VI:I, The Man in Kalm) from the Ghost Ship. Equip it, then take your sub
from Junon and dive. Swim around until you see a large green moving object.
Crash into it for one of the hardest battles in the game...
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... EMERALD WEAPON Make sure everyone in the party has a max HP/MP of 9999/999. Then equip the
Underwater Materia (see section VI:I, The Man in Kalm). The easiest way to
kill him is with the All Lucky 7's trick (read section VI:M, All Lucky 7's).
Get a party member into this mode before the fight. After the barrage of 64
hits, use W-Summon Knights of the Round. Have 2 Mime Materias (yes, that
means you'll have to master one to spawn another), and Mime the W-Summon
twice. This should kill the Emerald Weapon. Equip Final Attack/Revive just
in case... EXP AP GIL ITEM
50000 50000 50000 Earth Harp .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
- - - - - - - -
5. Ruby Weapon
- - - - - - - - This guy is in the desert near the Gold Saucer. He appears after you kill
the Diamond Weapon. Run into the red thing that is squirming around and
fight him. .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... RUBY WEAPON This guy really doesn't have to be as hard as everyone makes him out to be.
To beat him the easy way, with all three party members left, get either 3 Mime
Materias (master it twice) or 2 Mime Materias (master one to get the other)
and the Master Command Materia. Also have either the Summon Hades Materia or
a mastered Time Materia. Also, have the W-Summon Materia, a Mastered Enemy
Skill Materia, and the Master Summon Materia. Added to this, make sure you
use HP Plus and MP Plus Materias to give everyone 9999 HP and 999 MP. With
the following method you can easily finish off the Ruby Weapon at level 70.
Equip everyone with Mystiles and either Ribbons or Fire Rings. BTW, the
Master Materias can be obtained by defeating the Emerald Weapon and reading
section VI:I (The Man in Kalm). You may say, "Joe, this is totally unorthodox! You can't use Knights of the
Round on him, he counters with Ultima! And I don't see any Revive or Restore
Materia, and where's the Final Attack Materia??!?!?! What are you, dumb?!?!"
No. I'm not. Now, equip Cloud with the W-Summon Materia, the Knights of
the Round Materia, and either the Mime Materia or the Master Command Materia.
Equip the others each with a Mime, and give one the Enemy Skill Materia, and
one the Summon Hades Materia. Put the Bahamut ZERO/Quadra Magic on someone. Kill off everyone except for the person with the Enemy Skill Materia in
another fight. Enter the fight with Ruby Weapon with only this person alive.
Have him raise everyone with Angel Whisper. Then cast Big Guard. Next, use
the Summon Hades Materia (or use the spell Stop) on the Ruby Weapon. This
should Stop him. Cast W-Summon of Knights of the Round with Cloud, then Mime
it with the others. Since Ruby Weapon is stopped, he cannot counter. Keep
Miming until he dies. Odds are that he will wake up during this process.
He uses Ultima. Revive and Restore your party with Angel Whisper. Stop Ruby
again with Hades or Stop, and attack with W-Summon Knights of the Round. Mime
it. You kill him. YAY!!! Otherwise, if you do the battle differently, here's some stuff to know. If
you enter the battle with more than one living person, Ruby will not start
out with his claws in the ground. He will use Whirlsand to erase your party
down to one member. The others will be gone for the fight. Also, he will
counter Knights of the Round with Ultima. ALSO, he has like 800000 HP and
takes forever to kill, since only Knights of the Round and the Bahamut Summons
do any substancial damage. ALSO, many spells and Summons cure him. Lastly,
his tentacles can counter viciously, decreasing your HP or MP levels to
critical. EXP AP GIL ITEM
45000 50000 30000 Desert Rose .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---K. Turtle's Paradise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Turtle's Paradise is an exclusive club. You need to find all six flyers
scattered around the world. They are: No. 1: In Midgar's Sector 5 Slums. Read the papers on the little boy's wall.
See section II:I (Destruction of Sector 7). No. 2: In Shinra Headquarters. A bulletin board on the first floor, upper
right corner. See section II:J (Shinra Bldg). No. 3: Ghost Square in the Gold Saucer. In the lobby of the hotel, read the
sign that reads "SHOP". See section II:R (Gold Saucer). No. 4: Tigerlily's Arms Shop, Cosmo Canyon. See section II:T (Cosmo Canyon). No. 5: Inn, Cosmo Canyon. See section II:T (Cosmo Canyon). No. 6: Yuffie's Basement, Wutai. Only readable in her subquest. See section
VI:E (Yuffie's Subquest). After reading all six flyers (in no particular order), go to Wutai and talk
to the bartender (The bar is the large building in the lower left, with the
big pot outside). He gives you a Power Source, Guard Source, Magic Source,
Mind Source, Speed Source, Luck Source, and a Megalixir!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---L. Sector 5 Key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Premium Heart -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=-
You can only do this after Cloud comes out of his vegetative state. If you return to Midgar, a man is standing outside the gate, saying he lost
his key during an excavation. Go to Bone Village and use the bombers again.
Search for Good Treasure. The key is to the right side of the first level.
There is a tiny piece of metal sticking out from the jumbled mass on the
right, the Key to Sector 5 is just under it. Go back to Midgar and enter. Go back to Wall Market, to the hut marked ITEM.
Get the Premium Heart here, Tifa's ultimate weapon. Also, go back to the
weapon shop and talk to the man on the left. He'll sell you a Sneak Glove
for 129000 gil.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---M. All Lucky 7's ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This trick is one of the coolest in the game. If you get someone's HP to 7777
and get into a fight, they will hit the enemies 64 times for 7777 damage!
Also, from then until the end of the fight, if their HP stays at 7777, any
attack they do will hit for 7777 (physical, magical, summon, limit break, you
name it, it does it!)!!! After the fight, everyone's HP will drop to 1,
though. The tricky part is getting their HP to 7777. Make sure that your max HP is
greater than 7777, and your current HP is less than 7777. Go somewhere where
fights are easy, like around Midgar. Sit still and let the enemies take
chunks out of you until _ANYONE'S_ HP ends in a "77". Then finish the fight,
and use Potions and Hi-Potions to get the hundreds and thousands digits to
"77" also. You're all set!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---N. Level 4 Limit Break Manuals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Each person has one Level 4 Limit Break. It is only activated by an item.
The person has to have learned all the level 1, 2, and 3 Limit Breaks to use
the Limit Break Manual item. Here's the items and how to get them:
Cloud - Omnislash
Go to the Gold Saucer. If you get enough Battle Points at the battle square
you can buy it. On disc 1 it costs 51200 Battle Points, and after that, it's
only 32000.
Tifa - Final Heaven
Go to Tifa's house in Nibelheim. Play the piano. Use the following buttons
to play the Highwind theme: X, Square, Triangle, L1 and triangle, L1 and square, X, Square, L1 and O,
Triangle, X, Square, X. The item will fall out of the sheet music that Tifa has.
Barret - Catastrophe
Go to his hometown after the Huge Materia quest. Talk to the lady in the
upper left house. She gives you it as a memento of her husband.
Aeris - Great Gospel
Go to the cave directly south of Midgar. Talk to the sleeping man. If the
number of fights that you have fought has the same last two digits, like 211
or 633, he will give you an item. If Aeris is alive, he gives you the item
Mythril. If not, he gives you a Bolt Ring. Take the Mythril to the Weapon
Seller's. He lets you pick the chest (with a Gold Armlet), or Aeris's Great
Red XIII - Cosmo Memory
Won from the Lost Number in the safe of Nibelheim (see section VI:A, The
Safe in Shinra Mansion). Cait Sith - None Cid - Highwind
In a chest in the sunken plane (see section III:J, Sunken Plane). Yuffie - All Creation
Won after defeating Yuffie's father in her subquest (see section VI:E,
Yuffie's Subquest). Vincent - Chaos
Found in Vincent's Waterfall, in Vincent's subquest (see section VI:D,
Vincent's Subquest).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---O. Top-Secret Unlimited Item Cheat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Equip the W-Item Materia. Enter a battle (preferably an easy one). Defend
until you get to the person with the W-Item Materia. Pick any one item that
you would like more of. Use it on someone. Then pick another item, but
instead of selecting someone to use it on, hit X. This brings you back to
select another item. If you look back, there will be another of the first
item you used. Keep hitting O, then X, over and over until you have the
desired amount of the item. Then hit X a bunch of times and finish off the
fight. Read section V:J (General Tips) for useful applications.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---P. Ancient Forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=- Stuff you can find here: -Supershot ST
-Spring Gun Clip
-Slash-All Materia
-Minerva Band
-Summon Typoon Materia
-Elixir -=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=--=-=-=-
To get to the Ancient Forest, you need a Green, Black or Gold Chocobo, or
to defeat the Ultima Weapon. Enter the Forest. Here you can grab things
like frogs and hornet's nests with the O button. If you ever mess up, hit
the Square button to restart this area. Grab the little frog on the left and put him by the other two on the right.
Now stand up on the ledge by the three hanging bags and put one of the frogs
in. Grab another, then jump off the ledge and put him in the next one. Put
the last frog in the last bag and hop across. Go down by the pink flower
(which bites, I might add, if you get too close). Stand right by the second
row of teeth and hit O to get the bag inside (Supershot ST). Go right and
grab the pink vine to cross the hole, then run up and get the Spring Gun Clip.
Leave to the right. Grab a small frog and stand under the pink vine. Move around a bit until it
asks you "Jump or Stay". Pick Jump, then put the frog in the bag to the
right. The next bag is full, so jump across to the vine and fall. Grab the
big frog and walk up the greenish ledge. Put the frog in the bag to the left.
Stand on the bag until the frog escapes, he will boost you to the hornet's
nest. Grab the nest and jump down. Throw it into the flower and get the
Slash-All Materia. Now grab the big frog again, but this time throw him in
the bag to the right. Stay there until he jumps out, boosting you over the
flower. Exit to the right. Grab the frog to the right and put him in the first bag, then grab the frog
closer to the left and put him in the second. Jump to the vine. You end up
in the tree. Run left and down to get the treasure on the last screen, a
Minerva Band. Climb down the branch and repeat the procedure you used last
time to get to the next screen. Go back up into the trees, this time taking the top branch around to the
right. Climb to the broken branch on the right and use it to vault across
three pink vines. Get the Summon Typoon Materia below, then go back across
and take the other branch down. Walk down the rope. Grab a small frog and go right, to the bags. Toss the
frog in and jump up to the hornet's nest. Toss it onto the flower, which
closes. Grab the small frog, go to the upper left, and toss him in the bag.
Jump across. Grab the small frog, and put him in the hole in the tree trunk.
Out comes a big frog. Throw him in the bag you just came from, and go across. Wait for the big frog to get free, then grab him and take him right. Toss him
in the bag, and wait for him to pop out. He boosts you across to the cave.
Enter the cave and get the Apocalypse from the chest on the right. Continue
up and get the Elixir from the chest in the upper right corner. Leave.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Q. The Man at the Gold Saucer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Every once in a great while, when you first enter the Gold Saucer, there will
be a man standing to the left. He is back to the right of the save point,
peeking around the corner of the building. He will exchange your gil for GP.
Every 100 gil equals 1 Gp. The odds of finding this man are very slim. You
can do only one transaction, up to 100 GP, and then he leaves.
=VII. Other Stuff =
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---A. Stuff from Other Final Fantasies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are many elements in this game that have have taken or modified from
the other games in the Final Fantasy Series. - - - - - - -
1. Materia/AP
- - - - - - - The idea for Materia is not entirely new. Final Fantasy V had almost the same
system. You could only equip a character with one Crystal Piece, and that
determined his job. The jobs included White Mage, Black Mage, Thief, and
Caller, to mention a few. In Final Fantasy VII, you can make a person one of
these classes, it's just more flexible. The points that a character gained
in FFV were Ability Points, which let them do better jobs. - - - - - -
2. Summons
- - - - - - In previous Final Fantasy games, these were called Call Magic (or in Final
Fantasy VI, Espers). The ones in past games have included: Shiva (FF3),
Ifrit (FF3), Ramuh (FF3), Leviathan (FF3), Bahamut (FF3), Odin (FF3),
Phoenix (FF6), Alexander (FF6), Titan (FF3), and Chocobo (FF3). - - - - - -
3. Enemies
- - - - - - There are many enemies taken from other FF games. Examples are the
Cactuer (called Cactrot in FF6), Behemoth (FF4), Demon Wall (FF6),
Malboro (called Molbol in FF6), Blue and Red Dragons (FF4), Bomb and Grenade
(FF6), Magic Pot (FF5), and Tonberry (FF4). - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Chocobos and Moogles
- - - - - - - - - - - - In previous games, Chocobos have served as both transportation and as Call
Magic. There was a few different colored Chocobos. Black ones could fly,
Fat ones could store items, White ones restored MP. In fact, in FF5, the
main character's best friend is a Chocobo names Boco. The Chocobo music is
another thing that has remained constant. The theme is played in the Chocobo
Farm when you get the Summon Choco/Mog Materia, when you ride a Chocobo, and
when you race a Chocobo. Moogles usually played bigger parts in FF games. In this game, a Moogle can
be Summoned along with a Chocobo. Cait Sith rides a giant Moogle. The entire
theme of the Gold Saucer is Chocobos and Moogles. Too bad one can't join
your party in this game. - - - - -
5. Items
- - - - - Many items have been carried over. The Potions and Ethers have existed since
the first Final Fantasy. Phoenix Downs have been around since at least FF4.
Tents, the Gungir Spear, the Masamune, the Antidote, Sprint Shoes, the Cursed
Ring, the Sneak Ring, and the entire lines of Mithril and Aegis armor have
come from other Final Fantasy games. - - - - -
6. Magic
- - - - - This is the part that has really remained true. Just about every spell and
Enemy Skill in every FF game is here. We have Cure, Bio, L.4 Death, Death
Sentence, Slow Numb, Goblin Punch, Aqua Breath (called Aqualung here), Meteor,
Holy, and Ultima encompass only a small fraction of these. - - - - - - - - - - - -
7. The Airship and Cid
- - - - - - - - - - - - What is it with Airships? The first one appears in the first Final Fantasy,
and there has been one in almost every one since then. Airships have been
able to do different things, like drill through rock, carry other items, or
even fly to the moon. And the airships have been accompanied by a guy named Cid, ever since FF3.
Why is this? He has changed from just a normal guy, to a nerdy, short, fat
guy with glasses, to a renegade guy in this game.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---B. The Mini-Games ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - -
1. Motorcycle
- - - - - - - The first time you encounter this in section II:J (Shinra Bldg.), it's not
really a game, you're playing for your life. Afterwards, you can play at the
arcade in Wonder Square of the Gold Saucer. The object is to save the truck from the other motorcycles. Slash them or
otherwise run them off the road. When you make it to the end of the road, the
game ends. The controls are: Square - Attack Left
O - Attack Right
Left - Steer Left
Right - Steer Right
Triangle - Menu
X - Form Party
Start - Start Game - - - - - - -
2. Snowboard
- - - - - - - The snowboard game is first encountered in section III:B (Icicle Inn). Later
on, you can play it at the Gold Saucer. The object is to get down the hill
in as short of an amount of time as possible. Also, you can get points by
collecting the balloons. When you play at the Gold Saucer, you are rated
in points. You can only choose the beginner's path at first, but after you
get a "good" rating here, can go on to the expert path. After you get a
"good" rating there, you can go to the crazy path. If you get a "good" on
crazy, a yellow balloon appears at the beginning of the course. Get it to
enter time attack mode. There are objects in the way to stop you. Don't hit
them. Steer around the turns and jump over the stuff in your way. The controls are: Up - Start
Left - Steer Left
Right - Steer Right
L1 - Steer Hard Left
R1 - Steer Hard Right
X - Slow Down
O - Jump - - - - - - -
3. Submarine
- - - - - - - This game is found either in section III:I (The Submarine at Junon), or at the
Gold Saucer after section III:I. The object here is to find and destroy the
red submarine. Also destroy the yellow submarines, while avoiding their
missiles and mines. You have ten minutes. The controls are: Up - Descend
Down - Ascend
Left - Rotate Left
Right - Rotate Right
Triangle - Speed Up
X - Slow Down
Square - Fire Torpedo!
R1 - Radar Toggle - - - - - - - -
4. Fort Condor
- - - - - - - - The object of this game is to protect the reactor from the enemies. This is
done in a Warcraft style interface. Make sure you have plenty of gil before
playing. You can buy and strategically place units up and down the hillside.
Certain units are strong and weak against other units. Eventually after you
kill off all of the enemies, the large boss comes up the hill. Divert all
of your forces to attack him and destroy him. Attackers are strong against Beasts, but weak against Barbarians.
Defenders are strong against Barbarians, but weak against Wyverns.
Shooters are strong against Wyverns, but weak against Beasts.
All other units are equally matched with enemy units. Place Tristoners to cover the paths up the mountain. Have Repairers waiting
just behind them to fix them and cure your other units. Have a stock of
units behind each Tristoner. Send units out to attack, and have then come
back when injured, to be cured by the Repairer. This fight is pretty easy
if you have a lot of gil. If you lose, you must fight the Commander. Depending on which battle number
that you are on, he is harder as you go along.
.........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------......... CMD. GRAND HORN Strong physical and Magic attacks here. He's no problem. EXP AP GIL ITEM
200 20 2400 Vagyrisk Claw or EXP AP GIL ITEM
400 40 4800 None or EXP AP GIL ITEM
8000 80 9600 Imperial Guard .........---------=========+++++++++BOSS+++++++++=========---------.........
=VIII. Stuff to Throw in at the End=
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---A. How to Contact Me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leave email for me: jwnrski@execpc.com or visit my homepage http://www.execpc.com/~jwnrski Please tell me what you think. Suggestions? Comments? Let me know!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---B. Release Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is just a walkthrough. I don't know if I'll ever update it unless I get
a large response to it. I typed this whole document in DOS Edit, it took
about a week (hey, I _do_ have work and all...). It is finally done on
01/18/98. Now I can get some rest...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---C. Stuff I Need/Don't Need to Know ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I need to know the following information: _Any_ items or Materia that I missed
Info on the unlimited money card in Kalm
Tips that aren't in here
If there are any typos in the file
I _DO NOT_ need to know the following information: How to revive Aeris. It can't be done. Get over it!
How to beat the Weapons
How to breed Chocobos
GameShark Codes. I don't think I'm gonna put these in right now.
Tips that are in here
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---D. Greetz/Thanx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greetz to my family. Also to Rob, Chris, Dave, James, Mike, Steve, Shawn,
Pete, Dan, Chad, and, well, everyone else I know. It's about 3 a.m. right
now, I don't remember everyone's names that I know. Thanx to, uhm, me, for typing this. I got no help on this one. Oh yeah,
big thanx to Square for an awesome game. Any Sony for an awesome system.
